Solo Player Arvin

Chapter 97 - -11<Memorable Night-3>

Chapter 97 - -11<Memorable Night-3>


S*x is the best thing in the world. Period. No one could deny the fact that even though having s*x  leaves you with scratch marks on your back as well as a very high deficiency of fluid in your body, it is still the best thing in the world. Arvin understood that universal fact when he slept with Aria that night. It was an amazing night.

Although at first Arvin was nervous, but with Loki's guidance the whole experience changed into something that Arvin would never forget his whole. If he can then he would like to go back in time and request his younger self to at least try to do masturbation. Because when he took a load off with Aria, then that feeling was magical.

But this night was entirely magical. Hela intruded when Arvin was having a little fun. Then as she heard that Loki was giving him pointers then she started bickering with him…

She started shouting that they should focus on winning the game and not having s*x with some bimbos. Then she started screaming in some foreign language that Arvin didn't understand. And they started bickering, it became harder for Arvin to concentrate.

Sensing this Loki did something from which Arvin was not able to hear all the nonsense that they both were spouting. And Arvin was thankful for that. But as then there was no one to guide Arvin through his venture, the excitement, as well as pleasure, took a sharp dip. But still, it was worth a while…


It has been around one hour since the heated session between Arvin and Aria had ended. Arvin was lying beside Aria on her bed. After this heated session, Aria slept like a baby while Arvin faked that he fell asleep. He was indeed tired but he had things to do. So he was faking that he was sleeping. After one hour when Arvin confirmed that Aria was asleep he opened his eyes.

He started sending mana in his eyes to check Aria's room. Arvin wanted to make sure that if he tries to leave the original body of his disguise here and then no one would be able to see him. He could not let anyone know about shapeshifting skills as this was his greatest strength.

And sure enough, after concentrating enough, Arvin was able to see different types of runes formation all over her room. One by one Arvin started analyzing the different formations and see to it if he could understand their purposes.

After analyzing everything for a while, Arvin understood that there was nothing to be wary about. All these runes formations were mostly attack-type rune formations. They would attack if someone or something alien enters the room. As Arvin was sleeping here that meant that he would not be harmed by these formations…

'Loki! Are you there?' Arvin asked.

{Yes…} Loki said while sounding low and dejected.

'Are things between Hela and you ok?' Arvin asked.

{What do you think? Genius.} Loki said sarcastically.

'I don't want to get between your family matters. But could you please help me here?' Arvin asked Loki.

{Yeah Yeah… What do you want?} Loki asked back.

'Do you see that rune formation… from what I could see that is a….' Then Arvin started asking Loki questions and dilemma's that he was facing when he looking at the rune formations…


On the other side of the Mansion…

Aria's parents were the wealthiest merchants amongst the Fennec foxes. In their mansion, they both lived with their daughter Aria. Their family was a very small family. One would think that with this much money and power the families members would have been very distant from each other. But that was not the case.

The three of them were very close with each other. So close that they had a family room in which they would gather and have a drink once every week. In that family room, they would talk over some alcohol and talk to each other about their lives…

Aria's family had a huge library which they referred to as a family room. That library was full of books on various topics and subjects. Any scholar would kill for access to this library. But this family keeps this family as a piece of decoration and nothing else. And they don't allow anyone to enter the room.

In the library, there was a huge fire pit in the middle of the room. Although it was not safe to build a fire pit in a library, Aria's family didn't care about it. Just to be careful they emptied the library and threw out half of the books shelves. The only books that were left in the big library were the books that were on the shelves that were attached to the walls. Other than it everything had been thrown out…

Right now three people were sitting around the lit fire pit, while two more were standing. Two out of three of them were the parents of Aria. While the other three were strangers that have come to visit Aria's parents this late at night.  One of the guests was a female fennec fox-like Aria's parents and was sitting around the fire pit. There was a huge difference between her and Aria's parents. And that difference was that the third fennec fox around the fire pit had black hair. All the fennec fox possess yellowish blond color hair. While this one had black hair.

The other parties were two humans who were standing behind the black-haired fennec fox. Both of them were wearing black color cloaks from top to bottom. Their faces could nor any of their physical appearances could not be seen. It was clear that these humans were like the bodyguard of the female fennec fox with black hair…

"Lord Gracie, it is an honor for us to welcome you to our humble aboard." Aria's mother said.

"I am very thankful for your hospitality. Tell me how is your daughter? Is she doing something naughty again?" Lord Gracie the female fennec fox with black hair said.

"She is just a child, my lord. She does some things from time to time but nothing major." Aria's father spoke.

"As long as she is fine all of her wrongdoings could be ignored." Lord Gracie said.

"My Lord, forgive me but what is the reason for your visit. From your abrupt request to meet us and that to at this time of the night, I assume that something major must have happened." Aria's mother spoke bluntly.

"Something major did happen Martha. Something very very great happened." Lord Gracie said.

"What is it, my lord?" Aria's father asked.

"The Fennec foxes of the third floor have recently found traces of some runes buried somewhere on the third floor. And the scholars are predicting that these runes must be old as the age of apocalypse. You know what that means right?" Lord Gracie asked.

"El Dorado…" both Aria's parents spoke at the same time. While speaking they both looked at each other. While Martha the mother of Aria had a surprised face, Stuart Aria's father had a mischievous grin on his face.

"Correct. It is just a guess but scholars believe that after mapping and searching the runes we would be able to find the lost temple of El Dorado. Any Fennec Fox would know the significance of this finding." Lord Gracie said.

"We know my lord…" Both Aria's parents spoke at the same time.

"Martha and Stuart, you are the most trusted men in this city. I believe that this talk between us would not get out of this room." Lord Gracie said.

"Of Course my lord." Both Aria's parents spoke simultaneously.

"If humans or those freaks of nature earthlings, found out about this then god knows what would happen to our sacred temple… Anyhow, you should not become concerned about it. The reason that I came here is that I would need the staff of the crazy old man that he used to keep with him all the time." Lord Gracie said.

"Of Course my lord. Your wish is our command." Stuart said with a serious expression. Hearing this Martha was surprised but she didn't show it. She knew her husband. She knew that if this man is giving Gracie the staff this easily then he must have a reason for this. After all, he is the cunning old fox that she married. He would not let this golden opportunity pass by.

At this time a small fly flew into the room. Weirdly this fly was not attracted by the fire. Instead, it started flying around the books of the library.

"I have stored the staff safely in my study room. Please wait for a second, I will bring it right up." Stuart said.

"No need to tire yourself, Stuart. I will go with you. I would also like to see your study room. From what I have heard you are hoarding many kinds of treasure there. I would love to take a look at your treasures…" lord Gracie said while standing up.

As Lord Gracie stood up, Aria's parents were not able to refuse Gracie. This pissed off Martha but she did not let it show on her face. So then all started going towards Stuart's study room.

But little did they know a certain fly also started following them…

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