Small upgrade system

Chapter 590 590 - Next Fight

Chapter 590 590 - Next Fight

A huge amount of spiritual energy gather in that hammer and instantly it begin to shine brightly in red color. On the other hand you can see an army of Golems coming toward that person who was using the hammer right now.

That Warrior naturally aware of that but still he did not think anything about that and only just focus on his technique. These would be the ultimate technique he would use against those army. First of all even though he had the confidence to destroy many of those golems, he also know his limit and naturally he cannot destroy all those 100 Golems at Once.

Because of this he also decided to use his ultimate technique and naturally he was preparing for that. Before preparing for the attack he already made sufficient distance from his opponent and without him began to prepare that technique.

If you look at his opponent he also continuously uses his golem making technique and naturally because of that one after another golem just appears in that place and directly going toward that Warrior. Also you can say that this time everyone of those golems different compared to those first Golems. 

Not only just those golems became more powerful but at the same time they also had the ability to control Earth element. Naturally they did not had ability to fully control Earth element, but still they could create some of the attacks using the earth element and even that was dangerous for anyone who will be facing those many golems at once.


Outside of the danger zone,

Naturally every one who is watching the fight between this to team did not know who will be the winner of this match. But everyone started to thinking that the team of the human Prince will be lose these match as that person who using the hammer on be able to defeat those many golems at once.

Because of this, those other people who supporting the other team already became excited. But still you can say that none of them make any noise and the silently watching the TV or the big screen present in the arena.

Naturally the warrior association showing many battle that was happening in the danger zone but right now everyone already interested in this battle between two teams of Princes and because of this, the warrior association is also showing that battle right now.

Now in the VIP room the human king, the Oni king alongside with their queens naturally hope that their son's team wins this match. Everybody who could observe the situation can tell that the teammate of the human prince who using the hammer right now preparing a powerful attack and if he successfully prepared that attack most likely he would be able to destroy all those golems.

A very intense moment once again get created between these two people and naturally that also making every one who watches the match more excited. 

On the other hand, everyone can already saw those golems already get very close to that person who using the hammer and they were already using the earth element to create Earth spikes. Not only they shooting those Earth spikes but they also creating Earth bullets.

Wasting no time, those Golems already shoot toward that person who still closing his eyes as he preparing his attack. Naturally his teammate and everyone of those Warriors who were watching the match became very tense. 

But in the last second when he just above to get hit by those attack something unexpected happen and a destructive spiritual energy instantly came out from his body that instantly destroy all those attack that just about to hit him. But not only that on the net second he hit that hammer in the ground.

But for few second nothing happened that almost make his opponent confused and not only his opponent everyone of those people who did not know anything about his attack naturally get confused. Everyone for a second thought that his attack failed or he was unable to complete his attack.

But in the next second something unexpected happen as the ground begin to crack and naturally getting destroy by the destructive spiritual energy. It did not spirit everywhere and just only going forward toward those golems.


"Ahhh!!!"I think you should take a look at

This time the spiritual Warrior was unable to evade that attack and he already got seriously injured as the distractly energy begin to effect him. HIs armor already got destroyed and blood started to come out from his mouth. Not only internally but he went receiving damage from outside and because of this you can see those injuries begin to appear on his body.

Sometime later,

The medical team natural take action and already begin to heal that spiritual Warrior as he was in a serious condition. But all the other hand the moment referee announce the result that person who use in the hammer also became unconscious.

Actually after using that powerful or you can say his ultimate attack he almost lost the strain to stay like this but still he just using his will power to hold on and wait for his opponent to fall down. Only after he realized the referee already announced the result he became unconscious.

Back to main matter,

Fortunately, that person who using the hammer did not become that much injured like that other Warrior. So only one medical Warrior would be enough to heal him and recover some of his spiritual energy. With that at least he would be able to wake up and after that he will naturally be able to use the Potions to recover his spiritual energy fully. 

For the next match, the referee already select in new place for the fight as the previous place already got destroyed. Before anything you should know that the danger zone was a strange place as in just one day everyone of those places which got destroy today would recover and even those trees which got destroyed would recover.

Naturally, until now nobody was able to figure out how something like that happened in the danger zone but everyone already knew about that so nobody will get surprised when they would notice something like that. Also because of this, everyone fights in different places after destroying the previous place.

Now for the next match as you can already see both of the people are already ready and this time both of the Warriors will be using their spiritual techniques and naturally from the start they make their distance from each other and wait for the referee to give them the signal. 

First of all, one of them has a poison element but his opponent uses the thunder element. The moment both of them get the signal from the referee, they already use their powerful attack from the start. One of them uses the poison ball while the other one uses the thunderbolt. Thunderbolt was easily able to counter attack those poison balls but those poison balls instantly exploded and began to spread poison in that place.

One by one everyone of those poison balls exploded and the full place got filled with poison. On the other hand those thunderbolts could have hit that person using the poison element but before those thunderbolts could hit him he already made distance and once again created his attack.

He instantly begins to control those poisoned air and directly begins to target that person who is using the thunder element. But naturally that person already realizes that and already creates distance from his previous place. Not only that he instantly created a huge thunderbolt and directly shot toward that place. 

First of all the poison user did not use liquid poison and because of this it was very hard for any other element other than air element to hit poisonous gas. The thunder element user also knows about these and because of this from the start he is just targeting the poison user.

Naturally the poison user the moment realize that a big thunderbolt would hit him he instantly created distance from his previous place once again and instantly that previous plays got destroyed by that thunderbolt. Not only that you can see a huge hole was created and even the surrounding area got destroyed by that big thunderbolt. 

Not only that, you can say that the whole place still contains electricity and if that poison user approaches that place he would still get affected by the electric element present in that place. Naturally that poison user already knew about these and because of this he already created sufficient distance so that he did not get affected by that. 

On the other hand, he has already begun to prepare his nest attack and this time he will be using liquid poison. First of all compared to the gas poison you can say the liquid poison would be more dangerous but at the time naturally those other elements developed to affect that liquid poison. Using those other elements everyone needed to be careful because those liquid poison could also be sprayed around.

A purple-colored liquid instantly began to appear in that place and a tiger-like creature got created by that liquid poison. Instantly that creature begins to go to a thunder element user. josei

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