
Chapter 138

Chapter 138: I'll do something about it

I stood on the second floor lounge confused as fuck as to why those two were ignoring me.

I don't think I did anything wrong?

Are they angry because I drugged them all to sleep and went alone?

I frowned as I rubbed my temples.

I just came back from death's door and now I have to deal with this…

I sighed and looked towards the left corridor and saw Nora walking my way. She wasn't really paying attention to her surroundings, she was more busy devouring the ice cream in her hand.

"Nora?" She got a bit startled when I called her name but stopped to look at me. She didn't say anything to me and began thinking about something.

Then a smirk appeared on her face and she smiled at me.

"Yes?" She walked towards me.

She seemed suspicious but I ignored that, "Why is Azalea and Caesar behaving like that? I was the one who almost died."

She shrugged her shoulders as she began eating the biscuit cone, "Maybe because you're insensitive."

"I am not insensitive."

"Yeah right," She scoffed and almost choked on the biscuit. She coughed for a few moments to clear her throat. After she was done she began eating the rest of the cone without a care.

"Will you answer me!!!"

"Oh yeah." She made sure to finish her ice cream before she spoke and it really annoyed me but I did my best to remain patient, "You were at death's door." She wiped her face with the napkin she had in her pocket, "Caesar came to save you."

"Yea so?"

She gave me 'you're so stupid' smirk, "If he hadn't you'd be dead."


I actually didn't think about it until now.

I was in a really bad condition in mount Sephra and no doubt I would have died. I chewed my lips.

"Caesar brought you back but I think you don't even remember much." She smirked.


She laughed, "Awww too bad. But you deserve it. You must not even remember the kiss you had with Caesar."

"Excuse me? What?"

She placed her hand on her chest to breathe, "That was one passionate moment. I ship it." I stared at her weirdly. Like what? "Oh and clearly you don't remember how Azalea kept you warm when you were freezing."

"Kept me warm?" I do remember the feeling of freezing.

A nasty grin spread across her face, "She stripped you down." My eyes went a bit wide when she said that, "Then she stripped herself, 'butt-naked' and joined her body together with yours." My eyes went even wider.

"She… what?"

"But of course you were so busy sleeping, you missed it all." She scoffed at me, "She kept your ice cold body warm with her warm tender and soft smooth skin, there was no space left between you two." She was doing this on purpose. I could imagine everything…"But awwww, so sad you missed the perfect opportunity to make love-"

"Oh shut up!" I turned around to leave.

"Oh so sad! You were too busy sleeping." She stood in her place but refused to stop speaking.

"I was fighting for my life!" I spoke back.

She shook her head in disappointment, "You're only alive because of Caesar and Azalea." Her face turned serious and I stopped at a distance from her, "You'll have to figure out yourself how to make it up to them."

She then turned and left to go back to the kitchen.


I sighed.

How do you makeup with someone?

Caesar never got mad at me and I've never had a proper lover…


I took a deep breath as I stood outside Azalea's room, then I knocked on her door.

I heard her come to the door, I didn't state that it was me so she would open the door.

The door opened but as soon as she saw me she slammed the door to shut it but before it could close I placed my foot on the frame.

"Oh hell!!!" As the door squeezed my foot between the doorframe and itself a shudder of pain crossed my whole body.

It was very painful.

In this situation one would expect the other person to get worried and help you out but Azalea wasn't fazed at all. She grabbed the door again, pushed my back and closed the door.

I stared at the door as the lock turned from the other side.

Then I laughed sarcastically at myself.

Did she really do this?

The throbbing in my foot was overpowered by her actions weighing in my head.

"Oh God…" I gulped, "This is going to be hard…"

I nodded to myself after calming down.

I can do this.



"Azalea!" I knocked on her door, "Come on!! At Least come out and listen to me." I kept slamming my hand on the door, "Please. I have an explanation!" It was going to be evening soon.

I got no reply from her.

"Come on babe." Still no reply, "Love? Honey? Amorcito? Mi sol? Liebling?" At this point even though I wasn't getting any reply I had started using words from other languages, "Yeobo? Janne-mun? Meri jaan?"

