Small upgrade system

Chapter 372 372 - Final Match

Chapter 372 372 - Final Match

Finally Sam reached the stadium. But he had to say that he also became quite surprised after looking at the crowd in the stadium. It was like even though many people did not have the seat to sit down but they still wanted to enjoy the match.

Sometime later he Finally found his friends and sat down with them. Well before coming to the stadium he also called his sister and his parents and told him that he had already come back from the Dungeon. Gloria after hearing that became cheerful.

Fortunately the match still did not start. Around 10:30 a.m. the referee went to the battle ring and only then he announced for the competition to start. For the first match it will be the early D-grade warriors. Kenny and Mark were the finalists. Kenny was from the Royal Academy, while Mark was from the White Tiger Academy.

Both of them came to the battle Ring with a grand entrance. The moment both of them start walking toward the battle ring many people present in the stadium begin to cheer for both of them.

It also did not take that much long for both of them to start fighting the moment they got the signal from the referee. You can say that right now nobody could tell who will be the winner because nobody has the advantage in this match. Because of this, an intense atmosphere was also created by both of them. Those people present in the stadium are enjoying that feeling.


1 hours later,

You can say that for 1 hour an intense fight happened between them but finally as you can see Kenny most likely had the advantage.

She instantly confused Ray toward his enemy. For almost 1 hour she did not use this technique because her opponent also had a good instance and it would be tough to confuse him. But currently the situation is different. She and her opponent are already exhausted and because of this most likely he won't be able to react on time.

Instantly that confused work against her opponent and he completely got affected by that. Kenny did not let go of this chance. She also instelly reacted and came close to her opponent and attacked him. With that her opponent was already injured and sent outside of the battle ring.

The medical team already reacted on time and the referee also came to the battle ring. Finally he announced Kenny the winner of this match and also winner of the early D-grade warrior's. For first to last she remained undefeated and also won the match.

Medical team quickly took a mark toward the medical room while Kenny started going toward the resting room. Even though she was injured, she was already healed by the medical team and with that she started going to the resting room. At this time the construction team already started their work and began to repair the battle ring.

Jeni already told them their location and most likely Kenny will be there after freshening up.

It took 15 minutes for the construction team to repair the battle ring completely. With that it was time for the intermediate D-grade Warriors to fight. The referee once again came to the battle ring and called Alexa and James to come toward the battle ring.josei

Once again both of them entered the battlefield with a grand entrance and after that both of them started going toward the battle ring. This time most likely 70% of the people begin to cheer for both of them. Both of these students were powerful and everyone wanted to know who would be the winner of this match. As you know, after the annual college competition both of these students became famous and because of this, many people cheered for them.

At this time both of the students came to the battle ring. But both of them maintain a seriousness from the start. They know that it will be a very heart fight. Right now both of them were only focusing on defeating their opponent and because of this they did not react after hearing those cheers.

The moment the referee gave them the signal, both of them Vanished from their place and instantly a huge impact was created. But it did not stop there not long after that once again an impact was created. Well actually all of this impact was created because both of their swords were clashing against each other.

This time both of them fully used their spiritual energy while covering their full body with the spiritual energy to fight each other. They also use their body technique while also using their attack technique.

Normally those people who have lower grades are unable to follow their moves but fortunately a big screen was present in the stadium that showed them the fight in slow motion. But Sam and others were able to follow the moves so they could see that most likely from the start both of them started using their strongest techniques.

Suddenly, one Alexa becomes three and everyone of them sewing their swords toward James. But James also wasn't slow. He also uses his strongest move, the destroyer slash. With that a very strong slash was created by him that directly went toward all those Alexa. Against that strong slash those three Alexa were unable to fight back and they instantly got hit.

James thought he also hit the real Alexa but unfortunately he was wrong. All of those were just Mirage images of real Alexa. But at this time the real Alexa wasn't present there. She already came behind James and while James wasn't expecting, she instantly attacked him.

Really James did not expect that but fortunately he has his armor and he also uses a body protection technique while using the spirit technique. With that his defense already became so powerful that a normal attack won't be able to do anything to him. But as you know that Alexa also did not attack with just a normal attack. She already uses The Spiritual energy while attacking him.

With that once again a huge impact was created but this time James got sent backward. He also felt the power behind that impact but fortunately that did not injure him. Alexa at this time already came in front of him and was about to attack him once again. James at this time also reacted on time and he also tried to counter attack her. But in front of her Intense swing James was unable to do anything and you once again got sent backward.

Not only that he also coughs blood this time because this attack really hit him hard. He did not get injured but because of the impact he began to cough blood. But in the next second he jumped away from that place because Alexa once again came in front of him and was just able to attack him. James is finally able to stabilize himself and wasting no time he also starts counter attacking her.


3 hours later,

For at least 3 hours both of them fought like that. Sometimes Alexa got in a bad position while sometimes James was in a bad position and got attacked by her. So like this they fight each other and after 3 hours later you can also see both of their armor cracked and not only that they also became quite injured. But fortunately it wasn't that serious because from the start they used their body protection technique while using the spiritual energy because of this their defense already increased.

But it wasn't the only case right now. Both of them are very exhausted because of continuously using their techniques and continuously fighting like this. With that both of them decided to use their final attack and the winner will be decided by this attack.

"Boom!!!" Instantly a huge explosion happened because both of their strongest attacks clashed against each other. With that a layer of smoke also created and nobody could tell who was the winner and what happened after that clashed.

Everyone present in the stadium was now holding their breath because they also wanted to know who was the winner. Alexa's parents and even James's parents also wanted to know who was the winner.

Fortunately it did not take that much long for the layer of smoke to disappear and finally everyone got to know who was the winner of this match. As you can guess it is Alexa who is able to win this match. But she was now sitting down on the battle ring while panting heavily. On the other hand James already became unconscious and right now lying down on the battle ring.

The medical team already reacted on time. Only at this time did the audience come back to their senses and the moment they see Alexa, who is the winner, they begin to cheer loudly for her.

____________To be continued__________

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