Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 15

Chapter 15: New Normal

After Sol gets out and tells Dion that everything is fine, he gets back in his house. Looking around, Sol sigh.

"Miya, can you help me clean this up?" Sol looks at his cat who is currently bitting at a piece of ratman. "ugh..." he tries to stop himself from vomiting.

"Nya??" she tilts her head. "do you want some, master?" she pulls a ratman femur and offers it to his face.

Sol looks away and vomits. He can feel his stomach is empty but he doesn't have any appetite after what he saw.

"ugh... another thing to clean" he lamented to himself, looking at his vomits.

In the end, Sol cleans his house alone, he put every body part in a trash bag and anything broken in the trash bin. It takes an hour for him to finish cleaning.

"Now let's make something to eat" Sol is starving, so he doesn't have time to worry about bath and hygiene.

Sol cook a canned tuna and rice, it smells nice that he wants to gobble it up. josei

Miya, who looks at him this whole time is drooling. "Master, can I eat that a well?"

"Sure, come let's eat together," he says.

She jumps with all four to the table, eating directly from the pan. "ugh..." Sol groans.

He actually doesn't mind eating from the same bowl as her, that is if her mouth isn't covered with blood and gore.

Sol ends up making another two portions of food. One for himself and another just in case both of them are still hungry.

"I need to teach Miya about manners," he says to himself looking at the former cat sitting on the table while licking herself.

While she tried to clean herself, it wasn't very effective. All the dried blood stick to her fur and dye it black.

"Miya, it's time for a bath" Sol says to her. While She has changed a lot, Sol wasn't repulsed by her, he thinks of her as his precious family.

"Yes, Master!" she follows him to the bathroom, after his struggle in his early day with her, he has made her accustomed to taking a bath.

"Miya, you can call me Sol, I think of you as my family, not a pet, you know," he told her. He doesn't want her to call him master, if other people heard her then they will think that he is a sick bastard.

"Nya!! Soll!!" She jumps to him and snuggles with him. "she still likes to press her body to mine like when she was a cat! I need to do something about this as well!" he screams in his mind.

"Let's get to bath," he says pushing her away.

He fills the bath with hot water and told Miya to wash herself with the shampoo.

"Why don't you wash me like usual?" She tilts her head.

"My clothes will get wet" he answers her.

"don't you usually just undress yourself?" she tilts her head again.

"ugh.. fine" Sol end up washing her with his clothes on. After touching her all over he finally understands that she is actually very different from a human, he doesn't need to worry about touching her at all.

Her body is very lite and she doesn't have any breast, what's on her chest just fur and her teats are on her belly.

"I don't need to worry about her after all, we are different species and all. She is more like a little sister" Sol convince himself.

After he finished washing her and told her to dry herself, he finally has time to wash himself.

Looking a the snake hanging on his neck he feels awkward. "Hey Nerodia, how long do you plan to be there?"

"hiss... ahh, we already far from the Temples! bye then." it hissed at him and slither away

"it was asleep, wasn't it?" he muses to himself. "I hope it won't be back".

Sol is too tired that he just finished his bath as fast as he can and put on new clothes. He doesn't even have any time to check his body or his wound.

He directly goes to his bedroom and gets his long-needed sleep. In the end, he sleeps for more than 12 hours.

When Sol wakes up, he feels that something heavy is on the top of him. "ugh... is this sleeping paralysis?" Sol opens his eye.

What greets him is a humanoid ragdoll sleeping on top of him. "right! She used to sleep on top of me. I need to change this as well"

Sol can feel his head aching from all the tasks he needs to do. "Miya, wake up" he pets her head

"Nya??" after a few minutes of struggle, he finally able to get up.

For the following week, Sol tries to teach Miya all short of things. He gets her to wear clothes, eat with a spoon and fork, and use the toilet. While something is harder to teach, she won't take a bath by herself or let him sleep alone.

Other than teaching Miya, he starts to patrol his neighborhood for ratman with Miya. While he needs to drag the catgirl with him, what she can do impressed him so much.

Miya is very agile that she can evade three ratman while she cut them with her claw. She can handle up to five ratman alone.

"I will make sure to never make her angry" Sol muttered to himself.

Sol had improved as well, he can keep up with three ratman even though he needs an hour to finish them.

On the third day, he has been in the city, people start to get back into the city. His neighbors thank him for killing ratman that pop up from time to time.

"ugh... everything will be better if not for that rumor" Sol lament.

People are calling him a cat lover and parents told their children to not learn from him. It's all because Miya likes to snuggle with him even in the public.

"It's cold so we need to warm ourselves, Nya!" she argues every time.

On the seventh day, the internet comes online.

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