"Come on! I'm out of words! And my foot hurts! And now my hand is starting to throb too from all the knocking"

No reply.

I felt the heat get to my head.

That's it.

I'm leaving.

I turned and left the corridor.

I'm done being all nice and gentle


Good thing Azalea lives on the fourth floor.

I stretched my body on the roof as I stood above her room. The sun was making its way down and the sky had begun to darken.

This will be done the rough way.

After taking a deep breath I jumped from the roof.

As I did, I grabbed the window frame of the roof and while putting all the pressure in my legs I smashed the window, then landed in the room.

The glass shards travelled around the room as I straightened myself.

"What the hell?"

Azalea stood staring at me in horror. Of course no one would expect me to do that. This was the fourth floor and I made quite an entry.

But I'm proud of myself.

I smirked at her.

She panicked as soon as she grasped the situation and turned to run out of the room. I ran after her.

She reached the door before and turned the knob, forgetting she had the door locked. She struggled with it but before she could manage anything I caught her.

I placed my arm around her waist and pulled her away from the door.

I trapped her next to the wall and grinned at her.

"So you refuse to talk to me?" I looked at her in the eyes, "I'll make you talk." I whispered next to her ear.

Then the next moment I kissed her neck and felt her whole body react but she placed her hand on her mouth.

"Oh no Love." I grabbed her wrists and force pinned them on the wall and looked at her, "Not today." I kissed her lips, starting slow but then going rough.

I explored her mouth with my tongue as I placed my knee between her legs.

She reacted and tried to resist but I kept my grasp firm.

When she paused I took both her wrists in one hand above her head and travelled the other one under her clothes.

She bobbed her head to the side, momentarily escaping, "Arius-!!" I caught her lips again as I caressed her body.

I could feel her body flinch under my touch but she still tried to struggle.

This time I paused and she moved her head aside.

"Arius! I'll listen!" Her lipgloss had been messed up nicely and she was panting in order to catch her breath, "I'll listen…"

I spared her a glance, "You will now?" I gave her an amused expression.

She nodded her head, "I will."

"Why now? Hmm? You don't want this? You were enjoying it." She blushed hard at my words. Her cheeks flushed, her ears became red and she looked down.

It was no doubt adorable but I wasn't expecting her to answer me.josei

"I do…" She whispered.

I blinked at her in the moment of confusion while she slowly raised her head up to look at me.

At that moment she looked like the most beautiful and seductive woman alive.

"I do but-" She started speaking again but I couldn't keep myself calm and I kissed her again. This time I started rough but broke it fast.

As soon as I did, I held her hand and pulled her along, "We're going to my room."

"Wait!" She panicked, "Right now!?!"

"Right now." We passed through the corridor.

"B-but you just came out of the hospital!"

"Oh don't worry about that, I slept for two days and had a good meal." I glanced back at her, "I'm full of energy."

Her cheeks flushed even harder as confusion dawned on her even more.

I opened the door of my room and locked it when we both were inside. Then I took her to the bed and opened the drawer by the bedside to take out a condom.

I tossed it on the bed then turned to her as I began unbuttoning my shirt.

She was still in shock so I decided to ask her, "Azalea?"


"I'll ask this only once. Are you ready for this?"

"..." She pursed her lips and thought about it while she fiddled with her fingers. I unbuttoned all of my shirt and waited for her answer. She gulped and looked at me, "I'm not sure, I-uh-I mean I've never done...this…" I sat down on the bed next to her and placed my hand on her cheek.

"Don't worry. I know. I'll be as gentle as possible." I looked into her eyes, "Just tell me, yes or no?"

She gulped as she stared back into my eyes then nodded lightly, "Yes…" Her voice was low

"Are you sure? Once we start, I'm not stopping."

"Yes." She held my hand and I smirked.

I brought my lips to hers while I slipped my other hand to her clothes to undress her.

My heartbeat was accelerating even though I had done this countless times.

Perhaps what they say is right.

Doing it with the person you love is always different.

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