Slowly Falling For Changkong

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

Chapter 40


Xu Lian was in her store, lining up some elk antlers on her workshop table and checking them one by one. Christmas was approaching, so she was filled with orders for several other businesses and functions. In addition to her seasonal Christmas-styled garlands, diffuser stones decorated in elk antlers were also very popular during this time.

However, the mold she used resulted in some fragile antlers, so Xu Lian had to carefully check each one to make sure that there were no cracked antlers before gluing them to her diffusers. If she found a broken antler, she would have to spend time repairing the damage.

Xu Lian’s craftsmanship was impeccable, and she was very diligent with her work, so things like this needed to be carefully resolved.

Xu Lian had ordered two different antler molds domestically, but both of them were easy to break. Hence, she decided to improve the quality of her future diffusers by going abroad and buying imported molds not available in China. Xu Lian had planned to wait and buy another mold before doing another batch. Although she repaired the items that needed to be repaired, she found the process too troublesome to continue.

While she was fixing another antler, the screen of her phone lit up. Xu Lian wiped her hands and glanced at the message. It was the class leader of her high school senior year.

The class leader had previously asked her about a class reunion. As they did this, they took the opportunity to pull Xu Lian back into the high school chat group. Back then, Xu Lian didn’t immediately leave the group, but she did mute it and didn’t reply to any of the messages.

But it seems that Xu Lian’s class leader was determined. They had finally got a date and time for the reunion a few days ago, and Xu Lian had messaged that she wasn’t sure if she would be free and didn’t fully commit to anything, refusing to come without actually refusing. But unexpectedly, the class monitor didn’t give up and asked her again today.

Class Monitor: Xu Lian, we’re booking a private room tomorrow night. We need to know the number of people attending, so can we confirm your attendance?

Xu Lian stared at the message for a long while and thought about it. In the end, she picked up her phone and replied.

Xu Lian: ok.

Class Monitor: Alright, I’ll add you to the list. We’ll see you tomorrow evening at 6.

Xu Lian: Do you want me to pay now?

Class Monitor: No hurry, we’ll properly calculate things.

Xu Lian didn’t reply. She picked up another antler and found that it was cracked.


Xu Lian suddenly felt an urgent need to go abroad and buy some materials!

At 6:00 p.m. that Friday evening, Xu Lian stepped in the club where the reunion was going to be held. Xu Lian figured that her fellow classmates must be doing quite well to be able to reserve a private room.

Xu Lian looked at the message the class monitor had sent her. The class monitor actually sent the location of the room in the class group chat, but fearing that Xu Lian wouldn’t see it, they also sent her a private message.

After confirming the location once again, she approached the waitress wearing cheongsam by the door. The lady welcomed her in and guided her towards the elevator. Xu Lian didn’t know which of her classmates would be attending this reunion, but she had been here before and knew that their largest private room could seat around twenty people. However, they did have connecting private rooms that, when opened, could house forty people quite comfortably.

It seems that this kind of connecting room was what the class monitor reserved. As soon as Xu Lian approached the closed door, she heard the lively chatter inside.

To be completely honest, she wasn’t used to attending such occasions, and she had no deep feelings towards her old high school classmates. Xu Lian actually wasn’t sure what she can talk about with them.

She stood just in front of the door, hesitating. Just as she was wondering whether she should just leave, the door opened from the inside. It was one of her former classmates who had wanted to go out and gave a smoke. When he saw Xu Lian standing outside, he pocketed the cigarette that was in his hand and looked her over. After a few moments of silence, he hesitantly asked: “Are you Xu Lian? I haven’t seen you in years, ah. You look a lot more beautiful than our high school days!”

His loud voice attracted the attention of the people inside the room, and everyone ended up looking towards the door. One by one, they recognized Xu Lian, and enthusiastically greeted her. It was too late to back out now. With no other choice, Xu Lian entered the room.

“Xu Lian, come and sit next to Du YangYang. You used to sit next to each other, right?”

