Small upgrade system

Chapter 52 52- Killing The Wolf Leader.

Chapter 52 52- Killing The Wolf Leader.

Sam burns the two wolves to ashes using his maximum fire control. Now only the leader of the wolves remains. The leader kept staring at him with a furious gaze.

Sam can tell this wolf was much stronger than those previous wolves. Sam doesn't know if he can handle this guy, because he can feel this wolf was an E-intermediate grade.

Sam knows that eventually, he will face them, but he didn't think he will face them this quick. He was near breaking through. Still, he didn't have the confidence to face an intermediate monster. Sam can only put the blame on his luck because now he can't back down from this fight.

Sam puts down the phoenix and brings out his Slayer and activates his energy mode. You can say Sam was feeling excited about facing a powerful monster. Sam runs towards the wolf leader with his full speed and swings his sword when he comes in front of the wolf. The wolf leader predicted his attack and tried to avoid the attack. Sam wasn't able to finish him with one attack, still a cut mark appear on the wolf's body.

The wolf roared and instantly attacked Sam with his sharp claw. Sam wasn't able to react quickly and got hit by the wolf's claw. Sam sent backward. You really can't underestimate an intermediate-grade monster. Sam quickly stable himself and instantly runs towards the wolf, but this time, he didn't instantly attack the wolf. Sam activates his concealment technique and silently comes towards the wolf. He swings his sword silently, but the wolf felt his and tries to avoid it. But this time, Sam didn't want to make the same mistake, so he stops his sword midway and instantly swing in his left side with all of his power.

The wolf leader didn't even get the chance to react and his head fell down from his body. Sam deactivates his Energy mode. You can say the previous attack from the wolf's claw did heavy damage to his body. Sam was feeling pain in his abdomen and he can also see a crack in his armor. If the wolf leader had landed a second attack on his abdomen, then he was sure his armor would break. Sam quickly collect all the loot and the arrows and left the place.

Sam needs some time to rest and recover his lost health and energy.


Sam was currently sitting on a tree's branch and observing his surrounding while eating some food. He has already recovered his lost health and energy. The health portion really came in handy, he just took 10 minutes to recover his full health.

Sam finished eating and get up from his seat. Now, it was once again time to hunt. He was now jumping from tree to tree. (A/N: Here comes our Monkey-Man. Lol)

Sam will hunt some more time, then he will need to find a place for camp. So, didn't want to waste any time. His goal was to reach the center of the forest because only then he will find the entrance of the next floor. Sam knows with his current strength he will surely die if he goes to the next floor. Still, he wants to see the entrance and also wanted to see the monster's strength that spawns in the center area of the forest.

Sam spotted a group of warriors group who were losing against a moon wolves group. Sam didn't feel the aura of an intermediate-grade monster among those wolves. So, his excitement died down and he was ready to leave the place. Suddenly, he stops his movement and thinks about something. He brings out his Night (A/N: his bow.) and looks towards the wolves.

A wolf came backward of a warrior and he was ready to attack while the warrior was fighting other wolves with his sword. Suddenly, the warrior feels danger from his back and looks at his backside. He saw a wolf who jumped towards him and was ready to bite down with his sharp teeth. You can say for a second the warrior's mind gets into a blank state and wasn't even to think anything. He just knows he will die from the wolf's attack, but he can't do anything at this moment.

He can only just close his eyes and ready himself for the pain, but after waiting some time he didn't feel any pain. He quickly opens his eyes and sees the wolf's dead body and an arrow that penetrated through the wolf's head. As you guessed, it was this time Sam shoot his arrow and kill the wolf. (A/N: Haha... Headshot baby.)

Sam not only kills this wolf, but he also shoots down the wolf which the warriors were previously fighting. The warrior still didn't see the second wolf's dead body. He was currently busy searching for the warrior who help him, but the scream from his teammates brought him back to reality.

Sam kills more monsters that help those warriors. You can say a huge load has been relieved from their solder. Previously, they were losing against the monsters, but with the help of the mysterious archer, they now think they can win against these monsters. They didn't know who was this mysterious archer, but they were very grateful to him.

(The Warrior's group: Who is the mysterious archer?

Author: Monkey-man.)

Sam didn't know any of these, but even he knows then he will only laugh because he was now busy killing these wolves. He continuously shoots arrows and kills these wolves. After sometime later, Sam and the warrior's group successfully kill all those wolves.

If you all are thinking, why the hell did Sam decide to help them? Was this because he wanted to be a hero? Then you all are wrong. Sam just wanted to test his shooting skills and accuracy from this distance. Sam was currently 600m away from the warrior's group. He just wanted to check how many monsters he will kill and the result you can see. The training increased his accuracy, and he was happy about this. If you all are thinking Sam was selfish, then you all are wrong. Sam wasn't a selfish person and also wasn't a kind person.josei

Sam will help others if the other party's life was in a danger but he never put his life at risk when helping others except for his family and friends.

(A/N: But he didn't have any friends, hahaha hah....)

To be continued...

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