
Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Thirty

I stroked her hair while I sat on the edge of the bed as she slept silently on my bed. I didn't expect her to cry like that.

I sighed.

It was my fault, I should have closed my laptop when I went out but instead I left it wide open for anyone to see. It wasn't for her to see especially.

I understand that she had some bad experiences but for that I cannot blame Lizzie, whatever she did she did what she thought was right and she gave her son the same treatment. Although no one in their sane mind would lock kids in a box and go to work but in this case I guess in her mind this was the safest route. This would have saved both the kids if any day the house was broken into by the people chasing them.

Still it does make me angry that she left Rosalie in a locked box and ran away with her son. If no one had opened up the box she would have died. It pained me to think about that.

I shouldn't let emotions blur my thinking. If you really do think about it, she would have gotten caught if she kept pushing them and the trolley. Even though that doesn't justify her actions.

I looked at her face as a tear slipped down her cheek and I wiped it with my thumb, then gently tucked a lock of hair that had made its way to her face behind her ear.

At least now I know why she developed a fear of thunder and how she got that scar.

I guess as a kid there are many things she just couldn't accept. I don't blame her for that but even though I would like to, I can't seem to blame Lizzie, because in the end, she did keep her for three years and tried to do what she thought was best and I'm glad in the end she found a good person to take care of her for the rest of five years.

I realize that I've been rough with her, in the recent years all I've known is work and I've been a business body who had cut off people around me due to certain reasons, I had messed up myself.

I kept my hand on her cheek for a while then retreated it to the edge of the bed.

If it wasn't for Summer maybe I would have been worse with her. I smiled. Summer had kept a side to me alive that I feared the most of losing. This is why I can't have anything happening to her, she reminds me of something important. Something I don't want to lose. She's very precious to me.

I kissed her forehead.

And the same goes for you.

I stood up and was about to leave when she caught my fingers.

"Lexus?" Her voice was feeble and I looked back at her.


But she was asleep, holding my middle and index finger with her hand. It reminded me of a child and I couldn't help but smile.

"Rosalie." I whispered to her, "I'll try to be better."


I had to work late in the office since I had skipped work to bring her to the penthouse, and after that, I brought back the files to work on them at home.

"Lexus?" I heard a whisper behind me as I sat on the side with my back to the stairs. I turned around and there she stood, on the third step from the bottom.

"Come here." I called her over and threw the files in my hand on the table. As she walked around the sofa towards me I kept my eyes on her and as she drew closer, I extended my hand for her to take. Just as she placed her hand in mine, gently I pulled her down to sit with me. "Rosalie, I don't know what made you cry like that, was it your past memories?" She shook her head, "Well whatever bothered you to that point I want you to forget about it. Because something like that will never happen again."

"Can I ask you something?" She asked as she looked at me and I nodded, "Why did you buy me?"

"That... Doesn't matter. I won't deny I had a reason but there is no need for you to know that reason."

"I see." She looked down on her lap again, "I'm a nobody after all." She whispered the words to herself but I heard them.

"No. You may not realize it but you have a value of your own."

She looked at me confused. Unfortunately, I had no way to explain what I had just said so I just left it at that.josei

"If anything bothers you, I want you to tell me."


"Because I want to keep you safe. I promise I won't let harm come to you."

She was puzzled. But I didn't want her arguing with me so I picked up the documents and began going through them again.

Midway through the document, I glanced at her as she was lost in thought.

She doesn't trust me, is that why she doesn't believe me?

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