The class monitor pointed towards an empty seat next to a woman drinking some tea. She was a pretty lady with short hair. Xu Lian nodded; still remembered Du YangYang. After all, xu Lian sat next to her for an entire year. She went and sat next to her and took off her coat, hanging it on the back of her chair.

Xu Lian had always been a loner, and during high school, everyone thought she was cold. They all had little to no contact with her. But now, everyone had graduated and had been exposed to society. So even though they hadn’t seen Xu Lian for years, everyone felt more familiar with her compared to when they saw her every day in school. Du YangYang poured Xu Lian a cup of tea and commented that this particular tea was only available in this lounge. Meanwhile, the male classmate sitting opposite of Xu Lian started to gossip: “Xu Lian, do you have a boyfriend yet? If not, why don’t you consider going out with Xiao Xia? Didn’t he pursue you during high school?”

(T/N: Xiao Xia is actually Xiao Xu or ‘Little Xu,’ but since he’s just a minor character, I changed his name slightly so people won’t get confused.)

As soon as the classmate finished saying this, everyone began to stir. Xiao Xia, who was exposed, turned red. He stammered at his friend: “Hey, what about you? Do you have a girlfriend? Are you married? Have you had a baby yet? A second child?? If you say you don’t, I’ll die of laughter!”

At this sudden change in subject, everyone began to tease the male classmate, and after a while, the topic naturally shifted to something else. Xu Lian picked up her teacup, and calmly took a sip. She had a vague impression of Xiao Xia. Everyone called him Xiao Xia in highschool. It wasn’t because his surname was Xia, but simply because he looked like Teacher Xia, their geography teacher. Thus, the nickname ‘Xiao Xia.’

Xu Lian was a little surprised. She had never paid much attention to her classmates during high school, but somehow, she still remembered all these little details even now.

After a while though, the topic somehow shifted to Wei YiChen.

Wei YiChen was handsome and was unbeatable in fights, so he was popular in high school. So it wasn’t much of a surprise that someone would end up mentioning him.

“The last time I went to Qing Nan street for a drink, I happened to see him. He’s much more handsome now than he was in high school, ah!”

“He opened a bar in Qing Nan street?”

“Yeah, his business looks like its doing well!”

“We should have dinner then go to Qing Nan street for a drink.”

Then Xu Lian was suddenly named. “I remember that Wei YiChen loved pestering Xu Lian during high school? How are you two? Are you still keeping in touch with him, Xu Lian?”

“We haven’t had much contact recently.” Xu Lian replied.

After Wei YiChen had sent her a bunch of flowers, she had never seen him again. Honestly, Xu Lian found it a little strange. Wei YiChen usually annoyed her every other minute. He had never been this quiet for this long. He was probably either captured by his father or beaten up by others.

Another male classmate tried to make a fuss as he pointed a finger gun towards Du YangYang. “Didn’t Du YangYang like Wei YiChen before? Didn’t you once say that he was super handsome when he fights?”

Du YangYang glared at him and said: “Children like people who can fight. Adults like rich people.”

“Hahahahahahaha!” The group erupted in laughter.

Because everyone was chattering over each other, the embarrassing questions Xu Lian thought she would have to answer never actually appeared. In fact, they didn’t give her a chance to say a single sentence.

After the meal, there was a real clamor to go to Wei YiChen’s bar for some drinks. Xu Lian didn’t go with them and instead left first.

So the large group went to Qing Nan street and into Wei YiChen’s bar. But unexpectedly, Wei YiChen wasn’t there.

Wei YiChen’s wound was much better. He had gone out today and bought a bunch of Zuo QianMan’s favorite flowers and was now heading to HUG to thank her.

Zuo QianMan might be in her forties, but she maintained her looks quite well. She very much looked like a woman in her twenties. Tonight, Zuo QianMan was wearing a long red dress with her hair loose and cascading down her back. She sat in front of the bar with her high heels hooked against the stool and a red cocktail in her hands. When she saw Wei YiChen approach, she smiled and asked: “How’s your arm?”

