Small upgrade system

Chapter 314 314 - Critical Condition

Chapter 314 314 - Critical Condition

When Vena finally arrived in Lais city, she saw that the situation of those Warriors wasn't that good. She can see those injured Warriors without caring about the life fighting those monsters. At this time she quickly tries to find her granddaughter in those Warriors. She finally noticed Jeni. But when she looked at her she saw how seriously injured she was right now. Fortunately, Elena was healing her and her friends. And she can see that those injuries begin to recover slowly. At this time she also notices Tony, Alexa and the others but suddenly she begins to feel uncomfortable. Wasting no time she quickly went toward her granddaughter. Only after coming toward her granddaughter does she notice that every Warrior present there looks straight. She also looked toward that and finally she understood why she was feeling uncomfortable.

In front of her she saw Sam who single handedly fought with those low-grade and medium grade monsters. She can also see how many monsters he had killed because that place was full of dead bodies of those monsters. And she also noticed that almost all those medium grade and low grade monsters were killed by him. Wasting no time she was about to make her move but instantly something unexpected happened. Suddenly out of nowhere a thunderbolt appeared and hit Sam. Instantly everyone present in that place here A painful roar that came out from Sam's mouth. Tony, Jeni, Alexa, Elena and the others also got startled by all of this. They instantly became anxious and were about to run towards. Suddenly out of nowhere a thunderbolt hit Sam, and by hearing his voice they can tell he was in pain.

But before anyone could make their move, Vena already came to that place and she instantly took Sam away from that place. Only then did those other Warriors notice that the reinforcement had already arrived and Saint Vena also already arrived in that place. Those other Warriors who came with Vena, already began to fight with those monsters. Not only them, some of them also begin to give those potions to those warriors.

But currently Tony and the others did not focus on that. They were now worriedly looking toward Saint Vena who took Sam from that place and instantly appeared in front of them. Only then will they see the condition of Sam. Right now his body is full of deep injuries. His blood was coming out from those injuries and not only that because of the previous thunderbolt the right side of his body was already burned by that. Jeni, Elena, Saara and Kira instantly begin to cry. Tony was looking at him but if you look at him then you can see that his eyes were full of tears. Everyone of them has a helpless look after looking at the condition of Sam. He was the person who always protected them from danger. Even in the situation he activated that dangerous technique to give them the chance to recover from their injuries but in the end he is suddenly hit by that powerful thunderbolt and his condition became like this. They tried to wake him up but Sam did not respond.

"Right now he is in a very critical condition. Elena quickly uses your healing Ray at full power. In any condition we need to stabilize his condition so that we can save his life." Vena told that to Elena. Elena, even though she was crying, she did not waste anymore time and quickly used all of her power to use the healing ray.

"You take care of him, I will take care of those monsters," but the situation wasn't good and Vena needed to take care of those monsters. She also already knew how sad her granddaughter was right now. You can say that Sam was her first friend and right now in front of her she could be her friend in this condition so it was natural for her to become hurt by that. Instantly after thinking about Sam's condition an anger begins to rise in her. Instantly she used a full part to kill all those low-grade and medium grade monsters.

At this time not only Vena, but Tony and the others were feeling helpless and angry at themselves. Because they were weak Sam needed to risk his life and because of these they began to become angry. They became too angry at themselves and also angry at those monsters.

Right now, not only Elena, those other light element users also came toward them and they began to heal Sam. Everyone can see how the condition is right now. At any rate they need to stabilize his condition. Everyone of them are very anxious about Sam right now because he is now in a critical condition. Tony and the others are looking at the situation and feeling very helpless right now. In this situation they are unable to do anything other than praying for Sam. Previously Sam already took care of at least 90% of those monsters and Vena killed those remaining 10% monsters. So you can say that those D-grade warriors didn't have the opponent to fight right now and because of this everyone of them were praying for Sam.


Vena, after killing those low grade and medium grade monsters, also helps those high grade warriors. But while helping them she gets attacked by those S-grade monsters many times but she avoided those attacks. Because of the reinforcement the situation was not stable and those Warriors will be able to handle those remaining monsters. Because of this, she did not have to worry about them and with that she could finally focus on those S-grade monsters.

She left that place and came to that place where she was not facing those two S-grade monsters. Both of those monsters are looking at her but if you look at their expression then you can say that both of them still did not take her seriously. For them those humans wear and who won be able to compete with them. Because of this arrogance they also did not participate in those fights. Even though the dark spiritual energy is able to take control over their mind, they already release that dark spiritual energy from their body and right now they are not in control. So in this situation if you are thinking why they were attacking the most probably it was because they were thinking this was interesting.


Hina and Victor were in another border city, while Alena, Aria and Maria were in different cities. Gloria and Fiona are also in different cities. So you can say that all of them were in different cities while fighting with those monsters. But a few minutes ago Hina, Alena, and Gloria suddenly feel very uncomfortable while fighting with these monsters. Instantly that makes them very alert because they don't know what is happening but while fighting those monsters they suddenly feel that. But those monsters did not give them the time to think about it. So they once again focus on fighting. Already Saints have arrived in their places and are fighting with those S-grade monsters. At this time those other Warriors were fighting those high grade monsters without worrying about those S-grade monsters. But still that uncomfortable feeling did not go out from their heart and because of this, they started to think that something must happen to someone.


1 hour later,

Elena and the others are finally able to stabilize the condition of Sam. They were able to close those wounds so that right now he wasn't bleeding but even that he already lost much blood and because of this right now he was looking very pale. But even though they are able to stabilize his condition, they are unable to heal that burn place.

Fortunately the medical team already started doing their work at this time. Elena and the others already stabilized his condition and because of this he wasn't in critical condition right now. Because of this the medical team began to take care of him. Right now they need to give him blood so that he will feel better. Not only that, they need to take care of that burn place right now.

Tony and the others did not make any sound. Right now they just worriedly looked at Sam while he was being taken care of by those medical teams. They were now giving him blood and they were also clearing that burn place. Tony and the others were helplessly looking at the situation. Even though their friend risked his life to save them, they are unable to do anything in this situation that makes them very angry.

'This isn't the time to cry. Even if we try we are unable to do anything.' this is the only thing right now they were thinking about. They know that even if they cry right now they won't be able to do anything. Because of this they already stopped crying. Right now the only thing they are thinking about is to get stronger so that they do not need to face this kind of situation a third time.

Right now on the other hand those high grade monsters are already being killed by those Warriors. After the reinforcement arrived the fight became very easy and because of this those Warriors were able to kill those monsters easily. It has been 1 hour but it will still need some time to kill all those monsters. But at this time everyone present in that place suddenly felt a powerful presence from a distance. They instantly saw the sky became dark. Everyone of them was familiar with that.

____________To be continued__________

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