Sold to a Prince!

Chapter 209  Injured

Chapter 209  Injured

Roman's face paled as he quickly bent down and touched the blood with his finger. He rubbed it between his fingers, sniffing the scent again.

There was an overwhelming draconian scent wafting out of the blood, the bloodline roaring proudly, but besides that, there was also another faint scent, a sweet alluring scent mixed with the smell of blood.

His nose was not lying to him. She had indeed been here and she was also hurt.

His gaze instantly darkened and he glanced up and down the long corridor. A couple more drops of black blood were visible across the pristine floor of the palace.

Was she hurt? What happened for Sylvia to come all this way?

He didn't realize it but a slight panic spread across his limbs and his mind began jumping to conclusions. More importantly, a certain realization came over him which made him freeze. josei

Did she overhear everything that was happening in the throne room? Is that why she is already gone?

He looked around frantically and saw a nearby guard. "Come here. Quick. Tell me. Was the fourth princess here? How long was she standing here?"

The guard first bowed to the Lycan Lord and then nodded briskly. "Yes, my Lord. The princess was waiting right here. She was standing here for a few minutes, before walking to her quarters."

Because she was a royal princess, the guards generally had a vague idea about where she was at all times, unless there were further specific instructions. So he told the Lord everything he knew.

"Damn it!" Roman growled, his voice reverberating in the empty palace hallways. He ran his hand through his hair and snarled in frustration, revealing his canines.

"She must have definitely come to the wrong conclusion. She would have thought that I too had betrayed her. Damn it." Roman clenched his fists.

She had definitely mistaken him. He was sure of it. But he didn't worry too much about that. Misunderstanding could always be cleared. All he needed to do was talk to her.

But the fact that she had run away without even asking him for an explanation scared him more? Did she perhaps… His mind wandered. She was also hurt which was also concerning.

"Where did the Princess go next?" Roman growled.

"I believe that her highness is still in her chambers, my Lord." He the guard bowed and replied.

He was a bit shaken by just how angry and agitated the Lycan Lord sounded. So he answered everything quickly, to the best that he could. However, before he finished speaking, the man's silhouette was already on the move.

Roman dashed towards the fourth princess' quarters, an unfathomable ominous feeling lingering at the back of his mind.

He ran through the corridors, his speed and agility fully boosted, but his figure abruptly came to a halt right in front of the chamber doors.

Surprisingly, Isaac was also standing there. What the hell?

"What are you doing here?" Roman snapped at him. He didn't have time for his shenanigans today and he was in no mood for it. Sylvia was hurt and possibly hated him with all of her guts because of the cruel words he had spoken.

"I…" Isaac had no idea where to begin. He was afraid that he was going to get scolded and hesitated. Just as these two were talking another guard stepped out.

"Where is the Princess? She needs to be treated!" Roman snarled.

"Huh? How did you know?" Isaac who was quiet quickly muttered, looking at Roman in confusion.

Roman's mood further worsened. What exactly happened? He gritted his teeth and grabbed the man's collar. "Explain everything."

"Ok. Ok. Relax." Isaac started sweating. "I didn't do anything. Geez."

"When I came over to your castle earlier to invite the two of you for tea, I only coincidentally met with the princess."

"She was about to leave and she said that she needed to go to the castle urgently. I just assumed that it was something related to you as you had come here as well."

"Either way I decided to follow her here."

Roman tried to listen to him patiently but the man was taking his time explaining and his patience was wearing thin.

"Hurry up, what happened to her? How did she become injured when you were following her, Isaac? You should have protected her!"

Isaac winced at the man's terrible temper. He knew that logically he should have been able to protect her, but he only barely managed to keep up even with her speed.

"On the way to the draconian royal palace, I sensed a disturbance. I was sure that there was a demonic beast, well one or more. I raced ahead as fast as I could, but when I arrived there the princess had already finished fighting."

"I saw three ape corpses very badly burned and charred, but I also smelled a different type of blood spilled on the ground. I think she won the fight and was wounded in the process."

"And thus I am here to check on her and see if she is injured. This is the whole story, my Lord." Isaac let out a long breath, after having blurted out everything he knew.

"That woman!" Roman growled.

"She doesn't even know that demonic attacks need a proper spell to heal them and not just a simple healing spell?"

"The black blood on the floor already shows that infection is already spreading!"

"What?" Isaac asked. "That soon? Was it exacerbated because she healed herself?"

However, Roman was clearly not listening to him. He directly barged into the quarters, pushing the huge doors open.

Inside, the maids were still around and they all stared dumbfoundedly at this unexpected intruder.

"You three!" Lord Roman's voice boomed.

"Lord?" The maids trembled. He was so angry that they were scared of his mere presence and shook because of the overwhelming pressure his domineering aura was releasing.

Roman did not bother holding anything back. "Where is she?" His voice thundered, as he turned to face one of the maids.


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