Soaring the Heavens

Chapter 526 Finally Aboard

Chapter 526 Finally Aboard

What did it mean to be in indescribable pleasure but at the same time, feel as though you want to die? What did it mean to push through with an impossible task?

On this day, the Great Manor Head Miao learned the answer; he was completely exhausted by the two Seniors.

He had already lost track of how long they had been going at it, as Wu Ming, heavily panting and drenched in sweat as she was, rested weakly on top of his body. The madness had finally subsided. Meanwhile, Wu Zhen’s fair, alluring body was already lying beside them, her face resting upon the sand with her eyes softly shut.

As for the masks they had both been wearing, they were long gone, having been taken off by Miao Yi.

His feelings were understandable. It was bad enough that he was being raped. How would he be able to stomach being raped by two women who wore masks that made them look like men? At the very least, looking at their natural female faces eased his distress somewhat.

Within the boundless skies and sands of Flowing Clouds Dune Sea, the sun had already set, but nonetheless, the vicious aftermath of their act remained bare for all to see.

After he felt Wu Ming’s breathing gradually calming down from under her, Miao Yi tried to move away. Now that the other party wasn’t forcefully pushing him down, he was able to move her to the side. He hurriedly got to his feet then took out a set of clothes from his storage ring and put them on. He didn’t even care how dirty he was right now. All he knew was that it felt as though his bones were all bent out of place.

He grabbed the Inferno Qilin Spear. It had been standing erect in the sand as it were, as if acting as some sort of lookout. The Glorious Star Immortal Herb that was soon-to-be buried under the cascading sand was also picked up and promptly tucked away.

Miao Yi then took out two blankets and placed them on to the two naked women lying on the ground. After which, he quietly made his way to his dragon steed, who had spent half the day just watching the performance.

"Where are you going?" Wu Zhen asked. Currently, she was using her natural, feminine voice. Truth be told, she could already no longer conceal her true voice back when they were fooling around.

Miao Yi froze. He slowly turned around and saw Wu Zhen already standing up with a blanket covering her body, coldly staring at him. Wu Ming was still lying on the ground with a flushed expression on her face; she was biting her lip, her eyes still firmly shut. She didn’t dare to open them.

As Wu Zhen took a step forward, her face immediately twisted in pain. However, she still grit her teeth and slowly hobbled her way forward.

Miao Yi coughed drily and said, "Seniors, umm, how should I put it... I know you didn’t mean to do what you did. I just thought it through. It must have been that orange glow that hit you earlier that made you act so irrationally. I won’t blame you for it!"

’PAH!’ A slender arm abruptly shot out from within the blanket. Wu Zhen had just given him a loud, resounding slap to the face.

Miao Yi placed his hand on his face. While he was a rather dumbfounded at first, his expression quickly turned to anger. It was totally unfair to hit someone in the face. However, when he saw the wretched state that the other person was in, he ground his teeth and said, "Just my luck!" After which, he turned away to walk off.

"SISTER!" Wu Ming suddenly shrieked.

Miao Yi quickly swiveled back around and saw Wu Ming already on her feet with her blanket around her. What took him by surprise was that Wu Zhen was somehow already holding onto a sword artifact and staring daggers at him. If Wu Ming hadn’t stopped her in time, god knows what would have happened to him.

Miao Yi immediately brandished the Inferno Qilin Spear and angrily warned, "What? Are you trying to kill me off? I’m warning you, don’t get hasty. Even a rabbit can give a nasty bite when it’s desperate."

Wu Ming reached out with her arm and held down the sword artifact in Wu Zhen’s grasp, staring at Miao Yi with a conflicted expression as she said, "Niu Er, you’d better forget the things that happened today. Otherwise, us sisters will chase you until the ends of the earth and kill you!"

Miao Yi returned with a scoff, "Those should be my words."

"You—!" Wu Zhen grew all the more furious from the embarrassment, but Wu Ming stopped her from acting rashly.

"You don’t have to worry. Even I’m not such a shameless person. I wouldn’t be able to handle the embarrassment of being assaulted by two women either. Now then, this one still has a mission to attend to. Forgive me for not being able to stay longer!" Miao Yi turned back and swung back atop his dragon steed. He didn’t forget to remind the other party, "I’ve already reported the situation to the higher-ups. It’s been some time since then. They should be arriving soon."

