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Chapter 292 292 - Sword Devil VS Mysterious Swordsman

Chapter 292 292 - Sword Devil VS Mysterious Swordsman

"Ladies and gentlemen. Finally, it is time for the battle of captains. Until now, the Royal Academy and the Golden Dawn academy's 1st-year team have fought very intensely. Now it is up to their captain's hand if they will win the competition or lose the competition."

" First welcome our sword devil, James Danish from Golden Dawn academy. In his previous match, he already showed why he was called the sword devil. Like a devil, he likes to hunt down his opponent. So let's welcome our captain of the Golden Dawn."

The moment the referee finishes saying that instantly you can only hear one name in the stadium. The Golden Dawn's cheering team is also cheering for their captain. At this time James started to go toward the battle ring with his confident gaze. Even though the Royal Academy was leading the fight you cannot see any worry in his eyes. He has full confidence that he will win this fight. After looking at his confident look, the people who were cheering for him started to cheer more loudly. Everyone knows how powerful he was and they also have full confidence that he will win this fight.

Sometime later, when everyone in the stadium calms down, the referee once again begins to give his speech,

"As I expected everyone was very excited after seeing our captain James. As we know how powerful he is, it will be hard for his opponent to win against him. But like him, our next captain is also very powerful. He previously did not participate in any matches. It is not that he is not powerful but it is just that his teammates were enough to finish those matches and because of this, he didn't get the chance to participate. But here in the final he finally participated in the match. We don't know how powerful he is right now because he never shows us. But one thing is that he was called the number one genius of this year. He is full of mystery, and he also calls the Mysterious swordsman. Haha… this nickname was weird but it was given by his classmates. I hope in this match he will get a better nickname. So wasting no time, let's welcome our next captain, Sam Kainer."

When the referee finishes saying that, Sam finally gets up from his seat and begins to walk toward the battle ring. This was his first time participating in this match, but in his face, you cannot see any other expression other than a calm face. Nobody could guess what he was thinking while looking at his expression.

At this time those audiences who were supporting the Royal Academy once again began to cheer for Sam. Even though they don't know the power of the captain of the Royal Academy, one thing was for sure he will be more powerful than Alexa because he is the captain. Because of this, the audience supported him. But the cheering team from the Royal Academy knows the power of Sam and because of this the moment he starts to go toward the battle ring they begin to show their support for him. Right now nobody knows that just after admitting to the Royal Academy he defeated a second-year senior except his classmates or other Royal Academy's students.

Hina, Victor, and Alena also watched the match right. The moment they also saw Sam going toward the battle ring they also showed a happy smile. Finally, Sam is going to participate and he will show in front of everyone how powerful he is right now. Gloria and Fiona are also looking at the screen from their waiting room. They also both smiled when they saw some going toward the battle ring.

"What do you think Gloria? How long will this Beast take to finish his opponent?" Suddenly Fiona asks Gloria. Well, she had a sparring match with some and knows how powerful he is. Because of this, she asked this question to Gloria.

"I don't know. If he wanted to finish this fight quickly then he would defeat his opening in just 5 minutes but if he did not want to finish this fight quickly then it would be a long fight." Gloria says that while her focus is still on the screen. Well not only her but others were also looking at the screen. Everyone from the Royal Academy knows this person could defeat a second-year senior just after admitting to the Royal Academy. So he could win this fight easily.josei

At this time both of the captains were right now in the battle ring. Both of them looked at each other and observed each other. James already brings out his sword. But at this time his classmates, his friends, and even those people who know about his fighting style get very surprised. Because right now no one can see a sword in his hand. Everyone knows how powerful his sword techniques were. So it was natural for everyone to be surprised.

"What happened to him? Why did she still not bring out his sword? Did something happen to his sword?" Suddenly Fiona asks Gloria.

"I also don't know why he still didn't bring out his sword," Gloria also was very surprised after seeing his action. She just shook his head while she was still focusing on the screen.

This same question Hina also asked Victor and Alena. They can also see that Sam still did not bring out his weapon. But suddenly Alena said to her,

"Don't worry aunty. He is also very good at his punch technique and most likely he wanted to win this fight only using his fist." Alena assured her. She has full confidence in her students. But unexpectedly, Alexa, Tony, Jeni, and Elena, didn't get surprised that much. At first, they were surprised but that was it. Their expressions quickly became normal and they also began to smile. Because they remember how previously Sam was only fighting those two robots only using his fists. At this time Alexa also told the others not to worry about him.


"You did not want to bring out your weapon? Did you underestimate my power? Is this your arrogance or overconfidence? I know that in the college entrance examination I was weaker than you but right now everything has changed. If this is your overconfidence or arrogance then I will make you regret this." At this time, James, who was in the battle ring, suddenly asks Sam.

"Haha… don't misunderstand me. This is not my arrogance or overconfidence. I think you don't know but I am also good at using my fists. So I am going to use that. Also, one more thing is that I never underestimate any of my opponents." Sam finishes saying that and instantly approaches James. The referee already gave them the signal to fight. James also wasn't slow; he also instantly began to approach Sam using his full speed.

Those normal people were unable to see the fight if the warrior association did not help them. Besides the battle ring, they also have a big screen where because of a slow-motion camera everyone in the battleground can see the fight between them on that big screen. On the big screen, they were seeing how quickly both of them were already in front of each other and they already attacked each other.

Sam is already wearing his gloves and not only that he also already activated his energy mode and coated his gloves with his spiritual energy. One more good thing was that in the energy mode while he coated his sword or fist with the spiritual energy nobody could since the energy fluctuated. Because of this for all those people this was one of Sam's mystery

"Boom!" Instantly a loud sound you can hear that was created when James's sword and Sam's fist clashed with each other. James also used his spirit technique and because of this, a huge impact was created by this. Fortunately, Sam also did not use his full power and because of this James was still in the battle ring. For this match, he decided not to use his intermediate D-grade warrior's power. He will only use the early D-grade warrior's power. But still, he already became so powerful that James can feel the power behind his fist. But that does not mean he will give up. Both of them still did not move from their places but sometime later James sent five steps backward.

Sam already uses this chance to once again appear in front of him and punch him once again. But fortunately, James was very quick to react and avoid that. He is also very quick and instantly swings his sword toward Sam. But Sam already reacted and once again punched that sword. Once again his fist and the sword clashed. At this time James tried to kick him but some already reacted and jumped backward.

All the audience who are watching this match get very surprised when they see how easily Sam sent James backward with his first move. This instantly excited all the people who were supporting the Royal Academy. They once again begin to cheer loudly for him.

____________To be continued___________

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