Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Sasha Nerva Vestitor

Miya hugged her baby, she won't let her go from her hand. Miya seat on a chair conjured by Minerva and pull her shirt up to reveal her stomach.

Her baby is currently sucking her teat while sleeping, happiness can be seen on the mother-daughter pair's face.

Sol turned to Minerva, "Your Cuteness, I have done my part, now you can take her and grant my wish"

Minerva looked at Sol like looking a father who about to abandon his child, "I never say that I will take her away, or you want to get rid of our child that badly?" she made him feel guilty.

"A... I never mean it that way, I just thought that you would take her away" Sol stammer.

"So you were thinking that I'm a heartless mother who would separate a child from her parent?" Mineva seriously said.

"NO! I never meant it that way!" Sol fear that he displeases the Goddess

"HIHIHI.." Minerva giggled, she couldn't hold her laughter anymore.

"Fuck, I was played again" Sol lamented.

"Your Cuteness, can you grant my wish now? Sol said after she calms down.

"I already grant it, you don't need to be worried" She reassured him.

"Do you have any more questions? My time is limited so if you need something else you may as well say it now"

Sol looked at Nerva and asked, "I have one question, is Nerva a demigod?" This question made him very curious after all she is his child with a god.

"No, she isn't a demigod but very close, she is the closest being to a demigod. As you can see, Miya is also her biological parent as much as you and me."

"She has half as much divinity as a demigod from my gene. Stronger body than normal human from Miya's gene, she will have a body as strong as a predator when she grows up."

Sol waits for Minerva to say what Nerva gets from him but Minerva already finishes her explanation.

"Excuse me Your Cuteness, what does she get from me?" Sol asked curiously.

"Hmm... You are inferior to me in every aspect so there is not much you give her other than possibility to bo born" Minerva dismisses his influence.

"Fuck!! Then why did you choose me? Am I some kind of sperm bank in your eyes?" Sol complained to himself, he wanted to complain to Minerva but he was afraid to anger her.josei

"then if you want me to take her home, how can I keep her connection with you a secret? Won't other Heir feel her bloodline?" Sol changed the topic.

"Hmmm..." Minerva hum to herself then snap her finger, a familiar necklace appears on her hand, she chants something and it glows for a while.

"here, put this on Nerva, it will mask my bloodline and make the bloodline feels like yours" She throws the necklace to him.

After Sol catches it he finally has a closer look at the familiar necklace, "Isn't this Sasha's necklace?" he checks his pocket and found nothing.

"the hell! It wasn't mine you know, I can't use it as I wish" he complained to himself again, he would rather explain it to Sasha's parents than risking angering the Goddess.

He may not have seen her might but he wasn't stupid to try and see what will happen if he angers her.

"But how do I explain that he has my bloodline? She is my daughter but human bloodline isn't supposed to have such an effect." He looked at the Goddess.

"You don't, just say it is a secret if anyone asks you," She says lightly

Sol doesn't understand her but he just nod, the Goddess is best at manipulating people, what qualification does he have to question her.

Actually, Mineva's plan is easy, people specifically humans will make their own answer if they don't get any answer. They will make the most logical and convenient answer for themselves.

Which is more logical, a human suddenly has their own bloodline after assimilating shards or a human have a child with a Goddess than make a Catwoman give birth to their child?

Anyone will conclude the former than the later, any time of the day, even if they are drunk.

After that, Sol brings Miya who carries Nerva on her hand out of the temple. It had been hours since he gets into the temple so the gathering outside had dispersed.

On the way out, a lot of people who recognize him looked at him strangely, they remembered that he bring a pregnant Catwoman, and now he comes out with a baby.

"WFT! Did he barge into the temple just to give birth to his child? This is the temple of Minerva you know? Not the temple of Juno" they wonder in amusement.

After Sol escapes the eyes of people who looked at him strangely, he returns home with Miya.

For the next few days he takes a paid leave because he needs to take care of Nerva, Miya is a Hopeless mother, she can only breast feed her daughter but can't clean her or make her stop crying.

Miya clean Nerva by licking her like how a cat washes their young. She will panic if Nerva cries, it is understandable because a kitten usually doesn't cry.

After a week Sol needs to return to work, but Miya insists that she also get to work. Sol try to dissuade her and told her to stay home with Nerva but she won't listen.

They end up bringing Nerva to school, Miya will take care of Nerva and only gives some pointer to the students.

Nerva grows up faster than a human's baby, she only a week old but already looks like a year old baby, she can already talk even if not that fluent.

She is a smart girl and she gets very clingy with Sol because he always takes care of her.

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