Wei YiChen replied: “Almost healed thanks to Sister QianMan’s blessings. Oh, these flowers are for you.”

Zuo QianMan raised a brow and accepted the flowers. She turned towards the side and called out: “QiuYun, put these flowers in some water.”

Fang QiuYun walked out of a corridor and noticed Wei YiChen beside Zuo QianMan. Without a word, she took the bouquet and went upstairs.

“Sit down.” Zuo QianMan gestured towards the empty seat next to her. “What do you want to drink?”

Wei YiChen thought for a moment, then answered: “Whiskey with some orange juice.”

Zuo QianMan smiled, then nodded at the bartender. “Give him a glass.”

The bartender quickly mixed the drink, then placed it in front of Wei YiChen. Wei YiChen picked up the glass and took a sip. He thought that the taste was different from the glass Fang QiuYun had mixed for him before. Wei YiChen put down his drink and asked Zuo QianMan: “What does Sister QianMan think about Qian Liang?”

Zuo QianMan smiled and took a sip of her cocktail. “Qing Nan street has developed too quickly these past few years. Some people have gotten a little forgetful. That man’s not very clean, so naturally, there are people watching him.”

Wei YiChen’s eyes slightly narrowed. He’s pretty sure that Zuo QianMan has a nephew in the police.

“The next time you want to do something, you’d best consult with Older Brother Jie first.” Zuo QianMan said this, then left with her glass to greet some guests.

Wei YiChen’s finger slowly circled the rim of his drink. Zhao Jie, the man considered to be the boss of Qing Nan street. He runs a bar with the highest turnover rate in the entire street. If Qian Liang needed to give someone face, it would be Qian Nan street’s Zhao Jie.

“Thank you, Sister QianMan.” Wei YiChen stood up and raised his glass towards Zuo QianMan. He gulped down his drink, put down his empty glass, then left.

When Wei YiChen arrived at his own bar, he found out that a group of his alumni had come looking for him and hadn’t left yet. Wei YiChen looked towards the group and noticed that one of the men was a classmate who had pursued Xu Lian before. What was his name? Xiao Xia?

Beside Xiao Xia was Du YangYang. Wei YiChen had a vague impression of her and remembered that she was Xu Lian’s deskmate in high school.

Wei YiChen’s heart immediately jumped. This wasn’t everyone in Xu Lian’s class, right? His eyes quickly swept around, and when he saw that Xu Lian wasn’t in the group, he felt a little relieved.

In the end, he was also an alumnus. Although Xiao Xia threatened him in the past, its already been years. Wei Yichen had long disregarded his former love rival. Wanting to bury the hatchet, Wei YiChen approached the group and told everyone to order some drinks. After finding out from the class monitor that Xu Lian was indeed not here, he smiled and said: “Tonight’s drinks are all 70% off. You all have a good time.”

Xu Lian didn’t go with the class to Wei YiChen’s bar because, well, firstly, he probably didn’t want to see her. Why would she deliver herself onto his doorstep if this really was the case? And secondly, it was Saturday tomorrow. She was going to visit Xiang ChangKong’s house tomorrow and if she drank tonight and ended up with a hangover…Wouldn’t Weng ShuLi dislike her even more?

So Xu Lian went home early, took a bath, then went to bed.

The next day, before she went to Xiang ChangKong’s home, she drove to a nearby fruit market and bought some fresh oranges.

This Saturday and Sunday were when the graduate students would need to go onsite to confirm their registration. She asked Xiang ChangKong about it, and he said that he could just take the Saturday evening shift and go register on Sunday morning. This would make things harder for Weng ShuLi to notice.

Xu Lian knew that after his father’s accident, Xiang ChangKong’s mother would definitely resent the aviation profession. But Xiang ChangKong won’t be able to hide his career for a lifetime. It would still be necessary for him to be open with his mother.

