Slowly Falling For Changkong

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Chapter 15


Curious, Xu Lian put down the candle and picked up the model plane.

She could tell that it was hand-made, thought their skills were questionable. The plane wasn’t made very well, and she could see slightly rougher spots. But being hand-made, she could tell the mindset of the person who made it. She could see that the person was very attentive to the details, and liked planes very much.

She placed the model back to its original position and moved her gaze to the books on the desk. They were all about flight dynamics, pneumatic distribution design…in short, names that were basically hieroglyphics to Xu Lian.

She then recalled that Xiang ChangKong had once mentioned that he had been on the basketball team when he was an undergraduate.

The point is, undergraduate. He did an undergraduate course.

She doesn’t discriminate against the takeaway industry, but she didn’t understand why Xiang ChangKong, who had studied such a complex course, would choose to do takeout.

Xu Lian felt that the closer she gets to him, the more she wanted to know about him.

Meanwhile, Xiang Nuan was on her cell phone, excitedly sending out a message in her group chat.

NuanNuan traveling the world: Ah ah ah ah! A good-looking sister came to my house! Looking for my brother! Is she my brother’s girlfriend???? Ahhhh!

NuanNuan traveling the world: Sister’s lipstick is so good! I want to ask the brand and color number…

Studying causes baldness: Don’t ask, don’t ask. You won’t be able to afford it either way. Why hurt yourself?

NuanNuan traveling the world: True (・∀・)

Do a question for five minutes paralyzed for an hour: Xiang Nuan! I thought I had dibs on your brother? Why are there other girls! (╬ಠ益ಠ)

NuanNuan traveling the world: Who said I agreed to that (*´σー`) ? You can’t even compare to a single strand of Sister’s hair!

Do a question for five minutes paralyzed for an hour: Haha we should disband this chat, it’s too plastic… (。≖ˇ∀ˇ≖。)

NuanNuan traveling the world: Whatever, I have to go. I need to pour water for Sister!

Xiang Nuan put her phone away and poured some hot water into a clean paper cup. She then turned to bring it to Xu Lian. Xiang ChangKong’s door was open, but Xiang Nuan knocked first before entering.

Hearing a knock at the door, Xu Lian put down the plane and turned around. Xiang Nuan walked up to her with a smile and placed the cup on the table. “Sister, go ahead and drink. My brother should be back soon.”

“Alright, thank you.”

“You’re welcome, you’re welcome.” Shaking her head, then taking the opportunity to scrutinize Xu Lian a little bit more.

The black and white vertical striped shirt looked stylish and cool, with her high-waisted trousers elongating her legs. The belt on her waist added some points, and with a short leather jacket and her black high-heels, this young lady was excluding such a cool and handsome vibe.

“Come and sit down, no need to stand.” Pulling out a chair, Xiang Nuan invited Xu Lian to sit. Xu Lian looked at the chair. There was only one chair in the room, so it wouldn’t be appropriate for her to sit down while Xiang Nuan stayed standing.

“No, no, I’ll just stand.” Xu Lian smiled and took a sip from her cup.

Xiang Nuan herself realized the same thing and became embarrassed. “My brother’s room is a little small. This apartment was originally had two rooms and one hall. The landlord separated the living room and made it into three rooms and one hall. This room was originally the living room. I actually wanted to make this my room because I usually lived in a dorm and only came back on weekends. But my brother insisted on using this room, saying that it was in front of the road so it would be too noisy and would affect my studies.”

Xu Lian thoughtfully nodded. She said to Xiang Nuan: “Your brother is very kind to you. I was there when he was picking a birthday present for you.”

Xiang Nuan was surprised. “Oh my God, Sister, you’re not MONSTER’s owner?”

Xu Lian’s store had a Weibo page, but it only ever had pictures of her merchandise and never pictures of her. Plus, Xiang Nuan had never been to Xu Lian’s store, so they had never seen each other…

To think that the owner would look so beautiful and match the store’s aesthetic so well!

“Ah, ah, I’m a little excited now!” Xiang Nuan was beaming, her face turning red. “I’ve always followed your Weibo, I really like the candles that you make. And the tablet you gave me last time was so pretty, I hung it at my desk!”

Xu Lian corrected her: “Your brother bought it for you.”

“Oh, it’s practically the same thing!” Suddenly given idol status, Xu Lian blinked as Xiang Nuan looked at her with starry eyes. “Sister, do you do apprenticeships? I want to learn how to do handicrafts from you!”

Aromatherapy candles were relatively new and weren’t very popular in China. There were some classes people could go to, but they weren’t cheap. Zhang GuoEr had long suggested that Xu Lian run a class in her shop, as the tuition fees would give her considerable income. But Xu Lian didn’t have the time or energy to run classes, especially given the recent increase in orders.

Xu Lian thought about it, then replied: “I don’t do apprenticeships, but if you’re interested, I can teach you.”

“Really?! Thank you, Sister!” Just as Xiang Nuan said this, they heard the sound of the front door opening. “That must be my brother!”

Xiang Nuan ran out and saw that Xiang ChangKong really was back. He was holding a shopping bag, which probably contained some kind of condiment.

“Brother, there’s a lady looking for you.” Xiang Nuan excitedly said.

