Single Wish: Rise Of The Omniscient Paragon

Chapter 79 79

Chapter 79 79: Let's Go Home



Seeing the name of the beast in the egg on the translucent screen caused Corey to raise an eyebrow, it sounded cool and ominous and the thought of him having such a bird as his pet caused him to be excited.

"Yes, make it my pet."

With anticipation in his heart, he replied.

Though, the moment he gave his consent, something which he never expected to happen, happened.

The egg trembled and just as Corey was beginning to worry, his eyes went blank and the surroundings in his vision changed.


Corey exclaimed with a baffled expression as the change in environment was so abrupt and when he looked around, his bafflement increased.

He was floating in a dark space and he could see some large round objects in the distance. The more he looked at the round objects, the more he realized that they looked like planets and even burning stars.

"Holy shit. Am I in space?"

He exclaimed with a shocked expression when he came to the conclusion that there were stars and planets all around him.

"How the hell did I get here?"

"And if I'm in space then where is the sun?"

Corey muttered since he couldn't find the sun in front of him. He looked behind him but what he saw stunned him.

He found the 'sun' of this place but this 'sun' was not fiery red like how a normal sun was meant to be.

Instead it was like an extremely large ball of whiteness and there were thick chains all around it.

The 'sun' in front of him was strange to Corey but what truly stunned Corey was the thing in front of the 'sun'.

A titanic black bird with six wings and an eerie white mist around it's wings floated in front of the 'sun' while flapping it's wings.

Just as Corey was observing the bird, the bird turned it's head and looked at him.

The moment it's gaze landed on Corey, he trembled and when he blinked, his surroundings changed and he was back in the academy.

"Huh. I'm back."

Corey mumbled then he looked at the black egg in front of him with a confused expression.

"Did I just make a mistake?"

Corey mumbled and just as he did,


A crack appeared on the egg causing Corey to be stunned.

Crack Crack Crack

More cracks formed on the egg and Corey took a step back, the image of the gigantic six winged black bird appeared in his eyes for a second and he took another step back involuntarily.

With slight apprehension, he waited and even got ready for a battle, but when the egg fully cracked and the bird inside appeared in front of him, he was stunned to stupor.

"Why was I now afraid?"

Corey muttered when he saw a normal sized bird appear in front of his eyes. The bird was extremely black and looked like a Crow.

As he looked at the crow-like bird, it also looked at him and Corey could see intelligence in it's eyes. Not only that, Corey could feel a certain connection between him and the bird.

He took a step forward but just as he did, the bird flapped it's wings and much to Corey's shock, it flew away.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?!"

Corey shouted and jumped at the bird wanting to catch it but as if the bird had eyes at the back of it's head, it dodged Corey's hands causing Corey to fall while cursing.



Corey cursed as he landed and he quickly looked for the bird and chased it.

"Come here damn it!"

Corey cursed as he chased after the bird.

There was no way he was going to let the spirit devouring bird leave after he gave the bird of oblivion to Ashley.

That would be a major loss for him!

"There's no way you're escaping!"

Corey shouted and just as he did, a baffled expression appeared on his face when he saw the destination of the bird.

The bird flew towards the burnt tier 2 Smiley and much to Corey's surprise, it cawed then flapped it's wings and a white mist flowed out of the corpse into the mouth of the bird.

It cawed once again and this time it flew towards Corey.

Corey seeing the bird coming towards him had an expression of relief. He stretched out his right arm, expecting the bird to stay on it but much to his shock, it flew to his head and perched there.


"What do you think you're doing there? Come down here you damn bird."

Corey with an expression of anger tried to grab the bird and remove it from it's head but the bird pecked his hand with it's sharp beak.


Corey cursed, then he tried to remove the bird again but the bird pecked his hand again.

"You damn bird."

Corey cursed while gritting his teeth. He was about to try again even if it meant he was going to use force, but just as he was about to move his hand, he heard a voice.

"It seems you guys are closer than I expected."

Corey looked at Ashley who spoke with a smile of amusement.

"How come your own bird went to that different space you talked about, but mine is perching on top of my head. I didn't do anything to it."

With annoyance in his tone, he spoke and Ashley just shrugged and was about to speak, but the moment she opened her lips to speak, the tattoo on her left shoulder shined and the bird of oblivion appeared.

Ashley was stunned and so was Corey.

The bird of oblivion didn't bother with any of the two mortal humans.

It had an expression of shock and fear as it looked at the spirit devouring bird on top of Corey's head.


It glanced at Corey for a few seconds before it bowed it's head at the spirit devouring bird and made a sound.


The spirit devouring bird replied with an indifferent expression and the bird of oblivion trembled slightly before it turned into black lights and formed a tattoo on Ashley's left shoulder.

Corey had question marks all over his head because he could understand the conversation between the two birds to a certain extent and he knew that the bird of oblivion was apologizing to the damn bird on top of his head but the bird on top of his head just replied that it was fine.

"You should give your bird a name."

He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard the voice of Ashley and it took him a few seconds to register what she said before his eyes lit up and a name automatically popped into his head.




"Ouch! What was that for!"

Corey rubbed his forehead which had a slight bump on it due to the bird pecking it with anger.