Last Saturday, after Xiang ChangKong sent her home, he ended up not returning. It was because after the two woke up the next morning, the couple didn’t hold back and ended up staying in bed for a while. This led to Xiang ChangKong not coming back home at all since he had to go straight to work from Xu Lian’s place.

It was from that point on that Weng ShuLi’s attitude towards Xu Lian worsened. Before this, while Weng ShuLi didn’t seem to care about Xu Lian, at least she sat down in the same room as her to read a book. But now, it appears that Weng ShuLi didn’t even want to see her. Whenever Xu Lian came by, Weng ShuLi would go back into her room.

Xu Lian couldn’t help but frown. She felt that although Auntie Weng didn’t say anything or seem to not care about anything, she actually understood the situation. Also, Xiang ChangKong is an adult man. Staying out at night….is normal.

Xu Lian went into the kitchen and leaned against the doorframe. She looked at Xiang ChangKong for a while, then asked: “Xiang ChangKong, have you ever had a girlfriend before?”

Xiang ChangKong, who was cutting vegetables, immediately froze. His heart was suddenly filled with tension at her question. Xiang ChangKong carefully put down the knife in his hand, turned to look at Xu Lian, then said: “No. Why do you ask?”

He heard from Cheng Peng that after a woman agrees to be with you, she would eventually ask about your exes. Cheng Peng advised that no matter how you answer the question, the outcome will always be the same- that you would be obliterated. But Xiang ChangKong thought that Xu Lian’s personality wasn’t like that, and he doesn’t have any exes, so he had never taken Cheng Peng’s words to heart.

But now Xu Lian asked such a question out of the blue. Xiang ChangKong couldn’t help but think back to that conversation with Cheng Peng.

Xu Lian didn’t ask anymore. She simply let out an ‘oh.’ “No wonder your mom hates me.” After all, she was the first girlfriend Xiang ChangKong had brought home. She had to give Weng ShuLi time to adjust.

A confused Xiang ChangKong asked: “Why do you think so?”

Xu Lian shrugged. “Mother’s are always a little possessive with their sons. If another woman suddenly came into the picture and wanted to monopolize her son, who she raised for more than twenty years, it’ll inevitably make her unhappy. Didn’t you see Auntie go into her room the moment I came in? She probably doesn’t want to see me.”

Xiang ChangKong pursed his lips, wanting to give Xu Lian a hug. But he was still wearing an apron, and he was afraid that he would get Xu Lian’s clothes dirty. So, in the end, Xiang ChangKong kissed Xu Lian on the lips. “Give her some time. She’ll love you.”

Xu Lian looked up at him and raised her arms to circle her hands around Xiang ChangKong’s neck. “What if she doesn’t?”

Xiang ChangKong’s mother is a special case. If she were a normal person, even if mother-in-law didn’t like her, she can simply live separately with her husband. In this situation, she would only have to see her mother-in-law a few times a year. But Weng ShuLi’s physical and mental conditions meant that she couldn’t live alone.josei

Xiang ChangKong said: “My mother’s health has been slowly improving. I believe that it won’t be long before she completely recovers.” The previous Weng ShuLu was a kind and approachable woman. That Weng ShuLu would love Xu Lian.

Xu Lian looked at the man before her, and her heart warmed. She went into her tiptoes and kissed Xiang ChangKong on the lips. He was slow to respond at first, but after a while, he regained the initiative and tangled his tongue with hers.

“Brother, I’m back!” Xiang Nuan suddenly entered the house and saw Xiang ChangKong and Xu Lian kissing in the kitchen doorway.

“…..” She froze for one second, then, as if there was wind under her feet, she dashed towards her bedroom. “That…I saw nothing!!!”

Xiang ChangKong: “….”

Xu Lian: “….”

Xiang Nuan slammed her bedroom door shut, her cheeks flushed red.

Really, ah. She wasn’t even the one who was being kissed; why was her heart thumping so fast.

Xiang Nuan put down her school bag, then opened her group chat.

Nuan Nuan traveling the world: I just entered my house and saw my brother and big sister kissing!