Xu Lian heard Xiang ChangKong grunt in reply. Putting down her cup of water, Xu Lian followed Xiang Nuan out of the room and greeted him: “Hello.”

His eyes growing wide, Xiang ChangKong was stunned in place.

Seeing his reaction, Xu Lian took the initiative to explain: “Your colleague told me that your injury became serious. I was worried, so I came to have a look. He also told me about your address.”

After a long silence, Xiang ChangKong finally managed to open his mouth and stammered: “Oh, well, that…I…my injury wasn’t that serious, which one of my colleagues told you?”

“The fat uncle that always looks a little happy.” Xu Lian described.

Ah, it should be Brother Wang, who he asked to deliver an order for him last time. Feeling like he lacked air, Xiang ChangKong continued: “That, that, that, he may have just misunderstood things. I really am alright.”

“Why did you stop delivering my meals?” Xu Lian asked.

“…” Xiang ChangKong subconsciously tightened his grip on the plastic bag. Then said: “The orders are basically randomly assigned. I probably didn’t get them. And I have a day off today.”

Xu Lian thought about his answer for a while, then said: “Are your injuries better?”

She raised the subject again, causing Xiang Nuan to finally notice the bruise at the side of his brother’s mouth. The color was very light, causing her to miss it before. Without scrutinizing her brother’s face, she could have easily continued to miss it. “Brother, how did you get hurt?”

Turning his head away, Xiang ChangKong tried to avoid her eyes. “It’s nothing, just a little bruise. It’s almost healed.”

Xu Lian continued: “Your colleague also said that you received complaints that day. Why did you lie to me?”

That Brother Wang….really telling her everything.

He licked his lips and replied: “It was just some small thing. I didn’t want you to blame yourself.”

Xu Lian was silent for a few moments as she looked at him. Then she said: “Anyway, I’m still responsible that such things happened. I’ll compensate you for your loss.”

Xiang Nuan suddenly felt that she had just experienced information overload. Responsible? What kind of responsibility did this Sister have towards her brother?

As Xiang Nuan looked at Xiang ChangKong, her expression shifted into a more meaningful glance.

As Xu Lian stood there, she suddenly realized that her attitude might have been too aggressive. She came here today to help him, not interrogate him.

“Well, you forgot the medicinal alcohol last time, so I brought it with me today. It’s in my car. I’ll go down and pick it up.” When Xu Lian spoke, her voice was a lot more relaxed this time. Xu Lian, who was ready to go out, was suddenly held back by Xiang Nuan. She said: “Sister, you can go down and get it after dinner. You don’t need to be in such a hurry.”

Xu Lian was surprised by this remark. It seems that she really did come in an awkward time. It was already time for dinner.

When Xiang Nuan saw that Xu Lian wasn’t saying anything, she turned to Xiang ChangKong and said: “Right brother? Let’s all eat first.”

Xiang ChangKong right now was a mess. He didn’t expect to come home after buying a few bags of salt and be met with Xu Lian in his home. He wouldn’t fault her for staying for dinner, but he wouldn’t blame her if she didn’t want to stay either. As Xiang Nuan grabbed at his sleeve, he ended up saying: “Well, uh, if you don’t mind, just stay for a little longer.”

Xu Lian hadn’t intended to stay and eat at Xiang ChangKong’s house. She had driven directly to his house without any warning, being quite rude. Now she’s staying at someone else’s home to eat dinner…and even the elders are present.

“No, don’t bother. I just wanted to come over and see how you were doing. Since you’re okay, I’ll be leaving first. Ah, wait, let me just get the alcohol.”

Xu Lian went downstairs, her high-heels clacking. Xiang Nuan pounded at her brother, hating iron for not becoming steel: “Brother, what are you doing? Send Sister down!”

(T/N: to feel resentful towards something/someone for failing to meet expectations and impatient to see improvement)

His eyes finally focusing, Xiang ChangKong put down the plastic bag he was holding and ran after Xu Lian.

Xu Lian heard footsteps behind her and stopped to look back. When she did, she saw Xiang ChangKong appear at the stairway entrance. Looking up, she asked: “Is there anything else?”

“…..” As Xu Lian’s gaze turned to him, Xiang ChangKong’s entire person felt uncomfortable. He didn’t even know where to put his hands. “I’ll send you off.”josei

Xu Lian nodded and waited for him to reach her before going downstairs together.

The corridor wasn’t very wide. If two people walked side by side, their shoulders would touch from time to time. Xiang ChangKong tried his best to lean towards the railing as they walked down, and could only relax a little when they finally left the corridor.

Xu Lian brought out the medicinal alcohol from her car and handed it to him. As he took it, Xiang ChangKong thanked her.

Xu Lian looked at him for a few seconds, then asked: “Are you afraid of me?”

“No, I don’t.” It wasn’t that he was afraid of Xu Lian, but more that he was afraid of her perceiving his many thoughts about her. If she found out that he had been daydreaming about her, she would surely feel sickened.

Xu Lian seemed to want to ask more, but in the end, she changed to another topic. “Are you really okay?”

The wound on the corner of his mouth looked a lot better, but she couldn’t see his other injuries.

It wasn’t like she could take off his clothes and look.

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