Slowly Falling For Changkong

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Chapter 26


After leaving the flower shop, the two walked back towards Xu Lian’s store. Xiang ChangKong put the flowers under the seat of his scooter then turned back towards Xu Lian. “It’s getting late, you should go home first.”


“Drive safely.”

“Un, you too.”

With a smile, Xiang ChangKong watched Xu Lian drive away. Then stepping onto his scooter, he drove home.

Because it was November, the weather was getting colder and colder. Xiang ChangKong idly thought that he better wear a mask tomorrow.

Thinking about the flowers the entire drive back, Xiang ChangKong didn’t ride his scooter too fast. When he got home, Xiang ChangKong carefully took the flowers out and put them on his desk.

This was the first plant he had ever had in his room. He hadn’t been a flower lover, but his mother used to have a lot on their balcony. But the flowers had slowly died with inattention when she turned ill. Later, when they moved into this apartment, no one mentioned raising flowers. So in this house, there weren’t any plants.

Xiang ChangKong hoped that this gift Xu Lian had given him would be able to smoothly get through the winter.

The next morning, Xiang ChangKong followed the instructions in the brochure and pursed some water into the pot. He then moved it to the warmest place in the house before leaving for work.

At noon he received an order from Xu Lian. It was the usual chicken set, making Xiang ChangKong laugh. Xu Lian naturally put Xiang ChangKong’s name in the order notes. She then watched as the delivery map showed the takeaway boy get closer and closer to its destination. She thought it was a wonderful feeling.

The sense of anticipation.

Seeing that Xiang ChangKong was two minutes away, Xu Lian walked down the stairs and brought down his insulated lunchbox. When Xiang ChangKong came into the store, he saw the lunchbox she was holding. Chuckling, he said: “In the future, I’ll be cooking for you, or help you cook. And even if I don’t, I’ll still have to come around and deliver you your meal.”

Xu Lian couldn’t help but get embarrassed at his words. She had grown up with a relatively independent personality, and coupled with the nature of her dad’s work, she would often be alone at home. Now that Xiang ChangKong is here, how come it sounds like she can’t do anything on her own and needs Xiang ChangKong to take care of her?

“You don’t need to make my deliveries anymore, ah. It’s better if you concentrate on studying for the next two months.”

Xiang ChangKong replied: “It doesn’t matter. My job is pretty lax anyway. I can usually read my textbooks when in-between orders outside the peak hours.”

He then pointed towards his scooter outside. “My books are all in there. I read them whenever I have free time.”

Xu Lian knew that if she went on talking about it, she’d end up getting KO’d by Xiang ChangKong’s IQ again. So she changed the topic. “Then I won’t keep you here, you must be very busy with other orders.”

“Un, I’ll bring you a meal tomorrow.” Xiang ChangKong accepted the insulated lunchbox and left.

Meanwhile, Zhang GuoEr thought that the days were becoming very hard to get through. She had to be stuffed with dog food every single day. However, Xu Lian’s conversation with Xiang ChangKong just now had attracted her attention. “Boss, what book is Brother Xiang reading?”

“A book for postgraduate exams.” Xu Lian answered.

Zhang GuoEr was stupefied. He was taking a postgraduate exam? Brother Xiang sure is smart!

“What’s his major?” Zhang GuoEr took out her own little notebook, pen at the ready.

As Xu Lian started opening the food boxes, she replied: “Aeronautical design.”

Zhang GuoEr paused, took out her phone, and googled the words. Then she started writing.

“Learning how to make airplanes, huh! No wonder his scooter is so fast!

How did you end up talking about his scooter!

As Xiang ChangKong left Starlight Park, a group of people suddenly emerged from the roadside, causing him to abruptly stop his scooter. These people dressed like vintage greasers.

(T/N: Greasers are like those guys who dress up in leather jackets and fluffy hair. From the movie Grease. If you’re unsure, google images.)

Xiang ChangKong’s first thought was that these people were the same group that caused trouble in Xu Lian’s store. He thought that they were confronting him now for revenge. But Xiang ChangKong was a little confused. Why did they wait so long to get their revenge?

It wasn’t until he was a familiar man walking towards him that he realized he was mistaken.

It was Wei YiChen.

Wei YiChen was the type of person who was very conspicuous no matter where he went. Not only due to his very handsome face, but also due to the way he dresses. Wei YiChen’s style was quite similar to Xu Lian’s style. Similar enough that Xiang ChangKong once misunderstood and thought they were a couple.

Wei YiChen walked up to Xiang ChangKong and patted the front of his scooter. He just looked at Xiang ChangKong with a smile and didn’t say a word.

It wasn’t a kind smile. The disdain and provocation in it was apparent to Xiang ChangKong.

After a while, Xiang ChangKong said: “You’re Xu Lian’s friend, right? What can I do for you?”

At the mention of Xu Lian, Wei YiChen’s expression sunk. He coldly raised his lips to a sneer and loomed over Xiang ChangKong. “You dare say her name in front of me?”

By now, Xiang ChangKong could roughly guess what Wei YiChen’s intentions were. But he didn’t make a sound, and eventually, Wei YiChen removed the sneer on his face. He said to Xiang ChangKong: “Did you come to see Xu Lian again?”

“I just came to deliver a meal.” Xiang ChangKong replied.

“A delivery?” Wei YiChen scoffed. “Xu Lian told me she’s with you.” Wei YiChen carefully gave the kid a once over. His face is pretty good, but if Xu Lian was only looking at how a person looked, she would’ve dated him years ago instead.

Wei YiChen really doesn’t understand. What exactly does Xu Lian see in Xiang ChangKong?

