Chapter 390 CH 356

Chapter 390 CH 356:FEAST (1)

Silence continued for a short while as Freya showed a proud look at the solution that she had given. After all, with Sol's track record, she was sure that seduction was basically one of his chore skills by now.

“Ouch! Mom!?”

Said silence was broken by a loud smack to the back of her head by none other than Ambrosia.

She seemed to be too tired to even wish to argue further and added another smack for the road, “I always said there was no stupid idea, but yours take the cake.”

“Is it really that terrible of an idea?”

“Technically not.” Ambrosia felt a growing headache, “In fact, I believe your idea would have a great chance of working if implemented. But you should stop trying to see everything by using absolute logic.”

Freya was truly confused. It wasn’t as if she couldn’t feel emotions. She could laugh, joke around and have fun like anyone. But when a choice was given, she believed that it was necessary to use the most efficient path.

Here, the most efficient thing would be for their mother to stop playing neutrality and give a clear order. But since that wasn’t possible. The second best option was for Sol to use his charm.

She tried to explain as such but was stopped by Medea, “Stop, I also believe it would work. But then Sol would be no different than Jupiter.”

Freya argued that this was not the most pressing problem. After all, there was a life on the line. How people perceived Sol had no bearing on the problem at hand.

There was no dispute between the two. Each of them were simply giving their opinions.

Looking at them like this, Ambrosia sighed. All her daughters had a few screws loose. It was something necessary in a way to pursue knowledge to such a high level. But the way it affected them was different.

If Medea was someone who followed her feeling and lived through her passion, then Freya was someone who believed that pure logic and reasoning was paramount. Even the act of giving birth and becoming a mother was more of an experiment she wanted to try than something she really wished for.

Meanwhile, Persephone was someone who loved being a bystander and observing everything from the back while Kali was a girl who loved having eyes on her and would never reject a fight.

“Let’s stop here. This discussion is pointless as we do not have Sol’s opinion. Let’s see first what he chooses to do. Alright?”

Ambrosia mused said so as she wondered what Sol's answer would be. The time they had spent knowing each other was simply too short. So she needed to better understand his characters before putting Salem in danger once again.

“By the way, what do we do about that vampire?”

Ambrosia shook her head, “She most likely entered forced hibernation. All we can do now is either let her here for them to deal with or use her as a lab rat. I am sure many wish to work on a true vampire as they also absorb life force. Albeit through blood.”

Back to Sol, after he made peace with the situation at hand, he asked someone to call Isis and the others.

Isis was of course also asked to inspect Lilith. Not because he did not believe Hathor but because it was necessary to double-check. Thankfully–or sadly? The results were much the same. Except with a slight twist as Isis proposed another idea that wouldn’t require them to beg Salem or face the goddesses.

From her words, what she would do would be the equivalent of a soul surgery. It was possible to basically separate Lilith's soul from her body and put it in a new body after erasing the soul inside that body.

As the power of Zone and Avatar were more soul related than physical one, it would only take a few weeks for Lilith to get back to her previous level.

Sadly or rather obviously, there were a few problems and limits to this already risky operation. Firstly being the great risk of incompatibility between the bodies.

Because of this, it would be impossible for the one receiving that surgery to keep his full strength. A part of their soul power would constantly be used to keep the equilibrium.

Secondly, they would obviously need bodies. Ideally, fresh ones that had just died with their bodies mostly intact.

It was a pretty gruesome way of doing things and one with obvious disadvantages, but Sol still keep this idea on the side.

Capital punishment was still a thing in Lustburg and Sol wouldn't mind using the body of a criminal who was about to be executed as a replacement for Lilith.

There was also the possibility of changing into a natural undead like a lich or a banshee.

Sol chuckled, not even entertaining this idea. Lilith would simply never accept living such a wretched existence.

In the first place, natural undead could only be born when someone with a strong soul and an incredible stubbornness and desire for life died.

The power of their grudge, their hatred, or the desire to complete one last task. All those were the kind of feeling necessary for a natural undead to be born.

But Lilith didn't mind dying in the first place. She just wanted her death to be worth something.

Sol sometimes wondered if what he was doing was even worth it. All Lilith wished for was death. So who was he to stop her? What right did he really have?


Lilith wasn't a kid. She could make her own decisions.

