
Chapter 156

Chapter 156: Find another way out


The doctors tended to Azalea immediately. Luckily it was nothing serious.


I was going to kill the bastard who dared and tried to hurt my woman.

The sound of footsteps approaching made me turn to the person.

It was Nora.

"Here." She handed me a paper, "It was in the car."

I opened it up and read it.

'Did you really think you'd get away with killing my little brother?' The words were written calmly but I knew who these were from.

Only Derulo was capable of doing this.

Did I underestimate him? After all he too is the boss of one of the biggest Mafian clans here.

"This means war." I looked at Nora, "Doesn't it?" I nodded at her question and then got up.

"Station the guard here and have the whole floor sealed." He looked at me, "I have to do something about this."

"Azalea?" Nora asked me and at that moment the nurse approached us

I stood up for her.

"The patient is fine. It was a small operation, nothing serious."

Oh Thank God!

"Is she up?" I asked her and she nodded.

"I'll take you to her room."

We both followed her to the VIP room where Azalea was sitting on her bed. There was something on her mind.

I could tell because she seemed uneasy.

"Hey…" I sat down on the bed and held her hand, "Is something wrong?"

She looked at me in even more worry, glanced at Nora for a moment and looked back at me, "Arius?" She chewed her lips.


"I want to ask a very serious question."

"What is it?"

"Will you ever have a family with me?"

Her question was shocking. Why would she ask such a thing in a situation like this.

But, if I had to answer, "Of course I will marry you." She smiled, "But, that's it."

Her gaze dropped and smiled vanished, "Will you never accept a child between us?"

I sighed, Of course it would be an ideal thing if we weren't from the underworld.

Maybe then, I would have even loved it.

"No" I answered.

Not here.

"I see… What if I get preg-"

"Stop it Azalea. It will never happen." I stood up, "I have to go now. I need to prevent a war."

I walked out while Nora walked to Azalea and hugged her.

I called in some of my men to stay guard at the hospital while I took the car to the eagle service.

I had to do things fast.

I did not wish to see another war.

As the sun began to set I set my men around the Alucard territories, and prepared some groups for attack on the Black's.

I hope the help I asked for arrives at time and I can end this before any bloodshed.



I watched the CCTV footages as I sat in my office, not of the club Ryan was killed in, but of the cars and people arriving and leaving in that specific time when my little brother was killed.

I gave the screen a smirk.

No doubt he did a good job by getting rid of all the evidence inside the club but the street footages belong to the government.

"I knew it could only be him." My eyes travelled to my half-sister while she stood near the window, "No one else could ever be this bold." She looked at me, "You're going to retaliate aren't you? He killed our brother."

I nodded my head and picked up my phone from the desk to dial a number, "Send me someone." I asked my secretary, Nia, "I need to send him out."

"Where to?" josei

"He won't be coming back."

"... Okay. I'll send someone in." I looked at Liana, "Happy?"

She smirked, "Very"


It was quite amusing to know that the slaves Arius had were not actually slaves and one of them turned into his lover.

But now that we had attacked his woman.

It meant that we had declared war on them.

After all, it would look real stupid if we let the other party run free after they've killed a family member.

We will be ones who will be mocked.

By the time night falls, we'll be prepared for the attack.


"Send out the east gate gang for the first attack."

I ordered my men.

Darkness had consumed the sky and it was time for a hellish show.

A clash between two families like ours could never be stopped by anyone, not the police, not the people and well the government doesn't even count because we're provind for them.

After short intervals I received news about the fights and how the enemy was invading in.

Unlike fights in the past, killing off people in modern area is too easy. Precisely the reason why you lose so many people.

When I heard about the deaths I suddenly thought about the whole thing all over again.

In the back of my mind I knew Ryan was at fault but I couldn't just let things be, not after Arius killed him.

As midnight struck Liana came running in my room.

"Derulo!!" She was pale and terrified, "Eren's gone!!"

It felt as if someone swapped out the floor beneath, "What do you mean Eren's gone?!! Everyone was in one room heavily guarded."

"All the guards are dead!!"


"I don't know what happened!? I-I" I noticed someone right behind her.

"Who are you?!" I glared at him. Liana shot her head back too.

He was a sturdy looking man, sharp eyes and defined features.

"The Alucard wants to bargain." He said.

"Excuse me? With what possible thing can he bargain?!" I quietly grabbed my gun.

"Your son."

"Eren?" How can Arius have Eren? That's impossible.

I flinched when my phone suddenly started ringing. I glanced at it.

A video call from Arius?

I shot my eyes back at the man standing in the doorframe.

"Pick it up. I will not move."

I slid the answer button and my gun dropped as I saw the person on the other side of the screen.

"Hi dad!" It was Eren, sitting on Arius's lap, unaware of the danger he was in.

"Hey!" I tried my best to sound enthusiastic.

Arius moved the camera to himself, "May I ask for some of your precious time?"

He was being sarcastic.

I gritted my teeth but sat down, "Go ahead."

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