With derision in his eyes, Wei YiChen told Xiang ChangKong: “I know you were the one that helped Xu Lian back in her store that one time. Let me give you a friendly warning: What Xu Lian feels for you isn’t love. It’s just a heat-of-the-moment kind of emotion. When everything settles down, do you think she won’t hesitate to break up with you?”

Xiang ChangKong pursed his lips and said to Wei YiChen: “Since your a friend of Xu Lian’s, please don’t say such things about her.”josei

Wei YiChen snorted, then smiled. “Alright, let’s talk about you instead. Do you know how much the rent costs in Starlight Park? Do you know how much Xu Lian’s house and car is worth? She’s never suffered financially in her entire life. What do you think you can possibly give her? Or do you just like her money and plan to get Xu Lian to support you? Hah, after all, it’s a different world nowadays. There are a lot of men with similar ideas. Men with good looks, like you.”

Xiang ChangKong’s hands that were gripping the handlebars of his scooter tightened. His expression grew colder too. When Wei YiChen saw that he seemed angry, he happily raised a brow. “Angry? Good. Let’s fight. I promise my brothers won’t jump in.”

But Xiang ChangKong took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. He then said: “If I wasn’t in the middle of studying, I would’ve gladly fought you. But now, I just think that you’re very naive.”

Wei YiChen shouted with a loud ‘ha.’ “Naive? Me?” His brothers laughed with him, saying: “Are you too afraid? You dare not fight our Brother Chen? Brother Chen isn’t afraid of anyone in this city!”

Xiang ChangKong simply revved his scooter and ignored the jeers. “Excuse me, I still have a lot of customers waiting for their meals.”

Wei YiChen looked at Xiang ChangKong for a long time, before saying: “Let him go.”

Ah Mao was the first to refuse. “Brother Chen!” Just let him go? No, it’s better to fight it out!

Wei YiChen didn’t answer and moved out of Xiang ChangKong’s way. When the brothers saw him give in, they had no choice but to follow.

After Xiang ChangKong drove away, Ah Mao angrily asked Wei YiChen: “Brother Chen, how could you let him go so easily?”

Wei YiChen stared at Xiang ChangKong’s retreating back and kept silent for a few seconds. Then he said: “Ah Mao.”

“What? Are we running after him?”

“No. Check his background for me.” If Xiang ChangKong really was taking advantage of Xu Lian, there was no way he was going to let Xiang ChangKong stay with her.

“I see. I’ll get right to it.”

As Xiang ChangKong drove his scooter, Wei YiChen’s words kept echoing in his mind. Although he didn’t date Xi Lian for money, it was true that he didn’t really have anything to offer her either. So what if he did get into graduate school? It would be years before Xiang ChangKong would graduate. And even if he did successfully find a job in his field, his salary won’t be high either. Otherwise, Zhao Di wouldn’t have felt like he needed to change careers,

He can do what he loved, regardless of the amount of money. But what about the people around him? His sister wanted to go to university. His mother was ill. Could Xu Lian really accept this kind of life?

These problems had existed since the beginning of their relationship, but he had deliberately tried not to think about them.

The next day, he packed a lunch and sent it to Xu Lian. Xu Lian noticed that he intended to leave right away, so she stopped him and asked: “Do you finish at 8:00 p.m. tomorrow?”

“Ah, well, I planned to go home and study.” Xiang ChangKong replied.

Xu Lian nodded. “Alright, go study hard.”

“Un.” After this reply, Xiang ChangKong turned around and left. Zhang GuoEr looked at his retreating back and said to Xu Lian: “Boss, don’t you think Brother Xiang isn’t very lively today?”

“Maybe he’s been tired after all that studying.” Xu Lian replied.

Zhang GuoEr thought about it, then nodded. “That must be it. I feel tired just thinking about it.”

Xu Lian smiled, then opened the insulated lunchbox Xiang ChangKong had given her. She opened the soup container and took a sip.

It really was much better than any takeout soup she had ever tried.

After closing her store, Xu Lian drove to a nearby bookstore and bought several cookbooks before returning home. When she passed by a supermarket, she bought some vegetables and meat too.

That night, Xu Lian turned on her stove by herself for the very first time ——not for cooking noodles, but for actual cooking.

She picked out the simplest and easiest recipe: tomato scrambled eggs with shredded potatoes on the side. She dutifully followed the recipe.

It has to be said that in the two times she had cooked with Xiang ChangKong, Xu Lian had learned a lot. Apart from the potatoes, which weren’t very well sliced, everything else went well.

Just as she finished plating the two dishes, the rice finished cooking. She put all the dishes on the table and took a picture to send to Xiang ChangKong.

Xu Lian: I tried to cook today. I’d like to hand in my homework.

Xiang ChangKong opened the photo and enlarged it.

Xiang ChangKong: The presentation can be improved upon, but at least it’s not burnt. You can still eat it.

Xu Lian: You’re quite strict.

Xiang ChangKong subconsciously smiled.

Xiang ChangKong: What were you thinking about while you were cooking?

Xu Lian: Well, I won’t be ordering food tomorrow. You don’t need to bring me a lunchbox either, I’ll pack some myself.

Xu Lian: This way, you don’t have to make a special trip to my store, and you can spend more time studying instead.

Looking at the message on his phone, Xiang ChangKong’s eyes glimmered. Honestly, what Xu Lian was doing didn’t make much sense. Because even if she doesn’t make a delivery order, he would just be given someone else’s order. But Xiang ChangKong knew that Xu Lian was just trying to be considerate for him.

She was so good to him, but he can’t give her anything.

Xiang ChangKong remained silent for a long time, before slowly starting to type on his phone again.

Xiang ChangKong: In fact, you can just order takeout from another delivery service.

Xu Lian:…

Yeah…why didn’t she think of that?

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