
Chapter 70

Chapter 70: I hate you. I don't

I opened my eyes and blinked the blurriness away. I was in a single bed in white room that smelled of medicine.

I turned my head and found a tall man with black hair and grey eyes, wearing a doctor's white coat, filling an injection.

He looked like he was in his mid-thirties. I coughed a bit and he noticed me.

"You're finally up. You've been asleep for a day." He came to me with the injection, "I'm going to inject you, so try to stay calm." I nodded and he gave me smile. After injecting me he looked at me again, "You're lucky, that was a strong poison."


"Hmmm." He nodded


"Well, he's poison trained since he was a child, so he's almost good."


"Well, he did drink a lot and poison is poison no matter how trained you are for it but well I guess he'll be fine." He put a bandaid on my arm where he had injected after cleaning it up, "Oh! I'm Eli by the way."

"Azalea." I tried sitting up.

"I know. Arius told me about his new recruit."

New recruit?

He didn't say I'm his slave?

"Are you his personal doctor?" I did feel a bit weak but it was easier to talk and the pain was gone too.

"Oh no. We have a complicated relationship. I'd rather not get involved with him or the mafia but sometimes, in emergencies I help him out since his family did a huge favour for ours."

"I see."

"You'll be fine after you eat something. If you want to leave you can."

I nodded and got up from the bed, it wasn't as hard as I thought so I walked to the door then looked back at him.



"Where am I?"

"At the mansion, where else?"

"Mansion?" I wondered in confusion, "On the fourth floor!?"

He chuckled, "Yup."

"I see..."

I turned and left.

So this is the fourth floor. The layout is completely different than the other floors.

If I remember right, the stairs should be in the right corner of the floor. I tried making my way there but I think I'm lost.josei

I clicked my tongue and looked around, the hallways were dark. There was still time before dusk.

Where am I? I looked around. All I could see was a long hallway here and a long hallway there.


I'm hungry


I began to move and decided to take a left.

It was supposed to be a normal turn, but I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw what was in the hallway.

Caesar was moving a wheelchair, on which sat a lady. A severely worn out lady with tan skin.

I only caught a glimpse before I moved back from the turn so that no one would notice, but the lady looked very thin. It was dark but I could tell that she seemed so... lifeless.

I have to get out of here first.

I turned to the other side but then let another loud gasp as I saw a big silhouette of a person right in front of me.

Arius stood there in the dim lit place, his hands intertwined behind him as he bent his upper half of the body and came face to face with me, "You look rather pale, I wonder what you saw?" He whispered.

He's a terrifying person.

"What's that supposed to mean? I can't see anything. It's too dark and I got lost."

He stood up straight, yet he kept his gaze on me. Even in the dark I could see his snake like golden eyes, it was as if he was looking through my entire being.

"Is that so?" He smiled, "Then let's go. I'm going out, if you want to join me you're welcomed." He turned around and started walking.

I followed after him immediately, "Where are you going?"

"On a walk." He took a few turns and entered a hallway with windows. I saw the early ray of sunlight trying to reach out to the entire sky.

Finally, it was daybreak.

Arius didn't say anything to me, just quietly made his way to the stairs, then all the way to the first floor and then out of the mansion.

No one dared question where he was going, even without a guard.

I silently followed him for some reason.

Maybe, I just wanted to know what he normally does.


I regretted my decision afterwards.

He walked all the way to an all girls high school and sat across the road on the bench, just to stare at them. I watched him for a few moments, absolutely dumbfounded.

'You're free to attack your prey anywhere, at anytime'

I remembered his words.

So be it.

This pervert should just die!

As silently as I could I looked around for something I could use. My gaze landed on a sharp pointed rock.

I stepped back and picked it up quietly, then looked at him. He was still busy oogling at the teenagers.

Tip toeing right behind him, I raised my arm to hit his head as he sat there obliviously.

Or so I thought.

As soon as I swung my arm, he caught my wrist right before it hit his head. He leaned back and looked at me with his devilish smirk. In fury, I tried hitting him with the other hand but he caught that as well.

I tried pulling out of his grip but he just smiled more seeing me struggle, then pulled me so strongly I rolled over his shoulder to between his legs.

He kept my wrists in his hands behind my back.

"Did you really think it would be that easy?" He spoke next to my ear. His warm breath gave me goosebumps.

"You're a pervert!"

"A pervert?" He placed his chin on my shoulder and began to wonder, "Am I now?"

I scoffed, "Why else would you come here early in the morning to stare at high school girls?" I spoke with an angry tone.

"What's wrong with that? Just look at their short skirts.It's therapeutic. "

"Excuse me?!!"



"Calm down sweetheart, I can feel the heat coming out of your ears."

"How do you expect me to calm down?" I tried struggling again to free my wrist but he gripped them even tighter.

"I'll help you."

"Help- !??" He blew on my ear and neck. My entire body reacted, I stiffened and my skin muscles contracted.

I gulped and prayed he didn't notice that but even though I looked straight ahead I could feel his eyes on me while he smirked at the discovery.

I was expecting him to say something but he didn't. Instead his lips landed on my neck.

"Ah~" I half moaned then bit my lower lip to stop myself.

Blood rushed to my cheeks in response to his actions.

"This is a nice discovery." He whispered next to my ear and I tried moving away but of course that wasn't possible.

"You asshole! We're in public!!!"

"So you're fine if it's private?"

"The hell! NO!!! And let me go!"


"What do you mean why? It hurts..."

He released me.

I stood up from the bench and walked a few steps away from him. My wrists were red and I was hoping my face wasn't anymore.

"I hate you." I said out of spite.

Arius smiled and turned his head to me,

"Well sweetheart," He looked at me with something different in his eyes, "I don't."

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