Small upgrade system

Chapter 205 205 - Inside Of The Ghost Dungeon

Chapter 205 205 - Inside Of The Ghost Dungeon

"Inside this dungeon, you will find the humanoid ghost, the skeletons, and the Zombies. These types of monsters were in this dungeon. So you need to be careful about them. If you think that you can easily defeat the skeleton, then you are wrong. Those skeletons can reattach themselves. So, you need to be careful about that. Those zombies were also not easy to kill. They weren't your normal spiritual monsters. One thing you need to be careful about is that this thing has very hard defence. Also, don't let zombies bite you. This won't turn you into a zombie, but their bite was very poisonous. Also, with a bite, they can easily absorb your spiritual energy, so this was dangerous. I think previously if anyone went to the ghost and they already know about the humanoid ghost. Well, this type of spiritual monster looks like humans and they always float in the air. Their favorite attack was the mind attack, also they can pass through physical things. You need to be careful about that. If you wanted to know the weakness, then obviously fire or light type attack was a weakness to all the ghost types or spiritual monsters. Also, you will find all these monsters were black. If your fire spell was powerful, then you can easily kill them but one thing you need to remember is that when you advance from the 1st floor to the other floors, the difficulty you will increase because you won't be able to kill those monsters in those floors that easily also one more thing was that in the last floor you will find the boss is red color. I hope you already know why the red color spiritual monster was dangerous," the guide explained all of this to Sam. Sam just nodded at him.

After that, he also asked some questions about those monsters to the guide. Sometime later, he finally finished talking with that guide and now he was going toward the dungeon. He was already wearing his mask, and before entering the Dungeon he already activated his concealment techniques.


He was now on the first floor. Most likely, he was inside a forest. But because everywhere was dark, you cannot see anything that clearly. Sam quickly activated his spiritual vision and instantly he was able to see clearly. As he predicted, he really was inside of a forest but one thing that was strange about this forest is that those trees were also dark and those trees released some kind of energy. Most likely, that energy will make you feel fear or hallucinate. Fortunately, Sam was able to find this, so he will be careful about this.

Due to the dense trees, he cannot understand whether there is moonlight in the sky or not. Well, as you already know that in the Dungeon there was some crystal that could replicate the Sun or moon. But due to all these dense trees, he was unable to see the sky clearly. Wasting no time, he began to advance.


After some time of walking, Sam suddenly stopped. He suddenly hears some noise, and because of this, he stops advancing. Well, he doesn't need to wait that much because a few minutes later, he finally saw a group of black skeletons coming in this direction. If you look at those skeletons right now, then you can also see that they have a bow in their hand. Those skeletons like to attack the Warriors using their bows and arrows. The strange sound was coming from those skeletons.

Sam, after looking at those skeletons, did not waste any more time and started to cast a great fireball. But this was not your normal fire because the color of this fireball turned blue. Well, as you can give that after upgrading his fire control to B-grade, he can now easily control the blue flame. So he created great blue fireballs. In front of him, he saw that 10 skeletons were coming in this direction, most likely they were going toward the warriors that he saw previously. He quickly shoots the fireball toward the skeletons.

You must need to be careful because this skeleton was not your zombie. This skeleton was very fast as well. As the guide said earlier, they can reattach their body, so you also need to be careful about that. Because of this, Sam uses the great fireball. Those skeletons weren't that far from Sam and because of this, those skeletons didn't even get the chance to react. The great fireball landed in the middle of those skeletons and instantly a huge explosion appeared. Sam was already very far away from that place, so he could not be affected by the impact. He looked toward that explosion and the destruction appeared after that.josei

'I should not use the great fireball or the mega fireballs,' Sam thought about that because he didn't want that explosion to appear every time he used his spells. Sometime later, he was now in front of that place where the explosion appeared. If you look at the place right now, then you will see that everything around that place got destroyed. There was a big hole in the ground and the trees around the place were also destroyed. So right now, Sam can see the moonlight.

Looking at the destroyed place, Sam just sighed and then collected the loot. After that, he left that place. But not long after he left that place, a group of warriors came toward this place and got surprised. These were the Warriors that Sam noticed previously and most likely those skeletons were going toward this group of Warriors. Also, if you look at them, then you can see that they were wearing their Armor, but in the armor, you can notice a logo of white tiger Academy. Well, many students did that. They feel proud to show their academy to others, but Sam did not do that.

"Prion, did you know what happened here?" A girl suddenly asked the person that was in front of them. He was the leader because of this, the girl asked him.

Prion look at the girl and said, "Tiya, why are you asking me this stupid question? I was also with all of you previously, so how could I know what happened here? What if my guess was correct? Then, most likely, someone used a powerful spell to kill the monsters. Also, most likely he got attacked by many monsters at the same time and because of this, used this type of big spell." He told all of them about his prediction. Well, he could be right, but Sam did not use this because of the number. He just wanted to use that spell, so he used that.


The students from the white Tiger Academy looking around the destroyed place Sam already came very far from that place. Because he was using his superior concealment technique, no monster was able to spot him. Sam takes advantage of this and has already killed three groups of humanoid monsters and skeletons. This time, he just used a normal blue fireball that killed those monsters. But because he has low spirit, to cast 10 blue fireballs, he almost needed 90% of his spiritual energy.

Sam quickly brings out a spiritual energy recovery potion. Just now, he once again killed 5 skeletons. So he was now very low on his spiritual energy. It took him 5 minutes to recover his lost spiritual energy. Wasting no more time, he once again advanced.

After advancing, he found a group of warriors fighting with 20 zombies. Well, previously he did not find any zombies, so he looked at those zombies very curiously. Those Warriors attacking those zombies with their spells instantly did not kill those zombies. The zombies got seriously injured by their spells, but still, they were alive. And the most interesting thing was that even in that kind of situation, they were advancing toward those Warriors.

But due to the zombies being very slow, those Warriors have an advantage. They did not stop and continuously attacked those zombies. But instantly something happened, and those zombies went inside the ground. Well, it was like the guide said that these zombies were slow, but they have the power to go inside the ground easily. This instantly alerts all those 10 Warriors.

"Everyone, be ready to attack those zombies," the leader of those warriors said to them. All of those Warriors are very alert. Because right now those zombies can appear from anywhere and attack them, so because of these they are very alert. Also, one more thing that you should know about this zombie monster was that they can split poison from their mouth. That poison could melt iron. With this, you can guess how dangerous that poison was.

Sam at this time was looking at the ground, those Warriors did not move from their place and they also tried to find the zombies and because of this, you can say that it was silent in that place. In that silence, Sam and those warriors tried to hear the sound of those zombies.

_________To be continued_________

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