
Chapter 26

Chapter 26: Twenty six

I can't believe I never had this piece of heaven before. My thoughts were melting just like the pizza cheese in my mouth. I guess this is what you call first sight love, cause I am completely smitten by it.

Halfway through eating it, a little figure popped up from behind the sofa on which I was sitting.

"You sure are lost."

I jumped at the voice.

"Summer?! When did you come?"

"Just now. But you were too lost to notice me."

"Lexus didn't tell me you were coming."

"I came here secretly. I ditched school."


"Aren't you going to tell me it's bad to ditch school?"

"Is it? I barely ever went to school myself."

"Really? Lucky you." She hopped on the sofa, "Can I have some?" She pointed at the Pizza and I nodded. I sat back down beside her, "By the way. Why is there a burnt pan in the bin?"

"I think Lexus tried cooking."

Summer burst out laughing. "Explains. He's very bad at it."

"Has he done this before?"

"Yeah. Once when I was sick. The doctor told him it was best to give me home made food so he tried doing it himself. He should really get a maid." She picked up a piece and started eating.

Could it be? Did the doctor tell him the same thing? I know he couldn't manage anything but just the fact that he tried was making me giddy.

"Oh! I remember giving him a leopard print apron."

"You gave him that!!?"

"Yeah. Although he never wore it." She pouted.

"Oh Summer. I guess he loves you alot. Because I think he secretly does use that."

"Na uh! He hates pink. I think he threw it away."

I giggled, "He may hate pink but he loves you. Because he still has that apron."

"No way." She giggled, "Really?"

"Yup. It's in the cupboard in the kitchen."

"Hehe. I guess uncle really has a soft spot for me."

"Well isn't that natural? You're his family."

"Well..." She looked at me, "He doesn't like anyone else in the family."

"He doesn't?"

She nodded her head, "And you know I think he has a soft spot for me because he doesn't want me to go through stuff like he did."

"What stuff?"josei

"I don't know. He once accidentally mentioned it. Once when he was half asleep." She took another piece.

I wonder really. If he doesn't really like his family, there really must be a reason. I mean family is an important thing. I know I never had one, but whenever I saw parents with their kids, a warm aura around them, as they walked in the streets, had picnics in the parks or even when they were having arguments. I could feel something special in them. A bond. A special bond.

"Hey~ It really is here." Summer giggled and I looked at her. While I was lost in thought she had run to the kitchen and taken out the apron.

"See. I told you." I smiled at her, "But why did you buy him an apron? And a pink one at that?"

"Because he's so colorless and the apron was cute."

I smiled and then remembered something, "Summer, shouldn't you get back to your school? What if you get caught?"

"Yeah..." She seemed disappointed, put back the apron in the cupboard and trudged towards the door.

"By the way. Did you come here alone?"


"I don't think you should go back alone. We should tell Lexus."

"No!!! He'll get mad."

"But Summer what if something happens again?"

"Then you take me. You just have to take me to the school and drop me off."

"Fine. Well I guess I can..." I remembered something, "I can't." I touched my collar. How could I have forgotten about the shock?

"Why not?"

I shook my head, got up and "Let's go to Lexus."

I know this is the right thing to do but I don't know why I feel something is wrong.

"Rose no."

"It'll be fine Summer. I'll talk to him. Okay?"

She was reluctant but eventually agreed. We made our way to his office but before entering his office I heard him talk to someone that caught my attention. I stopped and held Summer in her path too.

"I wanted it because I need to know what happened. She went as far as pretending to lose conscious to hide it." He said to someone on the phone.

My heart dropped. He was talking about me.

"Yeah I got the mail."

He hung up after that but it was bugging me what mail he was talking about.

"Rose?" Summer tugged my shirt.

"Ah... Right."

I knocked at the door.

"Come in." He answered. We both entered the office and he had his eyes glued to his laptop screen.

"Lexus." I called out to him and for some reason he flinched as soon as he heard my voice but regained his composure within a second and looked at me.

"Rosalie." His eyes then landed on his niece, "Summer?" He raised his brow, "Aren't you supposed to be at school?"

Summer hid behind me.

"Um, that's exactly the reason we're here. She ran away from school and came here."

He sighed and stepped forward.

"Summer." He massaged his temples but I stepped forward.

"Don't get mad. She's just a kid."

"It doesn't mean she can just ditch school and run away- wait. Did you come here alone?" His expression grimed, "Summer Xander."

"Lexus please calm down. Nothing happened-"

"And what if something had happened?"


"Step aside Rosalie."

"WE came to you didn't we?! Summer knows she did wrong so she came to you instead of going back alone. Right Summer?"

He looked at his niece who popped her head from behind me and nodded vigorously.

I took a deep breath and took a step towards him, "You shouldn't get mad at people so easily. We all make mistakes. But if people are ready to make it better you should let it go shouldn't you?" I looked at his face. I know he never raises his voice but his expression and his tone is enough to scare the shit out of a person. He stared at my face as I gave him a short nod.

"Fine." He sighed, "I'll take her back."

My heart calmed a bit, but only a bit.

"I'm sorry uncle." Summer spoke and after a few moments of silence Lexus answered.

"It's okay. I'll let it go this once but it should never happen again. Okay?"


Lexus held out his hand for Summer and she took it. He was quite tall for her so instead of walking while holding her hand he picked her up in his arms.

"Let's go."

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