Slowly Falling For Changkong

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Chapter 22


Xu Lian was currently working in her store today. She and Xiang ChangKong had an appointment to watch a movie at 3:20 this afternoon. After watching, they would go have dinner together. Seeing that it was almost time for them to meet up, she cleaned up her workstation, then went downstairs to talk to Zhang GuoEr. “I’m going to go out. Please close up at 6:30.”

“Alright Boss, walk slowly!”

Xu Lian looked back towards her just as she closed the front door. Ignoring Zhang GuoEr’s weird words, she turned back and walked towards her car. Right after Xu Lian left her line of sight, Zhang GuoEr immediately took out her small notebook and began writing: “The Boss is going out on a date with that young brother. She even specially changed her usual lipstick to a different color! It turns out the Boss has a maiden’s heart after all!”

Xu Lian entered her car, then began straightening her hair using the rearview mirror. Just as she was about to start her car, she hears her phone ring. Thinking it was Xiang ChangKong, she immediately opened her bag. But when she took out her phone, the name on the screen was her mother’s.

She answered the call and confused, asked: “Mom? What’s wrong?”

Xu Lian’s mother replied with a happy tone: “Daughter, I’m at the airport right now. Come and meet me.”

“….” Xu Lian was silent for a while. Then she asked: “Which airport?”

“Where else? A City International Airport, ah.”

“You came back? What about dad?”

Mother Xu replied: “Your father’s project is still going to take a few more months to finish, so I came back alone. It’s your father’s doing. When he heard that you had a boyfriend, he urged me to go and have a look.”

Xu Lian: “………”

Xu Lian was quiet for a moment, before she said: “OK, I’ll go pick you up now.”

After hanging up, Xu Lian softly sighed, then went to call Xiang ChangKong.

While walking around the mall, Xiang ChangKong heard his phone ring. When he saw that it was Xu Lian, he quickly answered it and asked: “Xu Lian, you’re there already?”

“No, are you?”

“Ah, I just arrived.” Xiang ChangKong looked at the time. There was still an hour before the movie started. “It’s still early, so take your time.”

Xu Lian’s tone was very apologetic when she replied: “I’m sorry, my mother suddenly came back, so I have to pick her up from the airport.”

Xiang ChangKong blinked. Her mother came back?

Xiang ChangKong answered: “It doesn’t matter, go pick up your mother first. We can go out next time.”

Xu Lian frowned for a bit, the said: ‘Why don’t you go directly to my place? My mother actually came back to meet you specifically. Why not take advantage of this opportunity and fulfill her wish?”

“M-meet your mother?” Having a date suddenly turn into meeting the parents, Xiang ChangKong immediately went tense. “B-but I haven’t prepared anything.”

Xu Lian: “You don’t need to prepare anything, just come to my house. She came back unannounced, after all.”

“Even if you say so, it’s still not good to come empty-handed….” Xiang ChangKong pursed his lips and thought about what to bring Xu Lian’s mother. “Well, I’m in Starlight Mall right now, so I’ll go and after I buy something.”

“Well….” Xu Lian thought about it, then said: “Alright, but you don’t need to buy anything too expensive. It was only my mother that came back. We can have a proper meal when my father finishes his work and comes back.”

“Ok, I’ll go shopping first.”

“Un, I’ll see you later.” Xu Lian said her goodbyes, then drove towards the airport.

Starlight Park wasn’t far from the airport. If there’s no traffic jams, it would only take half an hour to get there. Soon, Xu Lian met with her mother in the parking area. She opened the trunk of her car and put her mother’s luggage inside. “Why do you have so many things? Are you going to be here for a while?”

Xu Lian’s mother replied: “It’s all local products your father bought you. He was afraid you were missing them.”

“…” Xu Lian closed the trunk and said: “Go on in.”

As they drove on the airport expressway, Xu Lian complained to her mother: “Why’d you come so quickly? I’ve only been with him for a few days, and you already flew all the way here to see him.”

With a sharp laugh, her mother replied: “Talk to your father, ah, you think I wanted to come back? I was having the time of my life abroad.” She then turned and looked at the driving Xu Lian. “But you also need to understand your father’s worries. It’s true that you’re at that age where you should be looking for a partner, but you’ve never once talked about a boyfriend. Not since you were a little kid. Now a marriage partner suddenly comes out of the blue, how can he not be nervous?”

“Fine, fine, fine. Anyway, I was going to meet up with him today, so you’ll be able to see him today.”

At Xu Lian’s words, her mother immediately tensed up. “What?! This child, really, I don’t even have anything prepared!”

Xu Lian laughed at her mother’s words. “What preparations? In the first place, didn’t you rush back here to see a certain someone?”

“Still! I didn’t think it would happen this quickly!”

Seeing her reaction, Xu Lian’s mood lifted. “Isn’t it such a coincidence that the day we planned to go watch a movie was the day you decided to arrive. Anyway, we have to meet up now; it isn’t good to just let him go home empty-handed.”

Mother Xu: “…..”

