Small upgrade system

Chapter 344 344 - Start Of The Competition

Chapter 344 344 - Start Of The Competition

​ 2 days later,

Finally, today was the first match between early D-grade warriors. Students from the Royal Academy, white Tiger Academy, Golden Dawn Academy, Falcon Academy and many others Academy are already present on the battlefield.

You can say that this was an interesting competition because this competition has three steps. Before the start of the fight the students needed to check their grade, and after that the fight would start. All the students will fight in two steps. For the first steps every student will face Monsters with the same grade as them. Like those D-grade warriors will face D-grade monsters. Only after that is the last process where every student will face each other.

Right now if you are wondering how the warrior association will manage those Monsters then they will bring those Monsters from the danger zone so there won't be any problem. But as you can guess this will be a long process.

Right now you can see in the battlefield 20 Warriors can face 20 Monsters at the same time and like that the competition was going on. Already 20 Warriors came to the battlefield and they already went to a separate battle room. Just after entering the battle room, they can see the Monsters in front of them that have chains on their body which prevent them from moving. But just looking at them you can see that everyone of those monsters were very angry and this angrily looked at the Warriors who just entered the battle room.

Everybody will have 20 seconds before the warrior association will release the monster and the student needed to fight that Monsters. Also you should know one more thing, the fight wasn't organized in only one stadium because it will take a longer time than every stadium present in Venus City has this set. Well right now in the whole of Venus City, there were 10 stadiums. So, 200 students can fight at the same time.

15000 early D-grade students participated in this match. Well compared to the other students you can say that the number of the early D-grade students were higher. With that you can guess it will take much time to complete this competition.


Now came back to the stadiums,

All of those 10 stadiums were full of people. You can say that people from different countries were also present in the Venus city and everyone was very excited for this match. Also you can see many big screens present in the stadium where you will see the battle that was going on in the stadium.

On the other hand in the main room,

All the teachers were present there and all of them while looking at all those big screens that showed them the battle. In this control room there weren't that many teachers present, only the head teacher of the college present in this control room. Not only those head teachers but many guild leaders also present in that room. Actually everyone of them are looking for the talent that they want to invite who will work for them.

"Really, most likely every student after the annual college competition improves themselves and also because of the previous incident all of them became very serious. Just looking at their fight you can say that they have improved very much." Suddenly one person said, The other people nodded after hearing that.

" Hmm… you can say that the previous incident was also a good thing for all these students because all of them became very serious. Most likely because of the saints all those students become very relaxed and think they will not have that much risk. But after the previous incident all of them became serious and they began to take their student career seriously." Suddenly once again one person said that.

" Haha… seriously all these students thought the previous incident was the worst case in their life but they still did not know the horror of those S-grade monsters. Previously when those monsters tried to invade the cities… sigh, forget about that. I really don't want it to remember those bad memories." Another person said that.

All these people were from the guilds. They were the guild masters. Just looking at them you can tell that all of them have already reached the limit of A-grade. But unfortunately nobody is still able to break through the barrier. Right now all of them are talking to each other while looking at the fights on the screen. Even though they were watching the fight between those first years with excitement, their main target was the 3rd year. Because after this competition they will immediately contact those third years that they will select for their guilds.

It wasn't that after entering the guilds you won't be able to contact the warrior association but it was just you did not need to work for the warrior association. Every guild has their own territory and Dungeons. So in those Dungeons before entering you needed the permission from those guilds.


"Sam, I am really excited about this. But, sigh, it would be a waste of time for you when you will fight those Monsters. Haha… most probably you will only need a second to kill the monster that you will face." Tony said that with a laugh. Jeni and the others also began to laugh. Everyone of them agrees with Tony that mostly Sam will kill the monster as quickly as he can.


"Well, don't say that. Not only me but you all also have the strength to finish the fight as quickly as you can. Most probably it will take only one minute to finish the fight. Haha.. so, don't say that." Sam said that to his friends. Right now most probably not everyone knows the power of his friends. All this month like him they also focus on their fight and training. So you can say that it was easy for everyone to face one monster and kill that Monster in just 1 minute.

Sometime later,

Right now Sam and his friends were looking at the big screen that was showing the name of those Warriors who were able to qualify for the next match. Actually those students who are unable to win against the monster are unable to advance for the next match. In the next match, every student will go to a dungeon in Venus City, where they will face the monsters. They will gain the battle points and those battle points will determine the winner of this competition so all of this going on for the battle point. Right now those students who are able to qualify for the next match already gain one battle point.

In the Dungeon those students can make their own teams and they can go solo in the Dungeon. But all of them will have the same goal: to kill as many monsters as they can to gain the battle point. The more battle points you will have the more quickly will win the match. Also after that Dungeon adventure the last phase of this competition will be held where anyone can challenge anyone for a fight. In the fight they needed to bet on their battle point, and the winner would get the total battle points.

But at the same time it didn't mean that the loser who just lost the match would be disqualified. The loser will have one more chance to challenge someone and if he wins that match then he can once again come back but even if he loses that time then he will be disqualified from this match.


"Actually, I am more excited for the Dungeon match. This term we can go solo in the Dungeon and see who can kill more monsters. Most likely many students will make teams when they go to the dungeon, but this time I wanted to compete against you all." Suddenly at this time Alexa said that. It instantly increases the fighting will of everyone. Even Sam was excited. Everyone instantly agreed with her.

"Hey, guys, what are you talking about?" Suddenly at this time Sam and the others hear a question from behind. They quickly turned around and saw that it was Aliya, James and their teammates from the Golden Dawn.

"Oh.. hi guys. How are you guys?" Tony asked that question.

" We are fine and ready to battle. Haha… you also need to prepare this time for the defeat." Aliya said that with excitement.

" Haha… don't worry, we are also ready to battle anytime." Tony also answers that while showing his excitement.

"Haha… hi guys, we are talking about that we will go to the dungeon solo and compete against each other and see who will kill the most of the monster and he will be the winner. Most likely many students will make a team and win against the danger but we wanted to go to the Dungeon solo." Alexa said that.

"Hmm… really it was an interesting idea to go to the dungeon solo. Then it was decided that we will also go to the Dungeon solo and compete," instantly James also agreed with Alexa after hearing the plan.

___________To be continued________________

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