"She obviously doesn't like it, so change it."

Ashley giggled seeing the aggrieved expression on Corey's face as he rubbed his forehead.

"Why won't she-"josei

"Wait, She?"

Corey who was at first mumbling had a look of confusion hearing the gender Ashley gave the bird.

"The bird is a she. Mia told me that she's a she and that you must treat her well."

Ashley said causing Corey's confusion to increase.

"Your pet is a female and you named her Mia? Why didn't you name her Three-headed Chicken or just chicken?"

He asked and Ashley's lips twitched repeatedly. She consoled Mia repeatedly who wanted to come out and blast a fire breath at Corey, making sure he turned to ashes.

"Just find a better name for your pet."

Ashley said and Corey rubbed his chin for a few seconds before his eyes lit up.





"Damn it!"

"Alright, Wingie!"



"Fuck! my head!"

"What's wrong with those names?!

Alright your name is pest!"


Peck! Peck! Peck! Peck!...

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"

"Stop it damn it!"

Mrs. Ashley mouth repeatedly twitched seeing Corey repeatedly suffer from the spirit devouring bird.

"Why don't you just name it Rhea?"

Although she was tempted to not help Corey since it was funny watching him suffer from his pet, she decided to help since she wanted to truly leave the academy and go back to her family.

Meanwhile Corey and the spirit devouring bird hearing the words of Ashley stopped fighting and arguing.

They looked at each other and Corey spoke.

"Do you like Rhea?"

He asked but the bird did not reply. She just flew to his head and perched on top of his head causing Corey's lips to twitch.

"Rhea it is then."

He said then looked around and a relieved light could be seen in his eyes.

"I can finally go home." He muttered.

"No, we can finally go to our homes."

Ashley appeared beside him and spoke softly. Corey looked at her and she gestured to her subordinates in the distance who were celebrating and discussing happily with each other.

Relieved, Happy and Joyous expressions could be seen on the faces of most.

As he was looking at the expressions of the survivors, his eyes landed on Becca who although had a relieved expression, still had a hint of sadness in her eyes.

He looked for Luke and saw him talking and laughing with some other guys.

He sighed softly then looked at Ashley.

"I have to apologize to Becca. I'll be back."

He said and Ashley nodded without saying a word.

Corey exhaled softly then walked towards Becca.

A few seconds later, he stood a few meters away from Becca with his heart beating a little bit faster than normal.


He called out and Becca who was speaking with another female turned back and when she did, her pupils shook slightly and her expression changed.

She turned back and was about to walk away but Corey quickly grabbed her by the arm.

"Wait. I want to apologize."

Corey said and Becca stopped struggling but didn't face Corey.

"Look... I'm sorry for all the things I said back then. It's just that I was really worried for you and with all the things Luke has done to you, I was worried he would hurt you again and I didn't want that."

"You were there for me in my darkest times and I'm really grateful for that. Even when I avoided everybody and didn't speak to anybody, you called me and always checked up on me."

"I care about you Becca. Since you didn't choose me, I won't say I love you but I still care for you. You're like my best friend so I'll always care for you and I'm truly, truly sorry for all that I said back then."

"I just want you to be happy, please forgive me."

With his hand no longer holding her arm, Corey spoke softly and he could see Becca tremble slightly.

"Becca. If you don't want to forgive me, just walk away and if you forgive me, come and hug me."

Corey spoke softly with his arms outstretched and with his heart beating faster than normal, he waited and much to his surprise, relief and joy, Becca turned back and hugged him with tears streaming down her face.

"I'm sorry also. I'm sorry."

With a muffled voice, Becca spoke and Corey just rubbed her head with a smile.

"It's okay Becca. You don't have to apologize."

He spoke in a soothing voice while rubbing Becca's head softly.

"I missed you. I really did. Ever since the apocalypse started, I was worried about you."

Hearing the words spoken by Becca, a smile broke out from Corey's lips and just as he open his lips to speak,

Ring Ring

Ring Ring

A sound disrupted him and with a stunned, confused and surprised expression, his phone rang.

He brought out his phone from his pocket, wondering who would be calling him by this time exactly, ruining the perfect moment he had with Becca.

He looked at the caller ID and the moment he saw the name, his eyes lit up and an expression filled with happiness appeared on his face.

"Anna, I was just about to call-"

He spoke but his next words were stuck in his throat when he heard the words spoken on the phone.

"Brother… Brother… Please help.

Mom... Dad... Everybody… They're all dead.

I could not defeat them… I could not defeat him… He's too powerful.

Please... Help."

With a strained voice and a voice filled with tears and pain, his sister spoke and Corey's world came crashing down.




[A/N: And Volume 1 is done and dusted.

I want to say a big thank you to all of you that supported this novel during volume 1 with power stones, golden tickets, gifts, comments and reviews.

Volume 2 would have dark scenes, emotional rollercoasters, a different side to Corey, lots of madness and so much more.

I don't want to say too much, so I welcome all of you to VOLUME 2 titled... WELCOME TO THE UNDERWORLD.

I hope you guys enjoy it.

Also, please know that I might not be able to upload tomorrow, I'm not sure, it depends.

Sorry for the inconvenience.]

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