Small upgrade system

Chapter 561 561 - Abnormal State

Chapter 561 561 - Abnormal State

At first you can say that he wasn't having that much problem to kill those Monsters even though Monsters were much powerful compared to your normal Monster present in the danger zone. But using the origin spiritual energy he could easily kill them and because of this he easily clear the first floor and already get ready to go to the next floor. 

But before that he naturally needed to recover his spiritual energy and health. Even though killing those Monsters was easy but the thing was that the number of those Monsters much bigger and because of this he also get injured while fighting then and already lost some of his health points. 

The thing was that he really did not know why everyone of those Monsters were that much powerful compared to you normal Monster and also everyone of them releasing that abnormal dark spiritual energy. Moves likely if it wasn't for the origin spiritual energy than until now he would have been affected by the dark spiritual energy. 

Fortunately using the origin spiritual energy he already absorb all those spiritual energy. At this time he also needed to became stable because absorbing too much spiritual energy also harmful for his body. So previously to stabilize his condition he uses most of his spiritual energy on those Monsters and kill them. 


'I really wanted to know how much strong will be those Monsters in the next floor. Those Monsters most likely also have these abnormal dark spiritual energy. I really needed to be careful in that situation.'

With that he advanced once again and already went to the next floor. The moment he came that floor he could already feel the density of The dark spiritual energy already increased. Wasting no time he once again uses the concealment technique to hide himself and advance in that floor. He did not even advance that much when he already saw some Monster prison there and everyone of those Monsters were intermediate epic grade. 

Fortunately none of those Monsters notice him. Sam already using his observing technique to observe the status of those Monsters. 

"Dark Cat, (Abnormal State)

Grade:- Intermediate Epic grade / (Early) SSR grade 

Health:- (100900/100900)

Spiritual energy:- (100000/100000)

Strength:- 10500 (+100)

Agility:- 10060 (+60)

Physique;- 10090

SE:- 10000

Intelligent - 80

Casting speed - 10000


Dark element control, Dark Claw, Dark vision, Dark beam, Dark healing, Dark speed, Mind confused, Mental Destruction. 

System remark:- Just run away, haha… they are strong."

As you can see right now in front of him those dark cats were present. Just looking at the status he could already see the abnormal state of those Monsters and because of these they also get an additional boost in their strength and agility. Also if you look at the technique of those monsters then you will see they could easily control the dark element and at the same time they had strong mind attack technique. 

Naturally Sam also knew that he needed to kill them quickly or they could also attack him using the mental destruction. Even though he also already maximized the mental defense technique and also had mental control technique, he did not want to waste that more time with those Monsters because it could also affect him while fighting those Monsters. 

So instantly Sam began to prepare his attack. Naturally he uses the superior sword technique to create a superior slash. At this time even though those Monsters are unable to feel any energy fluctuation but most likely they already begin to feel the danger and because of this, they also become very alert instantly. 

On the other hand, Sam just keeps channeling his spiritual energy into his Slayer. And if you look at his sword right now then you will see it just absorbing all that spiritual energy and increasing the power alongside that technique. 

Well, in these 9 months you can say he bought many swords and naturally fused those swords with his slayer. Every time he fuses Swords, a battle instantly appears in his innerworld where those two swords fight with each other. 

Actually it happened because who would be the dominating one will be decided by that and naturally everyone of those who battle his slayer wins all those matches. With that right now the power of his Slayer also increases very much and most likely because of this it is also able to handle all that power and that amount of spiritual energy. 

Now Sam could already so most likely those Monsters decided to go toward another direction to do something and even though they were very alert at this moment this still, but after not finding anyone even searching with their full power they decided they should advance or do something. Naturally Sam knew that was the chance to attack those Monsters while they already lowered their guard. I think you should take a look at


Instantly he begins to swing his sword toward those Monsters and you can say in less than a second he most likely swings his sword 500 times. Everyone of those Swing naturally created a powerful sword slash. And everyone of those attacked less than a second began to go toward those Monsters continuously. But naturally you can say the reaction speed of those monsters wasn't that slow and they already became aware of the danger and most likely wanted to escape from that place or wanted to find the enemy. 

But even with that none of them were able to survive because the speed of those attacks were much faster compared to them. With that 10 of those Monsters already died and the remaining 5 Monsters already became seriously injured. But you still begin to use their dark recovery technique. 


Even though at this moment in normal eyes even be able to see anything, if you use the spiritual vision, then you will be able to see that everyone of those Monsters coated in a dark cloth around them and that thing was healing all those injuries very quickly. 

"Dark Cat, (Abnormal State)

Grade:- Intermediate Epic grade / (Early) SSR grade 

Health:- (1000/100900)

Spiritual energy:- (30000/100000)

Strength:- 10500 (+100)

Agility:- 10060 (+60)

Physique;- 10090

SE:- 10000

Intelligent - 80

Casting speed - 10000


Dark element control, Dark Claw, Dark vision, Dark beam, Dark healing, Dark speed, Mind confused, Mental Destruction. 

System remark:- Just run away, haha… they are strong."

Naturally as you can see how much damage he did to those Monsters, and at the same moment those Monsters use a huge amount of dark spiritual energy to recover their health as quickly as they can. But not only that, everyone of those Monsters are also very alert about the enemy and already begin to search for the trace of the enemy. 

They were also ready to attack anytime but unfortunately for them they were unable to see any enemy while once again they got attacked by those sword slabs. This time those Monsters unable to escape or protect themselves and as you can tell in the end everyone of them gets killed. 


'Sigh, unfortunately they did not drop any technique. But still the quality of those healing potions are very high. Also who could have thought they would drop that many materials.'

Naturally sometime later when the dead body of those Monsters faded away from that place he could already see those loots that were present in that place. Westing no time he already put everyone of those loots in his inventory and with that he once again began to advance. 

But it looks like the previous battle with those cat monsters naturally attracts the attention of many other Monsters as they already begin to come to that direction with curious eyes. Everyone of them wanted to know what happened there and because of this, using their full power, all of those Monsters also already came to that place. 

But the thing was that Sam was already aware of that situation and because of this he was also already preparing his attack. Now because the number of those Monsters already increased he decided to use the mega fireball. Naturally because of the origin spiritual energy the power of the mega Fireball also increased. Also the more spiritual energy he will use in that attack the more dangerous it will become. 

Fortunately because of using the concealment technique at this moment he wasn't releasing any spiritual fluctuation and with that none of those Monsters aware that the enemy who attacked those Monsters previously wasn't far away from them and also already began to prepare a powerful attack for them. 

Once again as you can see Sam just keeps beginning to channel his spiritual energy into that mega fireball and the fireball keeps getting powerful and Powerful. The color of that fireball already reached Violet. It was just one step away from the dark color and naturally he could also feel that. But the thing was that you should not underestimate the power of those violet fire balls because even though they weren't as strong as those dark fire balls, the thing was that they were still dangerous. Also there is the ability to burn anything like your hell fireball or you can say dark fireball. 

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