There were two reasons why he was telling this to them. One was to remind them to quickly put on their clothes; the other was to warn them not to act rashly.

After which, he charged off on his dragon steed, following the trail that the Netherdragon Ship had left behind on the sand.

As expected, the two women were quickly flustered after hearing that the higher-ups were going to be arriving soon. This was what it meant to have a guilty conscience. After all, they were the ones who had raped the other party, not the other way around. The two of them had been sent here with the sole objective of protecting Miao Yi, but they actually ended up joining hands to assault him. Such an account was simply too preposterous for anyone to take seriously. They hurriedly put on their clothes.

Galloping across the desert with spear in hand, Miao Yi spat out a mouthful of saliva. The slap from Wu Zhen had completely ’brought him to his senses’. At first, he thought he had gotten lucky. But after giving it some thought now, he realized that he had drawn the short end of the stick. Not only did he keep quiet during the whole ordeal, he even had to take a slap from the other party afterward. What gave him the most grief was that those two crazy women had even destroyed his Second Grade Armor Artifact. Thinking back, he had almost spent his entire fortune just to have that Second Grade Armor Artifact made. He had suffered a terrible loss this time.

To add insult to injury, there was no way anyone would sympathize with him if they were to ever hear about this story. After all, he was a man. Even after going through something like this, he still had to treat it as though he were the one taking advantage of them. If he ever told this to anyone, he would have to say it as a brag and make it sound like he was the one who managed to bag a pair of twins, rather than the other way around. Otherwise, he would end up a laughingstock. Such was the way of the world.

The Netherdragon Ship left a very clear trail on the sand. It had flattened all the sand dunes along its path after all. Not to mention, it was moving forward at a snail’s pace so Miao Yi could catch up to it quite quickly.

However, Miao Yi didn’t dare approach it, and simply followed from afar. Deep down, he still couldn’t help feeling a sense of awe as he wondered what that Higher Realm of legend must be like.

Hearing the sound of hoofbeats coming from behind, he quickly turned around, where he saw Wu Zhen and Wu Ming approaching on their dragon steeds. The two of them had returned to their original masculine disguises; he could not tell what sort of expression they were wearing underneath their masks.

Miao Yi immediately grew anxious. He hurriedly pulled his dragon steed around and ran off to the side, worried that those two women were still deranged and out for blood. It was better to maintain some distance with them.

His actions greatly irritated the twins. ’What are you trying to avoid us for? You’re making it seem like we’re a couple of perverts...’ However, when they remembered the immoral and humiliating acts that had transgressed just earlier today, it seemed ’pervert’ was the right word after all. The tale would probably shock any who heard it.

Truth be told, the twins didn’t wish to see Miao Yi’s face any longer. However, they didn’t have a choice but to come since they were entrusted with ensuring his safety. Furthermore, Miao Yi had mentioned that the higher-ups were going to be approaching soon. This made it even harder for them to just abandon him. Else, they wouldn’t be able to explain themselves to their superiors later on. They had to come, even if just for appearance’s sake.

Right at this moment, a golden streak of light rushed in from the horizon and abruptly stopped in the middle of the sky. As Miao Yi looked up, he was somewhat surprised to find that it was none other than Guo Shaohai himself.

When Wu Zhen and Wu Ming saw who it was, they were rather shocked as well. It seemed they never thought that Guo Shaohai would personally come all this way. They hurriedly got off their mounts and bowed.

Hovering up above in the sky, Guo Shaohai paid them no heed at all. It seemed there was only the Netherdragon Ship in his eyes. With a wave of his sleeves, he revealed a golden crystalline pagoda in the palm of his hand. As he tossed the pagoda out, the golden, jade-like transcendent artifact started to emit a purple glow, stirring up powerful gales as it quickly expanded to around a dozen meters tall.

Miao Yi was completely dumbfounded. That was a top-tier Fourth Grade Transcendent Artifact. Furthermore, it was one that was refined from high-density, pure Crystalline Gold. How much Crystalline Gold must have been used to refine such a massive structure? All the more so for one that’s made out of such high-density, pure Crystalline Gold.

As they stared upwards, Wu Zhen and Wu Ming were also in abject shock.

