
Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Twenty

"B-but isn't that what I am?" I asked.

He sighed, "let's just say you're not a slave rather you're 'the' slave."

"What...? How is that different?"

"There is a huge difference and I'd prefer if you don't find out how different."

"..." Why is he like that? Can't he just say something in a manner I can understand?

"Let's just say because you're 'the' slave I'm giving you this." He reached for his pocket and took something out. Then both his hands went behind my neck.

I was a bit confused at first until a chain dropped in front of my neck.

"This!!!!" I picked up the small ring that hung around my chest and stared at it. A beautiful little silver ring with the engraving, 'Mi Tesoro', "How?!!" I was utterly astonished.

"You wanted it."

"Yes! I did!!" I think my eyes sparkled.

"Is this that important?"

"Very much!!!" I exclaimed and I clasped the ring in my hands, "I don't ever want to lose this again. Thank you Master."

He gave me a slight nod, tucked my hair behind my ear and gently gave me a kiss. This kiss was different, very different.

It was warm, with feelings, and without thinking much, I kissed him back.

It was short or maybe I felt it was. Am I disappointed?

I looked down in embarrassment.

With his arms still around me I sat in his lap, oblivious to the pattering of rain outside, at that moment I had forgotten how much I actually hated rainy weather till lighting struck. The hard bolt of light along with the thunderous sound made me jump out of my skin.

I grabbed onto Lexus's shoulders.

The very sound of thunder, I always despised it. It brought unpleasant memories with it. Things I'd rather not remember.

Maybe it's because we're at the top floor. The lightning and thunder seem so much closer.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"N-nothing." I spoke with a voice so feeble, I wonder if he even heard me. I still had my eyes down.

"You're trembling." His voice was gentle. Was he worried?

"I-I'm not." I don't even know why I'm lying when even I could feel myself shiver. Another bolt of lightning made the room change color for a few seconds, I held on Lexus's shoulders tighter, scared for what was coming next. The thunderous sound I hated.

With my eyes tightly shut I felt something press against my ears. A pair of hands that strongly covered everything to make sure no sound entered.

I opened my eyes and looked at him, at his strong firm, unmoving eyes. With his hands still on my ears, he pulled me in gently, making me lean against his chest and removing his hand from that ear so that I could only listen to his heartbeat.

A soft rhythm of his heart thumping in his chest was far more comforting than I could have ever thought.

His bare chest was warm, he's always felt so cold. I wonder how come he feels so cozy right now?

And maybe I was tired because of traveling, or maybe I wanted to escape the horrible sound of thunder or maybe I was just sleepy. I don't know what, but it didn't take me much time to drift into sleep hearing the soft rhythms.


I woke up in the morning on the bed in an empty room.

I guess I slept a lot since it seemed like Lexus was long gone. Well, he's here for business so of course, he'd be busy.

I went to the bathroom, freshened up and wore a cute sundress.

I ate the food already present in the mini-fridge.

I wonder when he's coming back?

I stared at the clock. It was past noon. Is he coming back late?

I shook my head.

Why is he constantly on my mind?

Is it because of yesterday night?

Come to think of it, he was oddly sweet. Too sweet...

I feel so strange thinking about it. A mixture of emotions swirled in my chest.

I took a deep breath. Maybe I should go explore the hotel since I couldn't concentrate on doing that yesterday. I'm sure Lexus won't mind. He let me go before too. As long as I stay in the hotel it should be fine, right?


This place sure is big! It's such a nice place, especially since there are tons of outdoor stuff and activities.

I walked outside, the hotel had a tennis court an outdoor swimming pool, and if you keep walking, in the end, there is a playground with a little barbeque restaurant next to it.josei

Since I actually had nothing to do I went and sat on the swing. It felt nice.

I sighed.


In normal circumstances I guess one would brag about it but I don't even have anything to brag about to anyone. I don't have anyone.

Still. It's not bad. Especially not as bad as I thought it would be.

"Is that a slave collar I see~?" The voice of an unknown man behind me made my heart drop. I immediately got off the swing and turned my head to see a tall blond man with stunning features ogling me.

His eyes scanning me from one to bottom, lingering on my exposed skin for quite some time, it made me feel dirty.

I should leave. I feel something bad about him. I turn to walk away when he grabbed my arm.

"Leaving so soon? Let's play a little."

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