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Chapter 391 391 - Talking To The Strongest Warrior

Chapter 391 391 - Talking To The Strongest Warrior

Finally Sam came to the king's palace. But the most surprising thing was that even though this palace was also made of titanwood, the whole architecture style was truly beautiful. So Sam became very amazed by the beauty of the palace.

But instantly he came back to his senses when Livia told him to follow her. Only then Sam came back to his senses and began to follow her. On the other hand, Livia and her maid understand that Sam has become amazed by the beauty. Because of this, they smile a little.

Only after some time did they go to the hall room of the palace. Well, Livia told him that the king was busy, but he wanted to meet him at the dinner table. Until then, her grandfather wanted to meet him.

Sam was surprised once again, why did the previous king also want to meet him? Is this because he also wanted to say thank you? You don't know anything and because of this he could just only agree with her. After that Livia told him to wait there, and she will bring her grandfather.

So, currently only Sam and Emma were present in the hall room. You can say that a awkwards atmosphere was created in the hall room. Just looking at Emma, you can tell that she was interested in talking but Sam could feel that she was observing him. This makes him very curious why she is observing him like this?

So unable to hold his curiosity he decided to ask her about it. But when he was about this she just completely ignored him and did not say anything. Sam could just sigh. Really, he wasn't good at handling such a girl.

But fortunately that situation quickly broke because Livia, sometime later, came back with her grandfather. But instantly Sam once again felt that he was being observed by someone and not only that he also felt a powerful aura present in that room.

Naturally he can guess, it was the grandfather of Livia who observed him like this. Also if it was any other normal people then you will get immediately scared by that powerful aura. But fortunately it was Sam and he did not show any discomfort in his face. He naturally greeted that old man.

On the other hand Perry, the grandfather of Livia and the strongest warrior of this Kingdom, gets surprised when he notices that Sam did not show any discomfort in his face. Because not everybody is able to stay calm even in this situation. So after noticing this he began to smile.

"Haha… Sam boy, sit down." He told Sam to sit down.

" First of all, I really wanted to thank you for saving our princess from danger. She was really a proud full girl who did not want to bring any guard while going to the hunting mission. So if it isn't for you then anything bad good happened to her. " Perry began to tell all of this to him.

Naturally after hearing all of this Livia was embarrassed Sam just smiled. After that Perry also asked about his home and his situation.

Only at this time Sam knew that he could not just make some lie because any powerful person could feel his lie.

"Actually I came from a human city but unfortunately due to circumstances I suddenly appear here and don't know how to go back to my city." Like this he began to answer Perry's question with half truth and half lie.

On the other hand if he decided to lie then Perry could easily detect that. So he has a good impression of Sam because even though that kid wasn't telling him the whole truth, at least he wasn't lying about his condition.

"Haha… don't worry about that. Our oni race has a good relationship with the human so you could use the teleportation portal to go back to the human City.perry said that.

Sam just smiled a little. Even though he could go back to the human city, he won't be able to go back to his home. But the main thing was that he should trust these people and tell them that he came from another world. As you know that some did not trust anyone that easily and because of this he did not tell anyone about his real situation.

"Also, I heard from Livia, that you are very interested in the information related to the Monsters and the other worlds." Suddenly Perry asked that.

"Yes, actually I am very excited to get the information about these two things." Sam also said that he was interested.

" Ha ha… But unfortunately you won't be able to find all the books related to the other world and the monster in the library. Hmm…" after saying that he began to think about something very deeply. On the other hand Sam naturally guesses how Perry got to know about him. Most likely it was Livia who told him.

"Hmm… how about this, you can use the royal library because you will find more books in this library than the normal library. If you really wanted to know about these two things then you should visit the trousers in the library. But the restriction was that you cannot learn those forbidden techniques present in the library.


"Haha… consider this a gift from me." After saying that Perry gave him a coin. It was completely different from a gold coin or any other coin because it was called the royal coin and with that he could easily enter the royal library.

"Really… Thank you very much. I don't even know how to express my gratitude to you." He said that sincerely because right now there could be a chance that he finds about the monster in the royal library and also he could find about the way to go back to his planet. So with this he decided to go to the Royal library but not right now.

At this time, Perry talks more about his Kingdom and the people present here and you have to say that at the end he has a good impression of Sam. That boy did not come to this Kingdom with any bad intention and just looking at the team you can tell that he was now quite helpless. It's really interesting how he suddenly came here and was unable to go back to his City. But sometime something like this happens and because of this he also thinks most likely because of Sam's bad luck this happens.


Finally sometime later Sam and the others decided to go to the dining room. Even though the king was busy, every night he came back to his home for dinner. Sam already meets him and the king already asks about his situation and condition like Perry. But like before Sam answers all of them while staying calm.

Also at this time the king gets to know that some love books and his father already give him the permission to go to the Royal library. For a moment he became very angry that his father allowed him to go to the library but when he got to know that he could read any book except those forbidden techniques and other techniques, only then the king sighed.

1 hour later, right now Livia is taking him toward the royal library. With this he could come back to this place anytime without getting lost. You have to say that the royal library was much bigger than any other library and you can also find many books in this library. Also the ground floor was filled with those types of books related to the monster and the other planets.

Sam did not have any plan to learn any combat technique or any other technique, he could just read those books related to the Monsters and the other planets. So without wasting any time Sam decided to take some of those books related to the monster. Because the king told him to stay in the palace for today so at this time Sam could just read all these books.

"But what is the problem with this family? That king and her wife, the grandmother and her grandfather, everyone from the start observing me like I am sometype of rare animal." Sam was thinking about this.josei


Sometime later when Sam and Livia went back to their own room, they don't know a meeting was helding on the hall room. The meeting was between the king and his father. The queen and the previous Queen also present in that meeting room. Now all of them are talking about Sam and his character.

"I can tell you that by his behavior he has a good character. But the most interesting thing was that even after facing my pressure he is showing his confidence." Perry told that to everyone. You have to say that after hearing that every one of them became surprised because Perry was the strongest person of this Kingdom but Sam was still able to maintain his calmness in front of him.

_______To be continued__________

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