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Chapter 261 261 - People From The Dark Association

Chapter 261 261 - People From The Dark Association

Sam was now going toward the battle ring. Today was the 2nd year's quarter-final. Because of this, everyone was going toward the stadium one by one. Right now not only the people from the central city but also people from the other city are also going toward the stadium. Who wanted to miss this type of exciting match? While they were going toward the stadium,aaaa Sam also noticed many people from other colleges also come. Most likely those people came here to support their college.

Sometime later,

The stadium was now full of people. Everyone was waiting for the match to start, but there was still some time before the match started.josei


While everyone was looking forward to watching the exciting match, there were three people wearing masks and also looking at the battle ring. But compared to the other people, these three people were different. If right now anyone looks toward them with spiritual vision, then they will be able to see that these three people were releasing a dark aura from their bodies, and because of this those people who were sitting close to them, feel very chill. You guessed it right, these three people were the spy that the dark association sent. Their main goal was to observe all the students that will be participating in this match.

If the warrior association gets to know about this, then it won't take that much time to find out about this spy. But unfortunately, nobody knew that people from the dark association were here. Also, you can say that almost every year many spies from different associations came, also because of this the warrior association decided to ignore all of them. Most of the time, those spies, or you can say those people, came from various guilds. They came here to find genius students so that in the future they will invite those students to their guild.


10 minutes later,

The match has already begun. You can say that everyone present in the stadium was cheering for their favorite team. Because right now it wasn't the fight of the Royal Academy, Sam and his friend were just silently watching this match. But at this time, unexpectedly, Sam noticed something.

He noticed that three people not far away from him were behaving strangely. Previously, he felt that those three people were looking toward him, but instantly they shifted their focus to the match. At first he didn't think anything about that, but he kept feeling that gaze. This made him very interested because don't know why his instinct was telling him that those three people weren't normal. Also, you know that Sam always believes in his instincts. Because of this, right now he focused on those three people.

But still, those three people were from him and because of this, some instantly activated his spiritual vision. The moment he activated his spiritual vision, he got startled. Because when he looked at those three people, he installed them so that a dark aura surrounded those three people. He wasn't able to remember where he saw this type of aura previously, but he just kept thinking about that. Not only did he notice the dark aura, but you also noticed that the people besides those three people were getting affected by that dark aura.

Tony and the others at first didn't notice his strange behavior, but suddenly Tony noticed that.

"What happened Sam? What are you thinking about?" He asked Sam after seeing that Sam was busy in deep thinking.

But he did not get any response from Sam because Sam was very busy in his thinking. Alexa and the others also noticed his strange behavior.

Right now, you can say that Sam is unable to hear anything because he is fully focused on remembering where he previously saw that type of dark aura. Fortunately, the match between the Royal Academy and their opponent still hasn't started.

Sometime later, Sam finally remembers where he saw that type of aura. He did not waste any more time and quickly brought out his phone and called Alena. Tony and the others were very startled by his behavior. They don't know what happened and because of this, they were waiting for Sam to tell them.

"Teacher, three people from the dark association are present in the stadium. Also, most likely they were A-grade or B-grade warriors. As you know, I have a spiritual vision. Using my spiritual vision, I was able to see the dark aura that was coming out of their body. I remember that previously when the warrior that attacked us in the college entrance examination had the same dark aura." Wasting no time, he quickly told all of this to his teacher. At this moment, all of his friends who were listening to him get very startled.

At this moment, all of them were looking at Sam with questionable gazes. They wanted to know everything in detail. On the other hand, Alena, after hearing that, also gets very serious. She already knew that many people from various associations came to the annual college competition and she also suspected that the people from the dark association also came to this competition, but they never found any trace of those dark association warriors. It was like those dark association Warriors were very alert.

"Where are you? Don't move from that place. I will be there in a minute." She quickly hung up the call after saying that. Instantly she made a phone call and then she started to go toward Sam's place.


After informing about his location, he finally hung up the phone. Only then did he notice the questionable gaze of his friends. Before telling them, he once again quickly looked in the direction where he saw those 3 people. Fortunately, those people were still there. Only then, Sam sighs in relief. Because there was a chance that those Warriors from the dark association already realize that people from the warrior association were after them. In that situation, they could also harm those other people and then escape.

Sam, at this time, looks toward his friends and then communicates with them with his mind. He quickly explained to them all the details. Tony, Alexa, and the others were just listening to all the explanations and after they got to know about all the details, they were very startled. Sam already warns them not to make any suspicious move that would alert those three people. Also, one more thing was that those three people could also have many subordinates in this stadium and that would be very dangerous for all the people that were present in this stadium.

Tony and the others nodded. They also know that if they made any suspicious move, that could harm the people. Fortunately, Sam already told him that he already informed his teacher and teacher Alena was already coming here. But they are also something that is bothering Sam. What if those people also noticed his teacher and decided to act that time? But he decided to calm down because he has confidence in his teacher. So, he calmed down and focused on the match on the battleground. Right now the golden Dawn and their opponent were fighting each other. After that, the white tiger and at the end the Royal Academy will fight. So there was still time.


Right now, the vice-captain of the royal academy's 2nd-year team, Lina, was fighting her opponent. Her opponent was the captain of the opposite team. So you can say that the second year also only sends their vice-captain to the battle ring to fight their opponent. Actually, they wanted to show all of them that they were also powerful like in their first year. You have to say that Lina was very powerful. She also single-handedly already defeated seven warriors from her enemy team and right now he was fighting the captain. But in this fight, she had the upper Hand.

As expected, sometime later, she already sent her opponent outside of the battle ring. At this time, the referee enters the battle ring and finally declares her the winner. All the people present in the stadium begin to cheer for her because once again the Royal Academy proves that they weren't weak. Sam and his friend were also clapping for their seniors. Sam already knew that the vice-captain and the captain of the second-year team were very powerful, and as he expected, the vice-captain already showed them.


Because the match was finished, all the audience began to leave the stadium one by one. At this time, Alena suddenly calls him. Sam quickly picks up the phone. She instantly asked him about the location of their enemy. Sam, at this time, was still looking toward those three people that were busy leaving the stadium. He quickly informs her about their location and instantly Alena hung up. Well, she is also very close to that entrance or you can say exit.

__________To be continued_________

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