Small upgrade system

Chapter 47 47 - System Upgrade And Intense Training.

Chapter 47 47 - System Upgrade And Intense Training.

Now Sam was going towards his house because his sister was coming back tomorrow. While he was in the taxi, he kept thinking about the dungeon. He found one thing strange that why nobody goes towards the left road or the straight road. This made him very curious, and he wants to find the reason behind it.

Sam at first thought about asking his sister, but if his sister asked him how he know about this. For this reason, he decided not to ask his sister. But then he didn't have any warrior connection from where he will find anything related to a dungeon.

Warrior connection formed by the warrior association, where many warriors stay connected to each other by a social media app. there you will find many warriors from new warriors to pro warriors. But to join this warrior connection app you need to have a college id or a high-rank warrior id. Because of this, many low-grade warriors who didn't able to join any college can't join this warrior connection.

Sam search online but didn't find any satisfying answer. Now his only option was to ask his sister about this or ask Aria about this.josei

Sam reaches his house at 5 pm. He went to his house after paying the bill. After this long journey, Sam was feeling quite tired and hungry, but first, he need to fresh up.

[After a while]

Sam was now practicing with his sword. He can feel that after visiting this dungeon, he improves in his swords technique. Sam was also using 10% gravity of the bands. He also improves in his physique.

Sam keeps practicing until he becomes fully tired. He stop his practice and went towards the bathroom. After fresh up, he comes to the kitchen and brings out his dinner.

Sam came to his room after dinner. Now he was laying down in his bed and looking at his system window. Now it was time to upgrade the system. Sam thought about upgrading the system, but know-how, because he didn't any option from which he can upgrade the system.

Sam releases a deep sigh. It was quite frustrating for him when he wants to upgrade his system but didn't know-how.

"How the hell I am going to upgrade the system if the system didn't provide any option. It was not like the system will upgrade aromatically if I command (upgrade the system)," Sam said, but the next moment he become surprised because he can see anything in his system window. Sam can only see a loading bar.

" System upgrading-1%"

Sam can only see this in his system window and he doesn't know how much time will need to upgrade the system. Sam can feel the upgrade speed of the system was quite slow. He closes the system window. He can just only wait for the system to upgrade. In the meantime, he will train harder.

Sam closed his eyes after planning what he will do next. Now he needs to sleep.

[Next day]

Sam wakes up from his sleep at the sound of his mobile phone. He checks the mobile and see it was a call from his sister. He quickly picked up the call.

" Hello," Sam said.

"Hello, Sam. What are you doing?" Gloria asked.

" Nothing, sis. Just wake up from sleep." Sam replied.

"Ok. Fresh up yourself and eat something. I will come back home today. Probably I will reach home at the night," Gloria said to him.

Like this, they keep talking sometimes, and after that, Sam cut the call. They finish talking so now it was time to fresh up. Sam walks towards his bathroom.

Sam comes to the kitchen after freshening up. Now he was planning to cook some food for his breakfast and lunch because he will be busy in his practice so he cannot cook after the training. For this, he wants to cook his lunch with his breakfast. After cooking his lunch, he can store it in his inventory, so he didn't need to worry.

After simply making his breakfast and storing his lunch in his inventory, he was not eating his breakfast. While eating, he was planning to visit the warrior association after the training. Sam was planning to ask Aria about the new dungeon. It was the best option for him now. He just doesn't know if Aria will help him or not.

[After a while]

He starts his hard training. He also increases the gravity of the bands. It was now 11% gravity. Sam can feel that even without absorbing the crystals, he improved his physique. Sam knows it was because of his constantly using the gravity bands, even when he was fighting the monsters in the dungeons. Today he was planning to train in all of his techniques, from swords techniques to spiritual techniques.

Like this, he continuously trains in his techniques. Even when he becomes dead tired and exhausted, he just rests sometime to recover his stamina and when he recovers his stamina, he once again starts his training.

At 2 pm he stop his practice because he can feel he was starving. He was training since 8 am and because of this; he was starving.

Sam got up from the training ground and went back to his room because now he needs a fresh shower to relax and because of summer he drenches in sweat and he can only feel fresh if he took a nice shower.

Sam was now eating his pre-prepared lunch while watching the news. After finishing his lunch, he was now resting on his bed. Because of today's intense training, he was quite tired, both physically and mentally. It was the first time that he train like crazy, but Sam knows if he needs to grow stronger, then he needs to train like this. He needs to reach his limit and try to break it.

But all of this he can do later. Right now, his only goal was to rest his body and mind. So he just closed his eyes and fall asleep.

To be continued.......

[A/N: Hey guys, I am back and I will try to release the chapter daily. Guys, I also need some time to edit all of my previous mistakes. Good day guys.]

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