Small upgrade system

Chapter 236 236 - Once Again Big Skeleton

Chapter 236 236 - Once Again Big Skeleton

Sam, who was using the concealment technique right now, killed the Zombies that were in front of him. Well, you can say that at least 20 zombies were in front of him. He did not want to waste anymore and because of this, he just killed them as fast as he could, using his energy mode. Sam still was not able to use the energy mode while also using the spirit technique. He was still working on that besides his other technique, but that will need him much time to master. As you know, the fastest way for him to kill those monsters was by using his energy mode while using his fast-cut technique.

But while killing those zombies, he noticed one thing: his slayer had already received many scratches. Most likely he also needs to upgrade his Slayer using the supreme upgrade. Well, he did not want to replace his sword with another sword and because of this, he decided to upgrade this sword using the supreme upgrade. But for that, he needed to wait for the next month when he could once again use the supreme upgrade.

Sometime later, he already finished all those 20 Zombies, and he collected all those loot. Well, as you can see that his speed was faster when he came to the Dungeon alone, but when he came to Dungeon with his friends, he had extra safety while he rested or killed the monsters. Because of this, he still prefers to come to the dungeon with his friends. Also, before coming to the Dungeon he was already very alert because previously he already got to know that there were many people who were watching over his move and location. Those people could be inside of this dungeon or outside of the Dungeon and because of this, he was using his second identity mask.

After killing all those zombies, he once again begins to advance. He could hear many fighting sounds coming from those Warriors that were fighting those monsters inside of this dungeon. Well, he did not want to disturb them and because of this, he just left that area and began to advance. Before coming to this dungeon, he heard the bad news. Well, seriously, some people died in this dungeon. The only survivor of that group told them that it was because they faced a big skeleton who also had red spots on his body. Most likely that was the skeleton who he also faced previously. Well, that monster was very powerful and normally those early D-grade warriors won't be able to face that monster alone. Those groups of people only had five Warriors and four of them died in that battle. After hearing this news, Sam became very sad. He knew that it was natural for people to lose their life inside of the Dungeon but still it was a very sad thing.

Previously, when they went outside of the Dungeon, they informed the warrior association about that skeleton, but it looks like there were some Warriors who did not know about that skeleton, and because of this, something like this happened. So he just hoped that the warrior association would tell all the warriors about this so that no more life could be lost inside of this dungeon.josei

After advancing, he already found a group of humanoid ghosts that were floating in the sky. Wasting no time, Sam quickly used his bow and arrow to shoot toward those ghosts. Well, he was using his spirit arrows and because of this, it did not take him that much time to kill all those ghosts. After that, using his telekinesis technique collected all those Arrows. If you are thinking that he did not use this technique, then you are wrong because while fighting the monsters, he uses this technique to stop their movement.


Sometime later,

Sam was now eating his food. It has been 5 days since he came to this dungeon. If you are thinking that he already collected those crystals that he needed to increase his spirit status, then you are wrong. Because, as you know that the high-grade monsters you will kill, the drop rate of the crystals will decrease. And because of this, it was taking him that much time to collect the required spirit crystals.

While he was eating his food, he heard some fighting noise that was near him. Well, he had already finished his food, so he looked in the direction using his spiritual vision. He did not expect to see someone familiar in this dungeon, but he saw that there were some people that he was familiar with. Those people were from his previous school; because of this, Sam still remembers their faces. Sam was interested in interfering in the fight, but he was still looking at their fight. Most likely, those people really improve in their fighting technique. If you are wondering how he knew that, because they were friends of Elena.

After watching, Sam lost interest and got up from the ground to leave the area. They are 15 Warriors that were fighting 10 skeletons. Even though those Warriors were unable to kill those skeletons that easily, they still had the advantage and because of this, Sam lost interest and was about to leave the area. But suddenly the life sign detector began to vibrate. Look at the device and saw that a big red mark was approaching those Warriors. Sam already understands who that big red mark was. Yes, you also guess that is right. It was that big skeleton.

Sam did not waste anymore time and quickly used the concealment technique and went toward that big skeleton. Even though there were 15 warriors, Sam didn't know if they were able to fight with that big skeleton. The power of the big skeleton was much greater than any early D-grade monsters. Most probably, that big skeleton has the same power as the intermediate D-grade monster. Because of this, they decided to interfere in their fight to stop that skeleton. He did not want any people to die in front of him while he could prevent that.


Sometime later, Sam already noticed that big skeleton. He quickly brings out his bow and arrow. He began to prepare his most powerful attack with his arrows. He begins with as much spiritual energy as he can in that arrow, and then he also changes the nature of that spiritual energy and turns that into fire energy. Yes, you guess that, right? He was using the flame arrow. When he already gathered much spiritual energy in that arrow, he quickly shot Arrow toward that monster.

After leaving the bow, Arrow begins to shine in blue color. As you can guess, it was due to the natural change of that spiritual energy. At this time, those Warriors also saw a blue light in the sky. That light was going far away from them. For some time, they became confused, but then they guessed it was some kind of spell that was shot by a warrior toward the monster. So they once again focused on their own fight.

That flame arrow quickly approaches the skeleton monster and hits him. Sam almost uses 50% of his spiritual energy. With that, you can guess how powerful that arrow was. The moment that arrow hit that skeleton, it created an explosion. Those dead trees around that area got blown away by that explosion.

Right now, Sam was looking in the direction to know the answer. But then he predicted that it wouldn't be enough to kill that skeleton and, because of this, he began to prepare one more arrow. Well, because he was using the energy recovery technique, he already recovered 10% of spiritual energy. He once again uses 50% of his spiritual energy in that Arrow and then changes the nature of that spiritual energy. Wasting no time, he quickly shot that arrow toward that monster. Instantly, he began to feel weak. Wasting no time, he brought out one spiritual energy recovery potion and gulped it down. With the help of this potion and the energy recovery technique, he began to recover his spiritual energy and the headache he was feeling before wasn't there.


"Boom!!!" Once again, an explosion appeared in the place where that skeleton was before. Well, Sam really predicted right, because if he didn't use that second Arrow, then he would be unable to kill that skeleton. With these two blue flame arrows, that skeleton finally gets killed. Even though he did not get killed by Sam's first arrow, but seriously injured him and with that second arrow, Sam successfully killed that monster.

Sometime later, when that area became clear, Sam, so that there was no sign of the monster and he became sure that he successfully killed that skeleton. Wasting no time, he quickly approached that area and saw the loot. After collecting the loot, he left that area and began to advance.

______To be continued______

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