Mother Xu understood that because her movie plans fell through, her daughter was now taking revenge. My goodness, this daughter of hers.

“So, where are we going now? Your house?”

“Un.” Xu Lian nodded. She thought for a bit, then told her mother: “I should talk to you about his situation. His name is Xiang ChangKong. He graduated from City A Engineering University-flying major-he’s twenty-four this year, and currently works in the food delivery industry.”

“A delivery boy?” Mother Xu had been fixing her hair using a small mirror, but after hearing this, she turned towards her daughter quizzically. Xu Lian noticed her confusion and clarified: “Oh, something happened at home, so he didn’t continue his studies. After he graduated, he went straight to work. He did some work in a financial company before he started delivering food two months ago.””

Xu Lian’s mother took a moment to digest this information. Then she asked: “What happened at home?”

Xu Lian shook his head. “I didn’t ask. We only just got together, it wouldn’t be good to ask. When you meet him later, don’t ask him embarrassing questions, alright? You can ask me instead.”

Mother Xu looked at her daughter and didn’t speak for a long while. Xu Lian felt uncomfortable as her mother stared her down, so she asked: “What?”

Her mother smiled and replied: “You’ve grown so big now. I’ve never seen you so interested in anything other than your business.” Xu Lian had a cold temperament ever since she was a child. Let alone a boyfriend, she didn’t even have regular friends. When she used to pick up Xu Lian from school, she would see other children talking and laughing together, but her daughter alone, clutching at her backpack straps.

The teachers would often contact her, saying that Xu Lian wasn’t in any groups, nor did she play with other children.

At first, Xu Lian’s mother suspected that she was autistic and took her to a doctor to get Xu Lian properly checked out. But the doctor said that Xu Lian wasn’t autistic. As she grew older, they also found that Xu Lian had no trouble communicating with people. Xu Lian just wanted to keep her distance and not be close to anyone.

Xu Mother and Xu Father were naturally worried about her, but in the end, they relented. Everyone had their own path in life; as long as Xu Lian was happy, they would let her do what she wanted. They had actually prepared themselves long ago for Xu Lian to never date and get married. But now, out of the blue, Xu Lian actually said that she had a boyfriend.

(T/N: I just wanna say, her parents are the best. They were ready to support their daughter, no matter her sexuality-or apparent lack of.)

No wonder her father was so flustered. This really was a big deal.

Xu Lian’s mother told her: “Now I want to see him even more. You and Wei YiChen have known each other for so many years, but I’ve never seen you get even a little bit interested in him.”

Xu Lian tutted. “What’s Wei YiChen got to do with me? He gives me nothing but trouble.” She then turned towards her mother and reminded her: “About Xiang ChangKong, even though he’s working as a delivery boy right now, you’re not allowed to look down on him.”

“Aiya, if there’s anyone I’m going to be looking down on, it’ll be you.” Mother Lu laughed. They graduated from City A Engineering Univerity. That’s a well-known school, you know. Do you think just anyone can pass their exams? Didn’t you go to some random diploma mill?”

(T/N: A diploma mill is a place where you can basically get a diploma just by paying the fees. So you don’t even have to work hard to study/pass your exams. As long as you pay, you get your papers lol.)

Xu Lian: “….”

Although her university couldn’t compare to an engineering university, it’s also a university, OK? Hehe.

“By the way, what major did you say he graduated with? Flying?”

(T/N: I specifically put ‘flying’ instead of aviation because Xu Lian and her mother aren’t too knowledgable with this topic. And also because that was the Chinese word used. Just thought I’d clarify.)


“What does that major do? An airplane maker?”

“Almost. I think it’s about designing airplanes. I’ve read a few of his textbooks, but I don’t quite understand them.”

“It’d be stranger if you did understand.” Mother Xu knew her daughter well. “But, oh, your father builds things on the ground, and he builds things for the air, isn’t this fate?”

“….” Well, you’re not wrong.

“But don’t say I didn’t warn you, once your boyfriend goes back to work, he’ll be just as busy as your father. Your father is always running around building things. When your boyfriend starts building airplanes, he’ll be the same.”

“…” Xu Lian pondered her mother’s words, then asked: “Then why haven’t you divorced dad yet?”

“Of course, it’s because your dad begged me. Really pathetic.”

“Oh.” With a chuckle, Xu Lian said nothing more.

As they were about to get off the highway, Xu Lian’s mother, who had been silent for a while, suddenly sighed again. “Ai, such a pity for such an excellent child.”

Although she didn’t say any names, Xu Lian knew she was talking about Xiang ChangKong. Xiang ChangKong hadn’t explained much about his major, but just as her mother said, not just everyone could get into his university. What’s more, his major was one of the most difficult ones. Who doesn’t feel bad for all the hard work he put in?

“A few days ago, I saw that a research institute was looking for some graduate students. I don’t know if he signed up or not.” Xu Lian told her.

“Research institute?”

“The First Aircraft Research Institute of City A. I checked it on the internet. It seems to be the best research institute in all of China. It produced a lot of famous designers.”

One of those famous designers even had the surname Xiang.josei


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