Small upgrade system

Chapter 346 346 - The Power Of Dan And Saara

Chapter 346 346 - The Power Of Dan And Saara

"Roar!!!!" You can see a big monster just look like a leopard but it was very big compared to a normal leopard. It had red eyes and now it was showing a very furious expression. Well, it was called Vicious leopard.

Opposite to that leopard you can see a person who instantly dodges that attack. He was Dan, he was facing this Vicious leopard. Well as you know that he was an Archer and the most important thing was that he always preferred to attack the enemy from a distance and because of this, the warrior association arranged this leopard. It was like a natural enemy for him.

But, Dan didn't panic. He calmly looked at the leopard and instantly dodge that attack. Wasting no time he needed to think of a way to attack that monster. But, like the normal leopard this leopard Monster also has unimaginable speed and raw power in their body. With that they could travel very fast and they can instantly appear in front of their enemy and attack them. Because of this it was quite hard for Dan. But fortunately Dan wasn't completely helpless. Like his other friends in these few months he also improved very much and you can say that right now he is also already able to use the spirit technique very easily and with that he is also able to use the spirit technique while using his body protection technique.

Because of this right now you can see a blue layer now covering the whole body of Dan. As you can get that it was the spiritual energy that was covering his body and also increasing the power of his body. Because of this, the leopard Monster still wasn't able to damage his armor or injured him.

But at the same time you should know that because of continuously using the full speed the leopard monsoon also needed some time to recover his stamina and Dan was waiting for that chance. Finally after 20 minutes he finally got that chance. Instantly wasting no time he quickly brings out his bow, and begins to continuously shoot that leopard. Because of using the spirit technique while using his archery technique all the arrows were now covered by a blue layer.

All of those arrows continuously began to attack that leopard and at this time that leopard was recovering his stamina and because of this he was unable to dodge. Even though that leopard tried to dodge those arrows but because of low stamina he was unable to react that quickly and in the end in front of those arrows, he was unable to do anything and finally died.

Dan sighed and then smiled. After that he left the battle room and after coming out of the battle room he saw Kenny and the others who were waiting for him. He already knows that most probably he was the last one who left the battle room but it does not matter because the monster he was facing was naturally the natural enemy of him. Only because of this he needed this much time to finish the monster.

Most probably, Saara seems to understand his inner thought and because of this she instantly said to him,

"Don't worry, I also came out of the battle room just a few minutes ago so you don't need to be embarrassed about that."


As Saara said, she just came out of the battle room a few minutes ago. Like Dan she also faced a monster that was very good at close combat. This time she faced a Vicious wolf. As you are already familiar with this Monster, they were white fast and also very powerful and because of this she also needed this much time to finish that monster.

Previously just after entering the battle room she saw that monster in front of her. From that moment she began to prepare her spell for that monster. The moment the match started and that monster got released from the chain, she instantly attacked that time. Instantly water began to gather around that wolf. As you can guess it was the water prison attack. That wolf did not even get the chance to react and instantly got in that prison.

But even with that attached she is unable to kill that wolf properly and somehow that wolf manages to escape from that prison. Fortunately she did not use her full power previously and because of this she once again used spiritual power to cast another spell that was water Spears. Unexpectedly water Spears begin to appear above her head and she already shoots those water Spears toward that monster. Even though the Vicious wolf tried to counter attack and Dodge those attacks but in the end he was unable to do that and finally got killed by her.


Now came back to the battlefield,

Currently you can see that many more students begin to come out from the battle room. Some of them were injured while some of them did not receive any injuries. Some of them got disqualified from this competition while some of them qualified for the next match. Most probably it will take much more time for the result of this round.

30 minutes later finally everyone present in the stadium can see the result of this round. One by one the name of the winner is shown on the big screen. Even though all the audience already knew the results, they did not know the result of other stadiums and this helped them to know the result of every stadium. With that all the audience once again began to cheer and clap for those Warriors who qualified for the next match.

Right now between those audiences you can see Sam, Tony and the girls were also cheering for Dan and the others. Well from the first they have the confidence that everyone will qualify for the next match and because of this they did not worry that much. But still it was quite surprising for them to see that the warrior association decided to bring this type of Monster for the Warriors. It was like they wanted those students to face their natural enemy or The Monster that could use their weak point to win against them.

But just after seeing that you can say that Tony and the others were already fired up. Not only them but James and the others were also very excited. They just can not wait for their match. They also wanted to see which type of Monster they would face.

"Haha… I am really very excited to know about the monster that I will face. I really wanted to know which type of Monster the warrior association will appoint to fight against me? Haha… this really makes me very excited." Tony said that.

" Haha… not only you, but I am also very excited and I also really wanted to know about the monster that I will face in the match." James suddenly said that. Most likely like Tony, James also very much battles Manick and because of this both of them just really cannot wait for their match.josei

"Okay, okay, now calm down. And also James in which stadium your teammates were fighting? I did not see them before?" Suddenly Elena said that.

"Oh.. they will be fighting in the next match so you will see them in this stadium." At this time James calms down and answers the question.


"Haha… it is really good to see how those humans are fighting those Monsters. Some of them were able to finish the match very quickly while some of them needed a lot of time to finish their match. But still compared to us or compared to any other civilization, these humans were trash. Haha… even a newborn child of ours will have the battle power of their F-grade warrior. But in the case of humans they need to absorb those crystals and only then will they be able to become Warriors. Haha… what a pathetic life form they were. If it was in the protection of those prime humans most likely we would already conquer this planet." Right now one of the other world people said with a sigh.

Fortunately all those other world's people communicate in their mind and because of this, these humans are unable to hear them. But still you can see in their eyes those humans were pathetic little ants. Even the most powerful of these humans were only able to reach S-grade, and the most important thing was that all the humans did not have any information about the powerhouse behind the S-grade. Because of this, those people from other worlds thought that humans were really pathetic.

"Well, you cannot expect anything from these humans, because they still have not got contact with the world outside of their planet and because of this, they were like this. But still it was quite hard to understand why those prime humans were protecting this planet." One of them said that.

_____________To be continued____________

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