Small upgrade system

Chapter 368 368 - Winner

Chapter 368 368 - Winner

In Front of Sam you can see 10 Kobolds. Those Monsters just respawn. But Sam didn't delay, he began to shoot Arrows toward them using his archery technique. Everyone of those arrows very quickly came toward Monsters and hit them. Using his new archery technique you can say that the speed of the arrow already became faster and also the power behind the arrow also increased. Also using his origin spiritual energy, his arrows are able to easily pierce through those monsters.

But surprisingly even those monsters got pierced by those arrows they did not die. All of them howling in pain and you can also see blue blood coming from their body. But none of them died. Well, Sam did not become surprised after seeing that because he once again began to shoot his arrows. He already knew that the defense and the regeneration ability of those monsters were greater than those other Monsters, and because all those monsters were early C-grade they weren't easy to kill.

This time Sam once again targeted the head of those Monsters. With insane speed those arrows once again came in front of those Monsters and pierce their skull. Fortunately this time those monsters finally died.

After collecting the loot Sam leaves that place. He doesn't know why even after piercing their skull they won't die. Fortunately before coming to this Dungeon he already read about this and he already got to know that this Monster has the ability to heal their brain if it got attacked. To kill those Monsters you needed to hit their head once again before it fully healed.

The easiest way to kill them was to injure their heart but the defense of their body was very high compared to their head and because of this, Sam only targeted the head of the monster.

While Sam was searching for the monster he already noticed a few people inside of the dungeon. Most likely until the competition does not finish, not many people will come to the Dungeon. Also surprisingly the warrior association and many other shops that sell those crystals took this chance to hunt monsters to collect the crystals so that they could sell them to the students. Sam already noticed many warriors who came to the Dungeon for that purpose.

Well he did not care about that. Also most of the time he had his concealment technique activated because of this not many Warriors were able to find him.

Sometime later,

Sam came back to his hiding spot. He built this hiding spot in a big tree so that those monsters were not able to reach him. But he was still very alert because they could damage the tree and then find his hiding spot.

He was feeling exhausted. So he decided to rest for sometime but before doing that he already set the life detecting device. With that he could rest for sometime.


While Sam was resting inside of the dungeon, Tony and James already came to the battle ring. Compared to the previous day today you can see many more people present in the stadium where the match was going on. Yesterday the organizer team already released the news that a match between James and Tony will happen tomorrow. Because of this the whole stadium was full of people. Because today no other competition was going on, the number of people increased compared to the other day.

Right now Tony and James already came to the battle ring. The moment they got the signal from the referee they started their fight.

Both of them were unexpectedly sword users, so a clash happened between their swords. A big impact was created by that clash. Both of the students got sent backward by that impact but both of them instantly stabilized themselves and once again approached each other.

​ Both of them are already using their spiritual energy while attacking each other. They were continuously attacking each other and because of this, many powerful impacts were created by that. Everyone can see that both of the warriors dodge each other's attacks while also attacking each other.

Sometimes Tony is able to hit James, while sometimes James is able to hit. Because of this sometime later you can see that both of them have crack marks on their armor. But none of them stop attacking each other.

Surprisingly both of them also use the spirit technique while using their movement technique and because of these both of them evenly match with power and agility. Because of this intense atmosphere was created between the two of them and nobody could guess who would be the winner of this match.

Because of their incense speed you can also see them also creating Mirage of their shadow. Well it was a simple method to them but those people present in the stadium got excited after seeing that. Right now you can only hear two names of those people.

Now came back to the main matter,

Tony suddenly jumped away from his place, James instantly appeared on that place but unfortunately he was unable to hit him. But at this time Tony already sent many sword slashes toward James. James already prepares for that and he begins to swing his sword with those sword slashes. But this time he did not notice that Tony suddenly appeared behind him and just about to attack him.

Tony was about to attack him but unexpectedly James kicked backward and Tony got hit by that. It was completely unexpected for Tony that James would be able to react. James on the other hand did not let go of this chance he once again finished from his place and came behind Tony and attacked him once again. Tony, who lost his balance, did not get the time to stabilize himself and because of this he was continuously getting attacked by James.

But sometime later Tony finally gets the chance to escape. Right now you can see that blood was coming out from his mouth because of those impacts. But he did not care about that and just calmly looked toward James.

Suddenly his sword began to glow in a deep blue color. Well he was preparing for his final attack. But actually not only him but James also preparing for his final attack. Both of them were injured and both of them exhausted. They have been fighting for 6 hours and still now no winner has been decided. They could still continue to fight but unfortunately none of them could use their deadly move and also they can feel that they were low on their spiritual energy. Because of this, they decided to use their final attack and with these the winner will be decided.

Both of them begin to approach each other and finally a big explosion happens because of their clash. You can see that both of the students are still standing. None of them move from their place. But sometime later suddenly Tony fell down and became unconscious. Well the impact was very powerful that made him unconscious. But don't think that James wasn't affected by that because the moment he saw Tony fall down he also fell down on the ground and became unconscious. But because Tony was the first one to fall down he lost this match and James was the winner of this match.

The medical team and the referee quickly came to the battle ring and the medical team took both of the warriors out of the battle ring. At this time the referee announced James as the winner of this match.

The whole stadium began to cheer loudly for James and Tony. Really it was a wonderful fight between two Warriors that made them very excited. For these 6 hours none of them moved from their place because the match was so interesting that they did not want to miss the match.


On the other hand,

Sam woke up from his sleep because his life detection device began to ring. It's signaling to him that some people are near his hiding place. Sam quickly wakes up from his sleep and then becomes very alert. But fortunately those Warriors did not come toward his hiding place and just left the place.

Sam was feeling refreshed after a good rest and because of this he was not feeling hungry. So he brings out his food and begins to eat. At this time he was thinking about the competition that will happen today between James and Tony. Unfortunately he wasn't able to attend the match because he wanted to grow stronger very quickly and because of this he needed to come to the Dungeon. But he already promised everyone that he will go back before the final.

Sometime later after finishing his food Sam was now looking at his inventory. He did not have the time to leave the place and then absorb those crystals and because of this he decided to bring out those crystals and then absorb it here. Fortunately even while absorbing those crystals he could keep activated his concealment technique. With that he did not have to worry about his aura leaking.

__________To be continued______josei

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