Small upgrade system

Chapter 382 382 - People With One Horn

Chapter 382 382 - People With One Horn

Fortunately, Sam was able to dodge that attack. But this instantly makes him alert. He quickly tries to find the person who attacks him. Even though it was a deep forest, using his spiritual eyes he was able to find that person or you could be a monster. The monster was a Goblin but it wasn't your normal Goblin. The color of that Goblin was blue and the eyes of that Goblin were glowing in red and black color. Also, even from this distance Sam could feel that the monster was a D-grade monster.

But unfortunately that monster attacked Sam. That Goblin once again about to attack him but Sam already vanishes from his place. Using his full speed and concealment technique, Sam became invisible and came behind that monster. Using his Slayer he instantly killed that Goblin.

After killing that Goblin, Sam was just about to observe his surroundings when something unexpected happened. He noticed that the Monster suddenly dropped loot and not only that the dead body of that Monster did not fade away.

'Why has the body of this Goblin not faded away? ' he thought of that question but nobody could answer that. With that he did not think that much and quickly collected the loot and the dead body. After that he left that place. He needed to find the existence of this forest and also needed to find how he could go back to the Dungeon.

Fortunately Sam was using his stealth technique, because not long after he began to advance he already felt many monsters. All of those monsters like that previous Goblin were early D-grade monsters. But one thing he noticed is that most likely all these goblins were powerful compared to those goblins that you can find in Eden blue.

This time some did not kill those goblins because he wanted to know where those goblins were going. Most likely they were going somewhere, so Sam also decided to follow those Goblins.

Previously there were only five goblins but right now you can see more and more Goblins joining them and they are going in the same direction. Previously they were walking but right now they were running in the direction. All of this really confused him very much but he did not do anything and just silently followed those goblins.

'Where are they going? Why are they behaving like this? ' Right now Sam was thinking about this type of question but who could answer him? It wasn't that he could just ask those Goblin where they were going. Because of this, he just did not think that much and just silently followed these goblins.

'I have to admit that this forest was very big. I ran for almost 1 hour but still I did not see the exit of this forest. But still those goblins did not slow down. Why is that? ' well it has been 1 hour since those goblins began to run but still now they did not reach anywhere and those goblins keep running. Because of this, Sam was quite confused.

But he did not need to stay confused for that long because 30 minutes later finally able to realize why those goblins were running previously. Finally Sam was now out of the forest but that wasn't there in front of him he could see many people who were also wearing armor from head to toe, were fighting those goblins. Those goblins are most likely also the reinforcement of the Goblin force.

Sam wasn't sure if those people who were fighting those goblins were humans or not. But one thing was that he won't interfere in their fight. First he needs to understand the situation and only then will he make his move.josei

In front of him he could see 20 people who were fighting those goblins. All those people were releasing the aura of an early D-grade warrior. But right now those 20 people are facing at least 50 goblins at the same time and it became quite hard for them to kill all of those problems. It wasn't that they did not kill the goblins but it is unexpected for them when they notice the reinforcement of those goblins.

All those 20 people used their full part to fight those goblins and they also killed 25 goblins already but the remaining 25 goblins managed to injure them. Well it was normal because all those 20 people were very tired after fighting this many goblins. But they also know that they cannot give up or they will die by those goblins.

Sam watched all of this from a distance and did not interfere with their match. But sometime later he became sure that those people weren't humans even though they have the human figure. Because when some of those people got injured by the goblins, Sam was able to get a clear picture of one of the people and those people had one short horn in their head. With that Sam becomes sure that these people weren't humans.

But then the main question was whether he should help those people or not. As you know, he already has so many other people in the world, and he did not have any good impression on those people so he was thinking about that. But then he decided to help them because right now he was in a condition that he needed help.

He cannot see any City or something like this even when he looks far away using his eye technique. Also he doesn't know how he could go back to his own world. So because of all of this he decided to help those people.

But the main thing was that he cannot suddenly appear in front of them so he decided that he should attack those goblins from behind. While those 25 goblins were fighting those people Sam decided to deactivate his concealment technique. After that he begins to create flame spears and shoot them toward those goblins. As you know, Sam's flame was already upgraded and right now it was green. Power of that film already increased because of using the origin spiritual energy.

Because of this the moment those attacked he does goblins this instantly burn that goblins. Those 5 goblins didn't even get the chance to react or they did not get any chance to make any sound. Less than a second, they just turn into ash.

Even though those goblins did not get the chance to react, those other goblins already noticed that something or someone attacked them from behind and already killed 5 of their teammates. Only then those goblins looked behind and saw a person.

"Roar!!!!" They instantly became very angry at Sam and then began to Roar. Some of those Goblins just about turned around to come towards Sam, but suddenly at this time many fireballs begin to go toward those goblins. One by one everyone of those goblins got hit by the fireballs and it didn't even take a second and all of those goblins turned into Ash. Sam continued to attack until he did not kill the last Goblin.

You can say that all this time those 20 people just stand in their place with a speechless expression. All of this thing happened so quickly that all of them didn't get the chance to realize what was happening. They took some time to realize what was happening and only then did they begin to react. All of them are very shocked because they did not think that they would find someone who could kill those goblins in just one second.

But the moment they realize that they become very alert because what if that person also attacks them. But surprisingly it was the case because that person was just walking toward them. This made all those 20 people very alert and they were ready to defend themselves. But surprisingly when that person came in front of them he brought out a potion, and gave that to your friend who was seriously injured.

They thought if they should take that potion or not but when they noticed that the person had no malicious intention they decided to take that Potion.

"Thank you very much for your help." Suddenly one of those people began to say thanks to Sam. Not long after that one by one everyone began to say thanks to him.

"No problem," Sam just answered them. After that he signals those people that they should help their friend with that potion.

Really it surprised everyone once again that red potion instantly heals their friend. It wasn't that they did not have potions, but it was their first time to see something like this. Instantly their friend who was previously injured stands up and then begins to say thanks to Sam.

Actually Sam decided to help them because he saw previously how this person was protecting his friends from those goblins. That person uses all of his strength to protect them but in the end that person got seriously injured. Really this thing makes him interfere and help those people from danger.

________To be continued__________

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