Solo Player Arvin

Chapter 30 - -29<Heist-4>

Chapter 30 - -29<Heist-4>

2 hours earlier before the explosion in City Watch HQ…

This morning when Arvin woke he was 40% nervous while 60% excited. He could feel the adrenaline flowing through his veins. As today was the day, he will get his revenge on Alman. Today he will go and rob him clean and then he will vanish from this place like a fart in the wind… ​​

'Dobby, so are you feeling excited?' Arvin asked.

[I am an A.I. I don't feel any emotions.]

'Well you are a party pooper aren't you?' Arvin said.

He then started getting ready for today. He packed all of belonging in his inventory. He especially took a bag full of silver coins that he stole from the underground arena under the HQ. Its pouch was lying around the bunch of many pouches. Arvin thought that he should experiment with whether he could put the pouch in the inventory without any problem. So he experimented on that bag and it was a very big success. josei

After packing his belongings, he wrapped a cloth around his head and got out of his room. Then he used a black cloth to hide his face. Then by using the window in the hallway, Arvin jumped out of the two-story building. He remembers that day when he used to fear jumping out like this. But now it was a piece of cake for him.

Arvin had faced many attacks of birds when he tried to travel by transforming into a fly. Plus the wind that flows around the town was very unpredictable. So it was hard transforming into a fly and then traveling from his inn to HQ. He could always travel like a bird, then it would be hard for him to access a few places in the HQ. So he decided that he would first come to HQ on foot and then transform there.

While finding a way into the HQ, Arvin became impressed by the city's infrastructure. Arvin was able to find the only way that he could access the HQ without anyone seeing him was through the sewers. It was a very disgusting and smelly idea. But this was the only problem. And the best part was this city had a very advanced level sewage system. So if he can map out the sewage system right then he could get anywhere in the city without someone noticing him.

Arvin started mapping out the sewage system. His eidetic memory helped a lot in mapping out the sewage system as well as the HQ. So he was 100% sure that this was going to be an epic heist…

After getting near HQ, Arvin went straight to the pothole that was just two blocks away from the HQ. There first he made sure that he was alone. As he confirmed that he was all alone, he started undressing. After he undressed, he put the clothes back in inventory and jumped in the pothole without any remorse.

It was about 30 feet distance between the sewer line from where Arvin entered and the sewer line of HQ. The sewer lines of the city were made in such a way that any human can easily crawl in them. But when the sewer line comes towards an important building like City Watch HQ and HTC branch, the sewer lines become smaller in size. Thus only a rat can crawl through it. Due to this sewer lines choke half of the time, but it was done because of major security reasons.

Arvin only got 20 mins and after that, his transformation fades away. According to his calculation, he will need approximately 14 mins to rob all the targeted places. He would still have time to get out of there. But as a precaution, he didn't want to waste any of his precious time of transformation. That is why he decided that he would crawl 17 feet in filth to save as much time as he can.

The smell of the sewer lines was unbearable. But Arvin was enduring it. As he was crawling, Arvin heard the voice of Dobby in his head…

[Host there is a new update for the system available.]

[Would you like to download the update?]

'Update? Now? Can we do it some other time?'

[The update won't hinder any of the Host's power.]

[The only side effect will be that I will not be able to talk to you.]

'Is that so? Are you sure it won't hinder my power? Will I be able to use inventory?'

[Everything will work just like before. But only I will not be able to reply to you.]

'Then go ahead.'

Dobby was useless to Arvin right now. So he didn't hesitate to send away Dobby. After crawling 17 feet, Arvin finally transformed into a fly. And then flew deeper into the sewer and then he finally got from a toilet in the training ground of the HQ.

After getting out, the first place where Arvin went was the storehouse. He had seen many sacks of grains and other items stored there. Arvin had heard about the war that will be fought by the nobles of the 1st floor. So he knew that the prices of the food would rise in the future. So he had decided that it would be more profitable for him to loot all the grains. He may not be able to sell anything that he steals today for a long time. But he sure can sell grains…

After that, he got out of the storehouse and started flying towards the mansion of Alman. There was a very huge library there with various books. The books that could potentially give him knowledge about magic and various other items of Yggdrasil. Arvin at first was confused about the books that he would steal. But it was then he remembered, he has storage with infinite space in it. So why not steal everything?

With that Arvin stole everything in the library. And then the time came to go to the next place. That place was Alman's study room. He had a safe in that room, that was conveniently kept in a cupboard of his desk. But before stealing the safe, Arvin took out a paper that he prepared beforehand. In that paper, Arvin had written…


'Thanks for all these items Alman,

I will always remember your benevolence…



He wrote his real name as he wanted Alman to know that he was the one that stole these things. Arvin then directly went inside the cupboard and kept the safe in his inventory. It was then Arvin had a feeling that something really bad was going to happen, so he abruptly moved to his right. As he did, a knife whose shape was like a kunai, like that used by ninjas came piercing through the ground and into the cupboard where the safe was…


Alman went to regular rounds as always. But today, he was feeling very excited. He was feeling excited as yesterday a messenger came down from the second floor. He brought with him some resources that could be beneficial for his advancement into the next stage of his magic cultivation. He was very eager to start his cultivation. So he decided that he should just ditch the rounds and go back to his mansion and enter in seclusion.

After all, why should there be harm in that? With that thought in his mind, Alman returns to his mansion. The messenger came here to get him resources because of the vital information that he sends to the top powers about the potential recruits. Those recruits include earthlings as well as the normal people from the first floor. Alman collects all the information about the major players on the 1st floor and passes it on.

If few powerhouses get satisfied with his information they send him gifts from time to time. One of the resources that he got from the messenger was the mana stones. They are the stones that are very valuable even on the second floor. They are essential resources that could make any magic-user out there increase their cultivation base. Because of those stones, Alman was confident that he will get stronger if he fully utilizes them.

As Alman got to his mansion, he was very excited. Those mana stones that he got were so powerful that he could feel them through the floor. Those mana stones were kept in his safe on the desk in this study room. But as it was then he felt it. He felt a mana signature there. Every being that could use magic have this unique mana signature. No being could have the same mana signature. But Alman felt a foreign signature in his room.

He had not sensed a signature before. So Alman without a second thought raised his right, towards the alien mana signature. Then the palm split into two parts and a kunai knife with a chain attached to its end came flying out of his palm and straight to the alien mana signature…

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