Small upgrade system

Chapter 323 323 - Prize Distribution Ceremony

Chapter 323 323 - Prize Distribution Ceremony

After a week later Sam finally got out of his house. He finally got permission from his parents to leave the house. The main thing was that today was the prize distribution ceremony. So you can say that this is an important day for every student who participated in the annual college competition. So you can say that right now Sam was going to be at the stadium once again because the prize distribution ceremony will be held there. Tony, Alexa and the others were also going toward the stadium with Sam.

Sometime later, everyone once again came back to the stadium and you can say that the stadium was once again full with people. Even though they faced those monsters recently, it did not stop anyone from becoming excited about this because you can say that every year this is the most joyous thing for everyone to celebrate. Even though many of them already lost their close person in that battle, it won't stop them. On the other hand It motivated everyone of those people who participated in the battle against those monsters to become powerful so that humanity didn't need it to face that kind of casualties.

Sam who was going toward this stadium was also thinking about the previous battle and about those monsters. Even though he was able to kill those D-grade monsters, he did not have the strength to fight those high grade monsters. So you can say that it was a very frustrating thing for him because if he was not able to fight this kind of monster then how the hell would he face those monsters that were coming toward his home. They will be so powerful that they can destroy his home without any pressure. So you can say that thinking all of this Sam was beginning to feel frustrated but then after thinking about his system and the new update he finally calmed down.

This week he was unable to go to the Dungeon and because of this right now you can say that he did not have that many Dungeon points, nor did he have any gold coins right now because he already used all of them. Also one more thing was that he already fused his two Armor. One armor he bought from the system and the other one that he got from after winning the college entrance examination. Not only that he also fuses his Slayer with his new sword that bought from the system shop. Before anything you should know that the things you will get from the system aren't normal. Even the cheapest thing in the system was very powerful.


Black Geon armor

Grade - C

Defense Power - 250

Durability - 240/240josei

Special effects - It will increase your body defense while adding 20 points on your defense. Not only that, it also increases the recovery factor of your body."

As you can see that the new armor was completely black in color and not only that it was very powerful. Not only does it give his body extra defense, but it also increases the recovery factor of his body. So you can say that it was very good. Also to fuse this to Armor he almost uses 19k of his dungeon points. On the other hand, he uses the remaining point to fuse those two swords. But you should not underestimate that sword that he brought from the system because it was a special sword like his Slayer. Also the special feature of this sword was that it was made of some kind of spirit material and not only that spirit material was able to channel spiritual energy through it but it also has a strong property and because of this, the weapon made from that material is also very strong. So you can say that both of the swords have the same property and because of this he is able to fuse this to the sword.



Grade - C+

Attack power - 293

Durability - 280/280

Special feature - This also increased your strength by 10 points. With that you can easily channel your spiritual energy. Not only that but it is also made from a very mysterious material and because of this it is also very powerful."


Sometime later they already reached the stadium and they saw that the stadium was full of people. Fortunately they needed to go toward the waiting room and because of this they went directly in that direction. Also one more thing was that while going toward their waiting room Sam and the others already saw Pijush and the others. They also already arrived here and they are also going toward the waiting room. After they noticed Sam they quickly came to him and asked him about his condition. Many of them already know the achievement of Sam, but those people who were present in the Lais city, only know how much pressure he needed to face in that situation. To buy all those Warriors more time some handle those monsters on his own and you can say that it was one of a big achievement.


Sometime later,

Saint Vena, Saint Markus, Saint John and also Saint Mira present in the stadium right now. They will be giving the prize to those students. You can say that every student after hearing that got very excited because everyone wanted to meet Saints. It is a big achievement for everyone.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Once again welcome in the stadium. Few days earlier, when we held our annual college competition, we suddenly got attacked by those monsters. But fortunately our brave Warriors already handle all those matters and because of this once again we are safe from those monsters. Because of this we are once again able to heal the ceremony of living the prize. Please welcome our Saint Markus on stage. Before starting the ceremony we want Saint Markus to give us a speech." After saying that the announcer went to the site and at this time everyone present in the stadium was now looking at Saint Markus. He already got up from his seat and began to work at the center of the stadium.

Markus after coming to the center of the stadium he began to observe everyone present in the stadium. After that he begin his speech,

" As you know, some days ago it was like hell for us. We lost many Warriors while fighting the monsters. But I am proud of those Warriors who risk their lives to protect humanity. They are the heroes that we should respect. You all should respect all those people who risk their life to protect you. Because of them you are able to live happily. They are the heroes of our humanity. But this is not enough. Everyone so early that suddenly dark association names appear and they begin to target everyone to spread their name. The dark association's main target was to become famous. But fortunately we were able to destroy the dark association so you did not need to worry about them. But most likely this wasn't enough. We needed a more powerful fighter so that those Warriors that belong to the dark reaction won't be able to cause destruction. Not only the dark association but those monsters. If we have many powerful Warriors then it will be easy to take down those monsters. So I am hoping that every student present in the stadium will be a worker and become a strong warrior." After saying that Saint Markus finished his speech and went back to his seat.

Sometime later,

Finally it was time for the prize distribution. Saint Markus, Saint Vena and Saint Mira will distribute those prizes to those students. At first the referee announced the college name of the third position holder from 1st year. It was the white tiger Academy who got the third position, at this time Gustav with his teammates began to walk toward the battle ring to receive the prize. After they were done they called the golden dawn academy in the battle ring to receive their prize. James was leading his teammates in the battle ring. All this time all the audience were supporting each team. Finally the referee called the name of the Royal Academy.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our winner of this year from the first year of the Royal Academy. We have our captain Sam. He is leading his team toward the battle ring. Beside him we also have our vice captain Alexa. Most likely everyone knows how powerful she was. Also you can just look at them and tell them that they did not waste all this time." After that the referee one by one began to introduce everyone from the Royal Academy in front of everyone.

Saint Markus, Saint Vena and Saint Mira, smiled. They already saw how confident Sam and his friend were. Most likely after fighting their first battle all of them must become very confident. All of them are practicing non-stop so that they can surpass one person. As you know, their target was Sam.

_________To be continued_______

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