Small upgrade system

Chapter 396 396 - Rock Monkeys

Chapter 396 396 - Rock Monkeys

Unfortunately that group of warriors in the end did not find any clue about what happened. This made that group confused and surprised at the same time. This really wanted to know what happened when they weren't in this place.

At this time other people also appear in that place to kill those blue goblins. But like the first group, those people also became surprised and confused at the same time. They also did not see any blue goblins nor could any monster in that place but they could see the destroyed ground of that place.

"Did you guys do this?" Those new Warriors ask that group of Warriors

"Haha… we also just recently came here but after that we did not find anything and our situation is also like yours. We also try to search for any clues. But we did not find anything and because of this we also don't know what happened here. But looking at those destroyed ground, those trees and everything, I can tell that most likely a big battle happened. This could be a fight between two Monster parties or a fight between a group of Warriors versus a group of Monsters." The captain of that group of Warriors said that.

Actually not only him but everyone thinks that it was a fight between a group of Warriors and a group of Monsters. But what if they get to know that this wasn't the case because all of this happened between a warrior and those monsters.


Now at this time our main culprit already went far away from that place. Currently he is also facing a new group of Monsters. Those Monsters called the Bloody rabbits. Well these rabbits have the same size as normal rabbits but the moment they notice any Warriors they will completely change and instantly attack those Warriors.

These monsters were very dangerous because they could also use their blood as weapons. Not only that but these Monsters could suck your blood from your body like a vampire. But unfortunate for those Monsters they didn't even get to know who was killing them.

Not only those early C-grade Monsters, but even those intermediate C-grade Monsters also present there. If it decided to find normali then it could be time consuming and he could also get injured. Because of this, he was fighting those monsters using his concealment technique.

He didn't even give the monster a chance to run away and instantly kill those Monsters. The body of those rabbits could be useful and because of this Sam also did not use the fire control technique. He was killing those monsters using his sword.

Like this you can say that he already killed 50 of those Monsters and finally after killing the last Monsters he began to collect the loot and those dead bodies. After collecting everything the moment he was about to leave that place, he suddenly felt something.

Instantly he looked toward that deep forest. Well he decided not to go that far into the forest. He already came very far away from the entrance of the forest and he did not want to wind that far away inside of the forest. As you know that it was a very dangerous place and he could also meet those Elite or those Epic Monsters. Even if they are unable to see him, it could become dangerous for him.

As you know that even if those monsters didn't notice him, their attack could also affect the surrounding atmosphere. Because of this it will be very risky and dangerous for him to meet those Monsters.

But when he was just about to leave that place he suddenly felt a powerful aura coming from the deep forest. Instantly this made him very surprised and also curious but he decided to forget about that. Well, those aura could be from those Warriors or could be from monsters.

Because of this, he quickly left that place. Right now he once again begins to search for any type of Monsters. Also one more thing was that he already deactivated his concealment technique. He wanted to give some time for his body to get rest. As you know that he was using this technique from the moment in the forest and because of this, he deactivated that technique.


Sometime later,

Sam quickly jumps away from his place. Instantly that place where he was previously standing got crushed by the Rocks. Currently he was facing those Rock monkeys. Those monkeys could use the rock element. Not only that, killing those monsters was also very tough because the defenses of those monsters were very strong.

So right now he was getting attacked by those monkeys from every direction. All of those monkeys were also early C-grade monsters, but most likely those intermediate C-grade monsters were also here.

Those monsters just kept attacking him from every direction and because of this he did not get any time to counter attack those Monsters. Those monsters wire fast and also had strong defense and because of this, killing them was very hard.

But, Sam already killed 5 of those Monsters. This time he also decided to fight those monsters using his Slayer. Even though the defense of these monsters was very high, when Sam uses his origin spiritual energy, he can easily kill those monsters. So like this you already killed 5 of those monsters. Most likely because these other monsters got alert and because of this, they just continuously attacked him from every direction.

But, Sam also wasn't slow and he already dodged those attacks. Not only that he already came in front of two Monsters and instantly swung his sword at them. You can say that in less than a second he already swung his sword five times, with that he killed those monsters easily.

But Sam did not stop there he quickly jumped away and using the movement technique Plus his full speed he came in front of those other monsters. Like this he also killed them.

"Aho Aho!!!!!" Most likely this instantly angered those other Monsters and because of this, they started to attack him crazily. It was like those Monsters became mad and they did not even care if they hit their own teammates.

But Sam already coated his whole body with his spiritual energy and he also instantly used the telekinesis to control 5 of those monkeys to attack their own teammates. Not only that, once again using his full speed came behind Those 5 monkeys. Right now those 5 monkeys under his control are attacking those other monkeys crazy and because of this many of those monkeys already got injured.

But Sam did not stop there. He did not kill those 5 monkeys at first but he decided to kill those other monkeys that were injured by those 5 monkeys.

Actually right now he could only control 5 monkeys or five early C-grade monsters. If he wanted to control more monsters, he would get a headache. Also control means you will control the whole body of that monster. But he only decided to control the movement of that Monster than he could control many of those Monsters.

Sometime later,josei

You can say that Sam already killed almost everyone of those monkeys. But unfortunately out of nowhere those intermediate C-grade monsters came out and they also decided to attack him. Fortunately he already increased his defense and because of this he did not get injured by those monkeys. But at the same time you also did not get any chance to attack those Monsters.

This new monkey was more powerful than those previous monkeys and because of this they just continuously attacked him. Because of this Sam also did not get any chance to control any of those monsters.

Normally it was impossible to win against those intermediate C-grade monsters, because of this, without wasting anymore time he decided to activate the concealment technique. Suddenly, he vanishes in front of those monsters, which instantly makes those monsters shocked. But at the same time, instantly one of them got attacked, not only that he split into two parts.

Those other 5 Monsters instantly became alert because of this. But they are just confused. Which enemy is attacking them? But not only that suddenly all of them also feel that something or someone is preventing them from moving. This once again makes those Monsters very alert and angry at the same time. But Sam did not give them any chance. He already came in front of these monsters and then using his 60% origin spiritual energy he attacked those Monsters one by one.


1 minute later,

After collecting all the loot Sam left that place. But he did not go that far away. One more thing was that he was fully exhausted and because of this he needed some time to recover his energy and stamina. Because of this, he decided to find a good place for a very good rest and at the same time he did not have to worry about those Monsters. Unfortunately he did not find anything so he decided to make one. Instantly he makes a hiding place that is surrounded by those trees and from outside you won't be able to find that hiding place.

_________To be continued_______

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