Sold to a Prince!

Chapter 49 - Escape Part5

Chapter 49 - Escape Part5

"Stop it. Damn it. Stop it." Sylvia muttered under her breath, her two irises bright golden in color.

She did not understand why but her body and her heart had all of a sudden started acting bat shit crazy.

She was only barely holding on, unable to resist the urge to go up and fight against the Quilin.

It was an instinct; a thought; an idea that gripped her entire body, a completely irrational impulse.

She knew full well that if she went up there near the beast right now, she would be bashed into nothingness within a fraction of a second.

But still, she felt an inexplicable urge to go head to head with that frightening beast.

As Sylvia was struggling on the side, Mikel and Theodore had their own problems.

They were no match for the Quilin beast strutting in front of them but all hope was not lost.

The fact that they were so close to the main city was right now their only saving grace.

As much as it was impossible for a high-ranking magical beast to appear here, it was also extremely convenient.

This was because the said magical beast was isolated, but they were not!

There were plenty of strong and powerful mages, even some of the elders of the mage high council, in the royal city.

So now all Mikel and Theodore had to do was hold on until more help and support arrives.

And being powerful mages it would barely take them 2 seconds to get here.

But still holding on for these 2 seconds… was everything…

It was the difference between life and death!!!

"Theo, the formation! Activate it!" Mikel shouted. He did not have to tell the man twice.

Though they did not expect this dire situation to arise, they still had prepared for it nevertheless.

Theo quickly mumbled something and the gems they had buried in the ground a few hours earlier whirred with an iridescent light.

The very next second a bright glow enveloped the group forming a sort of barrier around them.

The Quilin saw the barrier but in its eyes, it was a very pitiful insignificant magic.

It shook its head and let out a loud roar, several magical runes appearing in the air around the barrier, along with the roar.

Light sparks crackled in the beast's dull jade eyes and small bolts of lightning started appearing from each of the runes.

And these directly attacked the barrier.

With every single lightning bolt slamming against the barrier, it trembled and shuddered from the impact.

The protective shield was only barely holding on.

Sylvia by now had somewhat managed to get her body and mind under control. 

She no longer had the suicidal urge to fight the Quilin with her bare hands and her golden irises as well had disappeared.

But she could see that her troubles were far from over. Cassius was covering in fear, and Theodore had a solemn expression.

And Mikel… Sylvia had never seen him like this before. His face had an inexplicable sadness more than anything.

Perhaps because she was in the same boat just a couple of seconds ago, she could tell that he was feeling very weak and helpless, just like how she had felt against the wolves.josei

She now understood the head maid Jane's words about Mikel's magic talent. 

The man might be able to do some parlor tricks, but when it came to powerful magic spells, it looked like he was just as useless as her.


Another lightning bolt crashed against their barrier, bringing Sylvia's attention back to the Quilin beast.

Damn it. How long is this barrier going to hold? Sylvia wondered. 

She stood up and calmly watched everything that was happening as if she was an outsider.

Not that she was not afraid. In fact, even for the wolves, she had been shivering with fear.

But this time, she was well aware that there was no escape. 

She was not up against some ferocious wild animal. She was up against a magical beast!

When death was a certainty, sometimes fear disappeared. What else can one do but accept defeat and surrender in front of a natural disaster?

So she calmly watched the fight enjoying the scene unfolding in front of her.

While the barrier was helping them, it looked like now Mikel and Theodore were casting a spell together.

They busily mumbled some incantations and a small fireball started materializing at the center.

And as they continued focusing on their spell, this fireball gradually grew in size.

Sylvia gaped at the fireball and then at the Quilin. Will this attack be effective?

As her eyes darted here and there, waiting for the inevitable to happen, suddenly loud thuds sounded near her.

A dozen or more men draped fully in black robes appeared near them out of nowhere.

Sylvia couldn't help but be startled. Who were these new entries?

She then noticed that Cassius, Mikel, and Theodore had more relaxed expressions than what they looked like a second ago.

Ah… These men were probably the kingdom's royal mages or high council mages. Sylvia gulped.

For the first time in her life, she stood amidst so many important people.

"I guess now my life is not in danger anymore."  She smiled lightly. She was surprised at her own boldness and how she was not being affected by all of this.

Though it was odd for a weakling to not have fainted unconscious by now, she was still there standing and making observations.

At this, she could only shrug and applaud her own strength. 

While these nonsensical thoughts were going on in her head, Sylvia couldn't help but think of a certain something as well.

Right at this moment, every single one of these men was locked onto the Quilin beast. 

A hundred percent of their focus and attention was on the beast and what it might possibly do in order to attack them.

Even Mikel, Theodore, and Cassius as well did not dare to take their eyes off the beast.

Then… that surely meant… no one was looking at her right?? Sylvia's heart raced as she pondered about this obvious loophole in front of her. 

This was her chance! 

The young girl slowly backed away… one step at a time… 

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