Studying causes baldness: So exciting!

Do a question for five minutes, paralyzed for an hour: Ooh, an adult love. I like! kekekeke

Do a question for five minutes, paralyzed for an hour: Xiang Nuan, you should also try that with Shen Lin! kekekeke

Studying causes baldness: Hahaha! You should! I noticed that you two are quite close recently~

Nuan Nuan traveling the world: We’re just studying, ok!

Studying causes baldness: Riiight. Studying!

Xiang Nuan: “….”

She had wanted to talk to her friends and cool down a bit, but in the end, they just caused her face to turn even redder.

Kiss Shen Lin? Xiang Nuan imagined it for a moment….pei, pei! What was she thinking? They were only studying!

Xiang Nuan took out her math questions from her school bag and immediately started to work.

When lunchtime came, Xiang Nuan spent a long time peeking out and shuffling in place before coming out of her room. When she saw Xiang ChangKong and Xu Lian sitting at the dinner table, she couldn’t help but think back to the scene she had witnessed. Her face immediately flamed.

Looking at his sister’s red ears, Xiang ChangKong immediately knew what she was thinking and was also became embarrassed. Xu Lian, however, was quite calm. After she saw Xiang Nuan’s red ears, all she felt was that this brother and sister were really alike.

“Eat.” Xiang ChangKong said dryly, then picked up his chopsticks.

Without Xiang Nuan’s usual cheerful comments, today’s meal was quiet.

After eating, Xiang Nuan cleaned the table, then immediately went back into her room. Xu Lian picked up an orange and asked Weng ShuLi: “Auntie, do you want an orange? I’ll cut one for you?”

Weng ShuLi looked at Xu Lian but didn’t answer. Xu Lian didn’t care and simply picked up the fruit knife and began to peel the orange. As she did so, she began to say: “I bought these oranges from the fruit market just this morning. The farmers deliver their produce every morning, so these oranges are very fresh. I just tasted one, and it’s very sweet and juicy.”

Xu Lian’s kitchen skills weren’t very good, but it didn’t affect her cutting skills. She peeled the orange from head to tail without breaking the peel. After cutting the orange into slices, she handed the plate to Weng ShuLi. “Auntie, do you want to taste some?”

Weng ShuLi didn’t want to taste. She had planned to go back into her room and take a nap. She stood up and ignored the oranges Xu Lian was offering. Xu Lian had just peeled the orange, so she still had the fruit knife in her hand. Weng ShuLi’s actions were a little too abrupt, so she stood up, Weng ShuLi had accidentally touched the sharp edge of the knife with the palm of her hand.

It was a small wound, but it still bled immediately.

Xu Lian quickly put down the orange and knife, then went to check up on Weng ShuLi’s hand. “Auntie, how’s your hand?”

Weng ShuLu stared at her bloody palm and avoided Xu Lian. At that moment, Xiang ChangKong came out of the kitchen and noticed her bleeding hand. He also worried: “Mom, what happened to your hand?”

He took Weng ShuLi’s hand and looked at the wound. Weng ShuLi didn’t hide it from him.

“The wound isn’t that deep. I’ll get the medicine box.” Xiang ChangKong went to the TV cabinet and took out their medicine box. He first cleaned the wound for Weng ShuLi, then placed a bandaid on top.

“Alright. Don’t let the wound get wet for two days.”

Weng ShuLi took back her hand and went straight to her room. Xu Lian sat beside Xiang ChangKong and said apologetically: “I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt auntie. I should’ve put the knife down as soon as I finished.”

Xiang ChangKong put the medicine box away, then smiled at her. “It doesn’t matter. I know you didn’t mean it.” However, he clearly saw his mother’s rejection of Xu Lian.

Xiang ChangKong sat next to her and said: “Don’t come here for a few days. My mom’s mood has become somewhat erratic, so I’m afraid that she might get stimulated again and end up hurting you.”

Xu Lian thought for a moment, then nodded. “Ok.”

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