Small upgrade system

Chapter 40 40 - Once Again, Something Terrible Happens.

Chapter 40 40 - Once Again, Something Terrible Happens.

Sam finally reaches his home. He went to the bathroom, wasting no time. Sam needs to eat some food and then he can rest.

Sam was nome resting his bed after finishing his food. He was thinking about going to the new dungeon tomorrow.

[Sometime later]

Sam wakes up from his sleep. He got up from his bed and went to the bathroom to wash his face, then he comes to the kitchen. He started making a cup of tea for himself.

Today, he didn't want to practice. You should not train every day, you should also rest your body some time. So, for today, he plans to rest.

He comes to the hall room while holding a cup of tea. He switches on tv and sits down.josei

Suddenly, the news channels start showing that many F-grade and E-grade warriors, who have serious injuries. They are now going towards the hospital.

The monsters injure them. This happens in the capital city. Those warriors belonged to the same group. Those warriors went to a D-grade dungeon. On the first floor of the dungeon, you can see peak F-grade monsters, and because of this, those F-grade warriors went there.

After clearing the first floor when they went to the second floor, this happened. On the second floor, many E-early and E-middle grade monsters attack them continuously. It all happens because of the increase of the monsters. The warrior's group also didn't expect that they will attack by this many monsters. Normally on this dungeon second floor, you can only find 20 to 30 monsters maximum and some E-middle grade monsters, but this time because of the monsters increasing, this warrior's group attacked by 50 to 60 E-early grade monsters and also 10 to 15 E-middle grade monsters attack them.

Nobody would expect this. They tried to fight those monsters, but in the end, they got seriously injured. It was a good thing that nobody was dead because some D-grade warrior helped them.

The warriors association's warriors now helping in sending them to the hospital.

After seeing this news, Sam worries about his parents and his sister. Nobody knows the number of the increased monsters and it was a terrible thing.

He knows his sister and his parents are powerful, and he just hoped that they can stay safe in this situation. He also needs to think about his safety because he will go to a new dungeon tomorrow and he doesn't know about the number of the monsters.

The number of injured warriors was 25. 15 warriors had a serious injury and 10 warriors had a light injury. Nobody would expect that this team of warriors will have to face those monsters.

It all happened yesterday and today the news channels showing the reason for the injury. They also show that the doctors successfully stabilized the injury of the warriors. Some warriors have broken legs or broken hands, but it was a good thing that nobody lost his/her hand or leg.

Previously, many warriors survive monsters, but they lost their hands or leg. They didn't die, but losing one of your hands or legs was a terrible thing. It can be the end of your warrior profession.

Sam hopes that his family will not be in such a situation. He needs to grow strong so he can prevent things like this.

He also wants to accompany his parents in their dungeon, and for this, he needs strength.

Sam took a deep breath and calm himself down. He will not grow strong in one day. He needs to work hard to become strong.

"I think this month was the most terrible month for the warriors. Two terrible incidents like this happened in one month and it was pretty bad news for us," Sam said in his mind.

He once again watched the news. Now there is one question in everyone's mind, "Why did the sage's still didn't show themself in the public? What are they trying to hide?"

Sam also has those questions in his mind, because these increase monsters were not a good thing and warriors even got injured because of these increased monsters. But the sage's still said nothing about this.

Sam was feeling something bad approach towards the human and the sages were now trying to protect the humans and because of this, they didn't show them in the public.

Sam switch off the tv and went towards the balcony. He needs some fresh air to cool down in mind.

Now it was evening, and you can find our Sam, who was busy absorbing the crystals. Sam wants to rest today, but that doesn't mean he can't absorb the crystals. He wants to reach the peak grade quickly and for this; he needs to absorb the crystals.

Sam didn't even reach the limit of his E-early grade, he need to absorb many crystals to reach the limit, and for this; he needs to go to the dungeon where he can find many E-early grade monsters, and the new dungeon was the perfect place for this.

So, before going to this new dungeon, he wants to absorb the crystals as much as he can. He needs strength to protect himself. Who knows how many monsters he will find in the new dungeon. You can say for sure that you remain uninjured in the dungeon, and aging strength wasn't a bad thing.

Sam can't always use his Energy mode. He needs to upgrade all of his statuses so that even without the energy mode, he can easily fight with those monsters.

He was planning to sell all the loot tomorrow and buy crystal boxes from it as much as he can, before going to the dungeon. Besides increasing his int and spirit, he also needs to increase his strength, agility, and mainly physique. Like previously, Sam could only use those C-grade techniques because of his system. Without the system, he won't be able to use them. But even with system help, using those high-grade techniques puts a lot of pressure on his body and mind.

Besides having a high potential, only a high physique can help Sam in decreasing the pressure from his body while he using his high-grade technique.

He also needs to find a limit break, but he still has time, because he is now only an E-early grade warrior. Sam believes he will find a limit break before reaching the peak stage, he just some help from lady luck.

To be continued......

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