Suddenly, another streak of gold light approached from the sky and stopped right beside Guo Shaohai. This person’s gaze was locked onto the Netherdragon Ship, the excitement on his face was plain for all to see.

Miao Yi knew who this person was as well; it was the white-haired old man from the Chamber of Commerce. However, he never thought that this old man was a Golden Lotus cultivator as well.

"Come aboard the ship with me!" Guo Shaohai commanded.

The white-haired old man cupped his fists in acknowledgement. The golden pagoda shimmering in a purple light up above began spinning rapidly and descended, sucking in Guo Shaohai and the white-haired old man in the process.

Once the two of them were inside, the jade-like pagoda started spinning about even faster. It tilted the sharp tip of the roof downwards, then abruptly shot down towards the Netherdragon Ship that was slowly gliding forward.

At almost the same time, the blank-faced crowd pulling the ship abruptly raised their heads. Then, one after another, an assortment of massive, multi-colored, tentacle-like chains flew out. It was a beautiful sight indeed; there were radiant colors of blue, red, green, azure, purple, black and orange flying out. A total of seven colored streaks shot into the sky with an earth-shaking power, heading straight for the jade-like pagoda artifact that was rapidly descending from the clouds.

The moment the two forces clashed, it was as though heaven and earth were being torn asunder. The ground underneath shattered and erupted as if nothing more than a piece of decrepit wood, and the subterranean sea hidden underneath exploded upwards in a powerful blast of water. When Wu Zhen and Wu Ming saw this, they quickly abandoned their mounts and flew away as fast as they could. They didn’t even have the bare strength necessary to watch the battle this close.

Meanwhile, Miao Yi felt as though he was a tiny little boat that was being tossed and turned amidst the mighty waves and terrifying storms of the great seas. He frantically donned several Armor Artifacts of varying sizes over his body.

With the Netherdragon Ship at the center, the clash of the two forces caused a powerful shockwave that sent a massive wall of sand hurtling all over the place. Miao Yi couldn’t to see what was happening. All he knew was that he was currently surrounded by water. He frantically dove deeper and deeper into the sea, wanting nothing but to escape the terrifying catastrophe that was happening above the surface.

Amidst the rumbling noises, the jade-like pagoda artifact that was shining with a powerful purple radiance used its high speed spin to counter the attacks that were coming at it from all sides. With that, it was able to mitigate most of the destructive force from the attacks.

The reason why Guo Shaohai had brought this pagoda artifact here was because he had experience dealing with the Netherdragon Ship before, and knew that while the ship’s guards were powerful, their attacks lacked fluidity.

Even so, the purple radiance surrounding the pagoda artifact immediately dimmed from the raging onslaught. A resounding boom then erupted, and the jade-like pagoda artifact was reduced to dust.

Just like that, a mighty artifact was destroyed. That being said, this transcendent artifact was meant to be used as a sacrifice in the first place, all for the sake of buying just a single moment of time.

As expected, the plan succeeded. Two silhouettes shot out through the golden plume of dust and safely landed aboard the ship. And as Guo Shaohai and the white-haired old man touched down, the attacks immediately ceased.

The massive waves along the surface of the ocean also gradually subsided, and the Netherdragon Ship glided above the waters. At the moment, the ship was surrounded on all sides by a boundless ocean. The vast body of water that lay hidden beneath the surface of the desert had finally shown itself in its true majesty!

"HAHAHA...!" Guo Shaohai threw his arms out and laughed maniacally. Beside him, the white-haired old man also excitedly said, "We did it. We actually did it. We’re finally aboard the ship!"

Suddenly, a strong wind blew away the golden dust that still lingered in the air, revealing the sight before them.

Before them stood an ancient, towering castle. A beauty beyond what words alone could describe; the level of intricacy in its craftsmanship would bring even the most skilled artisans to shame. As the tightly shut jade gates slowly and quietly opened, Guo Shaohai and the white-haired old man peered inside. The laughter on their faces immediately faded, and their expressions quickly froze.

Behind the great gates that hung slightly ajar, was a ridiculously extravagant manor, with a majestic canopy bed situated high above in the distance. A white-robed man dressed in a light blue outer raiment quietly stood before the bed with his hands behind his back. As the gates to the castle opened up, he slowly turned his head to look at the two men outside.josei

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