Small upgrade system

Chapter 566 566 - Core Area

Chapter 566 566 - Core Area

Finally, he already reached very close to the core area but at the same time you can say the situation became far more dangerous than before. Everyone of those Monsters already reached the limit of peak Epic grade, and naturally they also had their power boost because of the abnormal state and because of these the situation became very dangerous for him. 

Fortunately using the concealment technique and also using the origin spiritual energy he has the advantage. But the thing was that he also could have got injured because of those attacks because even those Monsters unable to find him they could attack him randomly and naturally all the time Sam also needed to worry about the dark spiritual energy that was always trying to affect him. 

Right now, he was fighting some Monsters once again in the end of the inner area. Most likely after killing those monsters he will be able to enter the core area and finally, meet the Boss monster in that place. But the thing was that in front of him you can see 25 of those monsters who already became very angry because of the previous attack. You can see 5 of them already were dead because of the previous attack and that also makes them more angry as they already begin to affect the surrounding area using the dark spiritual energy and also trying to find out the location of their enemy. josei

Naturally all this time Sam also wasn't ideal as he was already attacking them from every direction using the teleportation technique and that also made those Monsters more confused about his location. Now he just keeps attacking those monsters using the sun ray from every direction and you can say, in a second he could attack them 20 times from various directions while those monsters did not even have any clue about the location of their enemy. 

But the thing was that those monsters could also use the dark spiritual energy and they already created an energy shield in front of them to protect them. Because of this until now even though those monsters were unable to protect themselves, they still did not get killed. But really Sam also wanted to know how long those monsters would be able to protect themselves like this. 

Once again Sam was fighting those humanoid ghost Monsters but naturally all of them were fully black in color and dark spiritual energy released from their body all the time. Look like this still did not have control over those excessive dark spiritual energy as that already began to come outside from their body. But the thing was that those monsters were very powerful at mind control attacks or body processes.

Naturally if it was any other than what they are then it could be dangerous for them but unfortunately that was in the case with Sam, as he already injured them even though they were trying to protect themselves using the energy shield. You can say every time when those sun rays clashed with the energy shield and impact also got created and that impact even also affected the spiritual body of those ghost Monsters. 

Normal physical attack is only effective against those types of spiritual Monsters but naturally if you use the spiritual energy then it would be effective. Everytime an impact gets created because of the clashes, naturally the origin spiritual energy is also present in that impact and because of these Monsters already get injured even though they are trying to protect themselves. Not only that you can see the crack mark that is already present in those energy shields and most likely if Sam continues to attack like this he will be able to break those energy shields. 

Sam is still using the teleportation technique while the light control technique to attack those Monsters from every direction but at the same time you can say he is already beginning to prepare for his next attack. So you can say he was using three techniques at once but naturally that wasn't easy. 


Sometime later finally two energy shield got destroyed and not only that two Monsters who created those energy shield in front of them already got hit by the sun ray. 


Instantly those Monsters already release that kind of painful scream. Naturally as you know, the light element was a little enemy for those ghost type Monsters as you can see already the body of those monsters begin to burn and right now they are unable to do anything even using the dark spiritual energy to heal their body. 

The place where the sun ray created a hole in their body already begins to burn but sometime later you can see the burning already spread around the whole body of those Monsters and naturally like this those Monsters begin to fade away from that place while still screaming like that. I think you should take a look at

But for Sam he still did not relax, as he needed to kill more monsters and with that he still began to attack like that toward those other Monsters. Also you can say that only 15 minutes later he stopped attacking those Monsters using the teleportation technique or using the sun Ray technique. 

Naturally everything happened so quickly that those monsters did not even get the chance to realize what happened. Sometime later they suddenly realize that they stop getting attacked by the enemy and it looks like the enemy wasn't planning to attack them. But naturally those monsters did not let their guard down. They are still very careful about the surrounding area and observing the surrounding area very carefully to see what was the plan of their enemy. 

But in the next again everyone of those monsters begin to feel danger coming from the sky. Everyone looked at the sky instantly to see what was happening. But the moment this Golden light came toward them, all of them got afraid and could also feel the danger coming out from those Golden lights. 

Even though they wanted to escape, unfortunately it was too late for them to escape as everyone of those Golden lights began to fall on the place where those monsters tried to escape. 

"Sssssss!!!!!! Boom!!!!!!"

Continuously everyone of those Golden lights began to fall on that place and naturally one by one the please also began to explode the moment those golden lights began to fall on those places. Naturally it was an attack that was created by Sam previously and all the time he was waiting for this chance when those monsters were able to react on time to attack them. 

He already cracked almost all the energy shields and even if those monsters try to use their full power in the short time they won't be able to protect themselves and naturally that was happening in front of him. Even though those Monsters using their full power or you can say the remaining power to power of the energy shield, this still unable to protect themselves from those continuous Golden light that begin to fall on that place and not just only it affecting directly but it could also affect those Monster indirectly as it already created those impact which also full with origin spiritual energy and naturally that also very effective against those type of dark spiritual Monsters. 

On the other hand as you can see Sam wasn't planning to stop as he already began to prepare those types of attack once again and with that he already began to prepare. Nothing was that it will take him 1 to 2 minutes to prepare that attack and the more he will begin to channel The Spiritual energy into the technique the more powerful it will become. Naturally previously he used 40% to 50% of his spiritual energy but this time he did not have that much spiritual energy so he only uses 30% spiritual energy into the technique. 

Naturally it won't be powerful as those previous Golden lights but still it would be effective against those Monsters. With that many More Golden lights once again appear on the sky and everyone of those Golden lights begin to fall on those Monsters once again alongside with those previous Golden lights. Naturally for a second everyone of those monsters thought that was unfortunately that was in the case as the golden light still began to fall on them and naturally you can see many of them already got seriously injured and unable to use the energy shield once again in this case. 


Sometime later, as you can see already most of those Monsters were dead and only 6 of them remained in that place. But at the same time you can see Sam already came behind those Monsters and in the end he once again attacked them using the sun ray. 

Finally he already killed all the Monsters and he can see the loot begin to appear instead of the dead body of those Monsters. Using the telekinesis technique he already put all those loots in his inventory and with that he finally decided to rest to recover all the Spiritual energy. Not only that because all this time he was protecting his mind from the mental attraction of those Monsters, you also needed to recover his mental state back to normal. 

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