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Chapter 366 366 - Interrogation

Chapter 366 366 - Interrogation

Sam was now thinking about the aura that he felt when that space fluctuation happened. He felt that someone suddenly started to observe him when that fluctuation happened and the power behind that person was really so much that it almost made him freeze. Fortunately, Saint Markus and the others already take care of that space fluctuation.

Sam sighs in relief. Fortunately nothing happened but really it was a very dangerous encounter. Who could have thought that just after defeating Gustav he will face something like that. Fortunately he already notified those Saints previously. Right now we can only hope that they will get every information out of Gustav. Because if he wasn't wrong then when he was in the college entrance examination Gustav still didn't join the dark association at that time but something most likely happened after that.

When he came back to the resting room his friends quickly came in front of him and began to ask about his condition. He assured them that he is okay and they did not need to worry. Most likely his sister and his parents also got the news and because of this, they also called him and asked about his situation. But Sam assures them that he is okay.

"Sigh, who can expect that Gustav will be the other who joins the dark association. Why the hell he decided to join that dark association?" Tony said that with a disappointed tone. Well, it really disappointed everyone that Gustav decided to join the dark association.

"Well there could be a reason behind this. Just wait for the saints to get information out of him. Only then could we get the answer to this." Alexa said that. Everyone agrees with her. Right now they can only wait for the saints to get the information.

​ Sometime later,

All of them are going toward the cafeteria right now. For today they did not have anything to do. Because of this they were going toward the cafeteria because Kenny and the others were waiting for them in the cafeteria.


When Sam and his friends were going toward the cafeteria, the saints also already left the stadium and they had already come to the warrior association. Right now they quickly wanted to Interrogate Gustav. Even though the doctors did not want to, they already stabilized the condition of Gustav. With that he did not have any life threatening situation.

Right now, saints Mira on her way toward the warrior association. She will be the one who will use her mind power to get the information out of Gustav. It was now a serious situation because a student from the warrior association has connections with the dark association and it is really thought to worry. Who knows how much students like him are present in the warrior association who have a connection with the dark association.

It did not take Saint Mira to come to the warrior association of the Venus City. After coming to the warrior association she did not waste anymore time and quickly began her interrogation. She begins to read his whole memory and also begins to loop for the memory where he has the connection with the dark association.

"Sigh, the dark association most likely still wanted to mess with the humans. Sigh, after the previous incident this time once again they wanted to mess up." Markus said with a sigh. They were really very exhausted because they were handling the case of those people from the other world but who can expect that the dark association would also make their move at this time. Fortunately everything is okay right now and they are also able to stop that space fluctuation from happening.

Even though none of them feel any aura coming out from that space crack but one thing was that it was most likely if they did not stop that space fluctuation, then most likely many people will come out from that space fluctuation.

Even though none of the Saints the aura who was behind all of this and also who was about to come to the Eden blue because of the space fluctuation but right now he is unable to do that. Even though human saints are unable to feel the aura, those people from the other world also feel the aura previously. Fortunately that did not target them.

"Why did a powerful existence like that be devised to target this planet?" Someone asked that question but unfortunately nobody was able to answer it. Nobody knows why a powerful existence like him decided to target Eden blue. Did he also target because he also wanted the Eden blue's core.


Currently Saint Markus, Saint John and the others are waiting for Mira to finish her interrogation. She directly gets all this information from Gustav's mind. Because of this you cannot become impatient in this type of case. You need to get all the information very carefully so that you don't accidentally kill him.

"Sigh, previously I was very happy that we have many young people like Sam who could become the future pillar of our humanity but it really disappointed me that students like Gustav were also present. Who is really needed to find if any other student like him is also present in our colleges." Saint John said that. Actually not only him but everyone was very disappointed.

On the other hand Saint Mira did not take that much long to get all the information out of Gustav's mind. Only after getting all the information did she leave the interrogation room and finally went toward all the other Saints.

" Grand Markus, this student Gustav quickly contacted the dark association after the end of the college entrance examination. That time he did not care about the dark association but after he realized that he was much weaker than Sam, Alexa and others, he decided to contact the dark association. This is how he got in contact with the dark association but I am feeling something was wrong in his memory. It was like I was seeing an edited memory. All those weren't his real memories."

" Well now back to the main matter, he was the one who previously poisoned Sam so that he could kill him slowly. But when he got the news that Sam was okay he became more confused and angry. But also when we destroyed all the dark associations he became very scared and decided to Lay low. But sometime later he once again get his confidence back because the main lord of The Dark association from another world already contracted him."

" I already tried to get the information why the dark lord wanted to contact him but I was unable to do that. It was like the dark lord wanted him to do something that would create chaos. But unfortunately he was unable to do that because of the increased number of the Warriors. So he was very disappointed but then he remembered about this competition and he wanted to mess up in this competition."

" He also gets many dark pills from the dark association. This type of pill will increase the dark spiritual energy in your body. It could make you go berserker, and your foundation will be damaged after taking this type of pills. The dark spiritual energy will be unstable and it will be very hard to control that."

" The most disturbing thing was that he already created many summoning patterns in the whole of Venus city. This type of pattern will immediately bring out many dangerous Monsters from the danger zone into the city. After the competition or after killing some he wanted to escape from this place and after that he would activate all those patterns."

" Also if you're thinking about that space fluctuation previously then it was because he received a device that could immediately open a temporary portal. With that, an elder from the dark association will come to Eden blue to help him. Fortunately we quickly handled that matter."

Mira explains all the information that he got from Gustav. Really after knowing all of this all of them became very startled. Who could have expected that Gustav would want to do something like this.

Markus quickly sent his subordinate towards all those patterns to destroy them. Not only that he also sent many of his subordinates to capture all those students who also like Gustav. At any cost they needed to capture all those students. Really it was completely unexpected that the dark association would still try to harm the people of Eden blue.


Sam, who is currently unaware of any of that, has already come back to his room. Right now still he did not get notified by anyone that he was disqualified from the match and because of this he wasn't sure about this. Right now he was thinking about that person and that aura. Who could be that person? Why was he targeting him? Sam was now thinking all this type of question. But at the same time it already shows him how dangerous the situation was. He needed to get powerful as quickly as he could.

__________To be continued______josei

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