Small upgrade system

Chapter 338 338 - Information About Other Worlder

Chapter 338 338 - Information About Other Worlder

Sam finally came back to his house. He can see that neither his sister nor his parents did not came back from their adventure. Fortunately Sam already prepared for that and he already ordered his food. Well Saint Markus told him that he will inform him about the place where he will meet him.

'Sigh, it would be good if Saint Markus told me all the details or all this really makes me very curious. I don't even know what was happening and what I was searching for. Really I am living a complicated life.' Sam thought that while he was eating his food.

Sometime later,

Sam was now resting in his bedroom. Saint Markus already told him that he will meet him around 8:00 p.m. so you can say that he had enough time to rest and recover his mental health. Really while following those people Sam overused his supreme concealment technique. Because of this, you can say that he was having that headache earlier. After becoming a peak D-grade warrior the capacity of his body also increased but still it was very hard for him to maintain the concealment technique for at least 24 hours without deactivating it. Because of this, he needed to rest his mind for some time to recover his mental energy.

4 hours later, 7:00 p.m.

Sam finally wakes up from his sleep. He still has 1 hour before meeting Saint Markus. So right now he was now looking at his system window and already brought out all the crystals that he got from this Dungeon. Wasting no time he quickly begins to absorb all the crystals and at the same time if you look at his status screen then you can see that the number of his status begins to increase rapidly. Sam still needed some time to reach the limit of the peak D-grade. But still he wanted to break through as quickly as he could.

Name: Sam Kainer

Health: (210p/2100)

Spiritual energy: (3400/3400)

Strength: A- / 439

Agility: A- / 438

Physique: A- / 439

Intelligent(mental power): A- / 440

Spirit: A- / 445

[System remark:- S > A > B > C > D > E > F.]

Grade: (D+) (peak)

Potential: Rare

Upgrade point: 35M


Special technique:

Supreme upgrade

Fusion technique

Absorb technique:

Original Dragon devour (grade B)

Combat techniques:

Balor boxing ( grade B)

Fast sword (grade B)

Tri sword technique (grade C) (+)

Neo sword style (Grade C) (+)

Invisible shot (C-grade) (+)

Multiple shot (C-grade) (+)

Rapid shot (C-grade) (+)

" Conceal technique:

Superior Stealth (grade C) (+)

Superior spirit concealment (grade C) (+)

Movement technique:

Light walk (grade B)

Spiritual techniques:

Flame control (B-grade)

Supreme Spiritual energy control (B-grade)

Sonic blast technique: (C-grade) (+)

Strength buff technique: (C-grade) (+)

Mind control technique: (C-grade) (+)

Telekinesis: (C-grade) (+)

Berserker (C-grade) (+)

Light control (Grade C) (+)

Dark spiritual energy control ( Grade D) (+)

Passive techniques:josei

Energy recovery: (B-grade)

Mind protection: (B-grade)

Spirit Eye: (B-grade)

The power of the moon. (Grade: C) (+)

[ Remark: You just now have some strength to protect.] "

As you can see after using all the crystals this was his status right now. Compared to his other status he was able to increase spirit status to 445, that means A-. When he is able to increase that and be able to break through to S, his spiritual energy will increase once again by 300 points.

Right now he has enough points and he could try fusing his Sword techniques. But then after some thinking he decided he will do that later. Because right now he won't be able to fuse his fast cut with his other Sword technique. If he wants to fuse those three then he needs to upgrade his other two techniques to B-grade and only then will he be able to fuse those three techniques.

At this time he was now looking at the inventory and he was selling all the useless things in his inventory in the system shop. Those unnecessary roots will give him the required gold coins. Even though right now he did not want to buy anything from the shop but still he wanted to save gold coins.


Around 8:00 p.m.,

Sam was now going toward the warrior association. Well he previously thought Saint Markus would tell him to come to another place but still he decided to tell him to come to the warrior association. So he was just now going toward the warrior association. You have to say that the weather was very hot today. Even though it was 8:00 p.m. he was still sweating.

It did not take him that long to reach the warrior association. After parking his car he began to walk toward the reception area. Just when he asked the receptionist about Saint Markus, she smiled at him and then told him to follow her. So Sam, wasting no time, begins to follow her. It did not take them that much long and right now they were in front of the office room.

Sam did not directly enter the door and knock on the door. At this time, Saint Markus gave him permission to enter and only then Sam entered the office room. But after entering the office room Sam was very surprised because Saint Markus wasn't alone in the room. Saint Vena, Saint, Mira, Saint John, and the others Saint also present in that room. Almost every saint was present in the room. And right now all of them are waiting for him and sharing his experience with them.

Sam really gets surprised for a minute but then he is able to calm down. Most likely Saint Markus told him to come because of this serious matter. Even though Sam right now did not know anything but he can still till that it was most likely a very important matter for everyone and because of this almost everyone was present in this room.

Saint Markus, after seeing him, smiled at him. Sam finally sits down and they can finally start their meeting. Saint Markus did not waste anymore time. He directly asked him about his experience. How did he get to know about those other world people? What is their motive? Right now, Saint Markus asked all these questions. Not only him but those other people were also very interested and very curious.

Sam also did not waste any more time and quickly began to explain everything from the first to last. He did not leave any details.

He told everyone how he met those people and after that how he followed them. Well he did not say anything about his concealment technique, but everyone present in the room already knew that Sam was very good at concealment.

It took some time to finish his explanation. After finishing the explanation right now is the heavy atmosphere present in this room. All Saints were very serious right now. Except Saint Mira, Saint Markus and the others were very serious about this. What was the motive of those other people? Everyone of them were curious to find out about that and on the other hand they were also curious about the core. What is the core that they were searching for?

"This is top secret information but because you already meet people from other countries I don't want it to hide anything from you. Actually, when monsters suddenly started coming to our planet through those portals , some people from the other world also came to our planet. It was those people who told him that if they kill those monsters they will get resources from that and with that they could become powerful. Not only that at the time we already asked about the motive of those people but none of them trailers anything. They just only said one thing that in future if the core hatches successfully then it will be very good for the Eden blue.

After that we began to search around those people but until now we did not find anyone nor did I find anything related to the other world. But one thing was for sure that compared to asking the other world, people were much stronger. So as you can see why we are very serious right now. If you are telling us the truth then most likely those people will now attack those Royal Dungeons. Because of this we are right now very serious. We just recently were able to solve everything and a new problem once again appeared. Sigh, we still did not even know how the hell those people vanished from the dungeon."

At this time, Saint Markus explained everything to him. He also tells him why he did not want anyone to know about this because this could make many Warriors curious and they can do any reckless thing that could make them lose their life. Unfortunately Sam was not able to see their faces and because of this he won't be able to help them find those people. But one thing was that while previously he was observing those people using his spiritual vision, he noticed that those people most likely weren't humans.

_____To be continued_____

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