Solo Player Arvin

Chapter 87 - -1<The Ancension Tower>

Chapter 87 - -1<The Ancension Tower>

After killing Alman and the trio from the Aurora Clan, Arvin moved deeper into the Kalgan forest. As he moved deeper he started meeting stronger beasts from time to time. But no beast of the Kalgan posed any threat to Arvin. He was after all strongest being on the 1st floor right now. With that, he moved deeper into the forest.

Arvin eventually met the Fierce bird, the strongest beast of the 1st floor. Arvin remembered that when he came to Yggdrasil this fierce bird was the first beast that he saw. Arvin was scared shitl*ss when he saw that bird. The sheer size of the bird was enough for him to sh*t in his pants. But then he was a weak boy with no strength at all. From then he had come a long way. Now when Arvin came face to face with that bird, all Arvin could think about was the sheer size of the drumstick that could be made from this bird's legs.

He thought that it would be difficult for him to cook the whole leg. But he was sure that he would be able to cook it after some trial and error. So en route to the ascension tower, Arvin killed as many fierce birds as he could. In the end, he was able to kill 6 birds before he reached the ascension tower. But he was happy with that number. He stored all the corpses in his inventory and then went on ahead in his journey.


Ascension tower was a very mystical place. When Arvin was about 1Km away from it, then he started seeing a monument whose height made it looked like that it was a thing straight from a fantasy book. Arvin saw a line originating from the ground and going straight up towards the sky. Arvin wasn't sure but it looked like that the line pierced through the land up in the sky.

It was then Arvin remembered that Loki said that the Ascension tower was like an elevator between floors. So it was only natural for the tower to pierce the land. But it looked magical to look at. Excited that finally, he would be able to ascend, Arvin ran towards the tower with full speed. And as he started getting closer to the line he was able to see the outline of the tower.

Just like the obelisk of Arcane city, this tower was also pitch black in color. And the most interesting part about this tower was the amount of mana present in the area around this tower. Arvin had never felt this much mana before. This much mana had a rejuvenating effect on Arvin. He felt free and powerful as he got closer and closer to the tower.

{BEHOLD! This right here is the Ascension tower. With this tower, you can go to any floor that you have visited before.} Loki said as they reached the tower.

'I know that already. How do you use this thing?' Arvin asked as he looked around the tower.

The tower was more like the plain big column. It didn't have any sort of hole, carving, or dirt on it. It was freaky but despite being surrounded by dirt, this tower didn't have any speck of dust on it.

{To use the tower, you would have to touch it. When you will do that you would be shown the options of the floor where you have been before. Select the floor that you want to go to. And remember that before you go, you would have to face the guardian of the 1st floor. When you will defeat it, only then you would be able to move on to the second floor.} Loki said.

'Hmm… That doesn't seem that difficult. By the way, do you have any information about the guardian of the 1st floor?'

{No. But you can relax, Your strength is would be enough to suppress the guardian alone. I am sure of that.} Loki said,

'Hmm… Oh, I have another question. You know when I touched the obelisk in Arcane city, I was transported to a weird and cold place. Will that happen again?' Arvin asked.

{You mean Jotunheim? No, you will not go there.}

'Jotu…. What is that place?' Arvin asked

{That place my friend is my home. My lovely home.} Loki said.

'Your home? So every earthling has to go to your place to get powers?' Arvin asked.

{No… You see when an earthling with a high potential touches the obelisk then the god that wants him to be his apostle takes his consciousness to his home. And then he grants that earthling the power of the system that is linked to that god.} Loki said.

'But I didn't meet you there. I met…'

{You met my children. I was busy at that time so I gave the responsibility of giving you the system to by my sons.} Loki said.

'Well, they were scary as hell. And I didn't even saw their faces.'

{You know what they say… Like father like son.} Loki said.

'I said that they were scary. Not stupid.' Arvin said.


'So let's not waste any time. Let's go in.' Arvin said.

But before touching the tower, Arvin started changing his clothes. People had seen him in these black color clothes and mask. So he had decided that he would rather not wear these battle gear in public. Arvin had previously bought simple leather armor and pants. He wore that battle gear. He took out the guardian shield and the ax. He didn't whether the guardian would attack straight on or not. So he decided that he would go weapons ready for now.

With that Arvin walked and touch the tower and vanished from the spot.

Arvin was blinded by a very bright light when he touched the tower. When he came back to his sense he found out that he was in some sort of weird dimension. The ground under him was made of grey color stones. It looked like he was in some sort of round arena. On the periphery of the arena, there was nothing. Arvin could whiteness far beyond as his eyes can go. From sky to earth everything was white in all directions. Except for the ground he was standing at, everything was white.

Arvin looked around vigilantly. He could not see anyone around here. Arvin was on the lookout for the guardian of the 1st floor. But strangely there was no one around here other than him…


Suddenly Arvin felt energy gathering in the center of the arena. He looked at the center and saw a ball made of white color had manifested itself in the middle of the arena. Then suddenly stones started appearing out of the thin air and started getting attracted towards the light ball. Then little by this stones started making a humanoid figure.

Arvin looked at this scene with awe. He always gets lost when he sees magic. Anything that could not obey the laws of physics always makes him lost in thought. And seeing this phenomenon was doing the same thing.

Just a few seconds later and humanoid figure made of rocks was completed in front of Arvin. From what he sensed, this figure was extremely sturdy. That figure was 8 feet tall. Although the physical features of the figure were vague and it didn't have any sensory organ. But somehow when looking at that figure Arvin was having the feeling that this figure was staring straight at him. It was a very creepy feeling but Arvin wasn't afraid.

As Arvin saw that monster he had an idea. When Arvin witnessed the fight of those four monsters on the first floor, he had a clear look at the magic circle that was frequently used in that fight. That was the fireball. He was thinking that maybe he should try out that spell on this monster. He wanted to try to cast that magic circle eventually, and now as he got a live target in front of him…

As Arvin made up his mind that he would try casting the fireball magic circle, he put his ax back in his inventory. He didn't need that right now….

Arvin then became serious. He had never cast a magic circle before. Although he had made some rune formations in the past, but that was nothing compared to the magic circle. Making a magic circle was difficult was one has to make a magic circle in the air. If one's concentration is broken only for a second then the magic circle will disperse. And while casting a magic circle on one has to keep in mind the amount of mana they are sending to the magic circle.

According to the books that Arvin stole from Alman, if the amount of mana exceeds a certain amount then the rune would become unstable. Thus it could explode on the caster face. Or if it is below a certain amount then also it would blow up on the caster's face. So one has to be very careful while casting a magic circle.josei

Keeping in mind all the important points in mind, Arvin started looking forward to the battle that would be fought in just a few seconds from now….

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