Living when all you wanted to die could be a form of torture.

These kinds of thoughts would whisper in his mind.

Why did he have to stress so much for someone who wanted to die? Why did he have to fight so hard for someone who already decided her destiny?

Intrusive thoughts that asked him to give up. Just forget her and focus on those who actually wanted to live and let those who wanted to die do as they wish.

It was definitely a sweet temptation. But one Sol never entertained for long.

He knew he had no right to force her to do anything. He knew that he was simply pushing his own selfish goal and was perhaps keeping her from her happiness.

He was acting like a knew it when he knew nothing.

Some people might say that suicide was the easy way out. But those people could not understand that all humans had very strong survival instincts and fear of pain.

For someone to actually have those instincts and fear and decide to put an end to their lives reflected the depth of the despair they were in.

Those people had nothing left to live for. Living itself was suffering and all they wished for was the sweet release of death.

So was he right?

He didn't know.

All he knew was that he did not want Lilith to die.

Not for her own good. Not even for Lilin or anyone else's own good.

But for his own.

He wanted her to live so that she could stay by him.

It was an ugly, selfish desire that disregarded everything Lilith wished for in order to satisfy his own desire.

Would Lilith really be thankful after all this?

Would she smile at him and say thanks for saving her?

Would she magically get back the desire to live?

Perhaps yes, perhaps not. Though most likely not.

Either way, he wasn't able to see the future like Skuld. At least not yet.

The future was always in constant flux and it was the action they took now that mattered.

Rather than regretting not doing everything he could and seeing her die because of his lack of action, he wished to do everything in his power to keep her alive.

If despite all this she chooses death then…At least he could keep a clear consciousness and admit to himself that he did everything he could.

At least this was how Sol tried to rationalize his feeling.

As for how true that was, perhaps Sol could not give the answer.

After all, the heart had its reason that reason itself ignored.

"Okay, I cross-checked. This place is really a treasure trove. I didn't expect you to have so many rare plants."

Hathor had to take some time as she compared the different plants but it was enough for her to give some interesting prescriptions to keep Lilith a little healthier.

The result would of course be tested before being given to Lilith but it wasn’t a problem for now.

Watching Persephone and Hathor discuss this topic was pretty interesting.

He had honestly thought that Hathor was considered the best healer simply because of her natural power. But it was clear that she didn't just solely rest on her talents.

“Okay. Good job everyone. I am sure you are all tired.”

Indeed they were and Sol wanted to rest a little. But he was interrupted by Milia,

“Your highness, we organized a small gathering for your coming back. I hope you will attend. Most invitees should be present by now.”

She had chosen the perfect moment to intervene and send her message. Sol, of course, could simply refuse. But why would he?

When Sol entered the main dining room and saw all the women reunited, he gulped a little and now found one reason why a massive dinner should be a nono in the future.

This might become a very explosive dinner. Too many people with headstrong personalities and a tendency toward violence were gathered in one place.

But his worry did not last long as a bubbly voice he had nearly forgotten sounded a sa green light detached itself from Isis.

“Yahoo! I am back! Ready to throw hands with goddesses at any moment! Hehehe~!”

Sol’s eyes widened before a genuine smile formed on his face. He was happy because a good friend he was worried about had finally woken up.

He was also happy because a mini-cheat code had just landed on his hand.

He couldn’t help but think. What would happen if he used his power in conjunction with hers?

(AN: Suicide is a heavy topic. Should you let those who want to die, die? This is something that is discussed everywhere. Generally, some countries are for. This is generally for terminally ill patients (like Lilith) whose death are imminent and rather than continue suffering, they just want to end it all. Some others are against it since it’s still taking a life and is morally or religiously wrong in their opinion. Sometimes people are more callous and think people who suicide are ‘dumb’ or ‘weak’. After all, some people kill themselves for ‘just’ their grades.

I believe this way of thinking is pretty stupid as you can never know. In my country (Burkina, Africa) for example, the BAC (high school degree) is like a death sentence. You wouldn’t believe the pressure parent give on their children. Some literally go into depression when they fail and some others try to kill themselves. This is even worse in Asian countries.

Honestly, the only thing I can’t accept about suicide is the pain they leave for their loved ones. But then again, people in despair rarely have the time to care about anyone else.)

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