Solo Player Arvin

Chapter 135 - -48<The Stone City-4>

Chapter 135 - -48<The Stone City-4>

Arvin when understood that he can no longer stay here, he got up on his feet. He leaped towards the door. First, he tried to pull the door to see whether it is open or not. But that door was locked and close from the outside. 

Arvin then thought that maybe he should just blast his way outside. So he weaved a magic circle and was about to fire a fireball at the door. But he stopped in the middle when he saw that the runes of the wall had started to glow. He remembered that when he was tased in his cell, the runes of that wall too started lighting up this exact same way. He didn't have the time nor the patience to be zapped by lightning again. 

So canceled the magic circle. And as he did that the runes on the wall also stopped glowing. Arvin's room could still feel the tremors from the fight outside. He had to hurry before the tremors stop. Because as they would stop and the battle would be over then there was no guarantee that he would be safe here. 

Arvin then had one more idea. Although it was a very pathetic one, he still had to try it. He then opened his inventory and took out one thing that he didn't have any use for until now. And that thing was a shuffle….

Although the walls of the room that he was in were made of stone. But the floor that he was standing on was made of dirt. The whole floor that he was standing on was made of light yellow color soil. This kind of soil looks like a solid hard stone but when some pressure is applied to it, it turns out to be brittle. So it could be easily be dug. Arvin had seen this type of soil in his geography lab in his college…

So Arvin took the shuffle and started digging. With his power, it was fairly easy for him to dug the hole. Arvin started digging a hole under the gate. one of the problems that he faced during this dig was that anyone could spot him from outside that he is digging the tunnel. While the other problem that he faced was that he a very amount of time before someone comes in. So he had to hurry

As Arvin completed half of the tunnel, he came out of the tunnel to get some dirt out. He was using one of his cooking utensils to transport the soil out of the hole. As he came out, the door of his room was swung open. And from the door, Velma walked in. And as he did, she fell into the small hole on the ground. 

When Arvin sensed that some were walking in he quickly put his shovel and the cooking utensil full of dirt in his inventory. Velma was shocked to see that there was a hole in the ground. Then she looked in front of her to see what was happening in the room. And as she looked forward, she saw that a foot was flying towards her…


Arvin kicked Velma straight on her face which sent her flying out of the room….

"THIS IS WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU BETRAY ME YOU BITCH!" Arvin screamed and then he left the room.josei

Arvin only used some amount of his strength in the kick. If he had used his full strength that Velma would have realized what kind of strength he possessed. And he didn't want that. That is why he used a small amount of his strength…

While running Arvin came across many people. Some were guards while some were civilians. Arvin was not the one to show mercy, so whoever tried to stop his path and he would kick them aside. While kicking them he didn't show the full amount of his strength. He wanted all the fennec foxes to believe that he was not a strong opponent. 

And soon after taking some stairs and venturing to some parts, Arvin finally came out of the building that he was trapped in. And as he did he started running at full speed…


After fooling the guards of the stone city, Arvin covered his face and started running. The whole city was in chaos because of the tremors. People were running from here to there. Guards were trying to evacuate and help the injured people. Many buildings had fallen under the tremors. So there were plenty of people that needed help. So most of the guards were busy helping the normal civilians. So they didn't focus on who was going where. 

While running Arvin started thinking about where he should go. He had by now realized that he was in the stone city. Every book about the fennec foxes had the name of the city. And every one of the books described the stone city as a magical city where home is made up of stone. So it was pretty easy to guess where he was.

Arvin started thinking that he could no go from the way from which tremors are coming. Or he would die surely. And then he thought even if he runs away from the backside of the city that then without a mount he would go crazy. So he had to come up with a plan which would satisfy all of his needs.

As Arvin was thinking about what to do next, the tremors that the whole city was experiencing suddenly stopped. As the tremors stopped the people that were shouting and screaming a moment ago suddenly stopped. Arvin was surprised to see that everyone stopped. So he also stopped running. He looked at the people in the city. Everyone was looking towards the place from which the tremors were originating.

Arvin was curious about what had happened. But then his doubts were all solved…


One of the men making a weird noise. Following that trend, one by one everyone started making that noise. Arvin was surprised as had never seen fennec foxes behave like an animal before. This was his first time. But he was not oblivious of things that were happening here right now. 

He had read in a book that a fennec fox makes some kind of cute howling noise on two occasions. One when where their leader is selected. While others when their leader dies. From what Arvin that in this situation the only probable explanation is that maybe the leader of the city had died. It was very weird but the people of the fennec fox tribe had some sort of connection to their leader. And when he/she dies they know immediately. 

Before Arvin could digest what had happened a heard a big explosion from some 200-300 m east. After the blast, a bell started ringing continuously. As the people listened to the bell jiggling the panic increased by several times. 

Arvin knew that this bell must have meant something. But he didn't have the time to care about the explosion or why the bell was ringing. He had to make his way out of there and get as far away from this place as possible. 

Now, all that Arvin could think about was that he needs to get out of here as soon as possible. So he started running towards the other end of the city with full speed ahead. From the circumstances, he was more than happy to makes his way through the whole desert with no mount. 

But as Arvin was running, he felt a mana signature that he had felt before. He stopped running for a second and looked back. He saw that few guards were escorting a small hooded figure somewhere and they all looked in a bit of a hurry. Arvin recognized that small figure. That figure belonged to the little Tamaria that he had saved in the desert. 

Arvin was surprised to see that she was being escorted by some guards. After all, he first thought that she was not some important character. But as he saw her being escorted it piqued his interest in where they were going.

Arvin realized as with their leader gone and no one left to protect them, the city was in chaos. So seeing Tamaria being escorted Arvin instantly knew that these guys were taking her someplace where either they could protect her, or they were making their way outside the city with her.

Arvin saw that they were going in the opposite direction. Now as he stood there he had to choose whether he should go to his original path or should he follow them. Arvin thought about it and decided to go with his gut feeling. 

So he started following Tamaria and the guards that were escorting her. While following them from a distance Arvin could see that Tamaria from time to time was looking backward. She was looking in the direction where those explosions took place. 

Which made Arvin curious about why was she so concerned? Was it because of Velma or something else?

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