Chapter 431 CH396


After receiving the good news. Sol immediately rushed in the church’s direction, not even willing to wait for another second to put his plans into motion.

He was quite happy that Lilith was already there as it would make her meeting with Aurora much easier.

He didn’t feel any gazes on them, but he was still sure that Invidia would observe Lilith regularly for some time.

When Sol finally appeared inside the church, it was rather deserted with only a few nuns passing by here and there.

At this time, the majority of the nuns were either taking care of the believers who came for prayers or were giving donations in the name of the Goddess. josei

The way the church worked was very interesting and it was even more so since the nuns actually had holy power they could use.

Thanks to the existence of the goddesses, all the countries in the world were in essence, Theocracies.

The goddesses were the absolute source of faith, fear, and respect and imagining facing them was blasphemy in itself.

'Though I am about to go against them myself.'

Once the operation started, the slightest mistake meant that Sol might officially become the enemy of the Goddesses. All of the goddesses.

'Well, I will cross that bridge when I get there.'

Now wasn't the time for any hesitation.

He walked out of his dimension and the nuns were quite startled at the sight of a man suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

​ One of them was already about to scream at the top of her lungs but she caught herself when she recognized the man to be none other than the Prince of Lustburg.

The way her eyes opened wide while she covered her mouth was quite a funny sight.

"I am sorry for startling you."

Sol noticed at first glance that they were only novices. After all, higher-ranked nuns wouldn't have stopped like this even if they recognized him.

"I need your help. Do you know where the Supreme Daughter's right now?"

They nodded so fast that he feared their necks might snap at any moment and one of them pointed in the direction of Camelia’s current location.

"The third room on the left."

The one who answered had a soft voice as though she revealing that information took everything she had in her.

"Thank you."

Sol smiled as he watched them blush and walked away.

'I am acting like an old man.'

Strictly speaking, those girls should be in the same age range as him. Perhaps a little older than him even.

But in his eyes, they simply all looked like cute little children.

He chuckled. He was feeling quite relaxed right now.

Completing all these side quests that had been slowing him down was such a relief that he couldn't even express how he was feeling right now. No words could describe the serenity his mind was feeling.

He could feel his mind being finally freed from its constraints and the weight on his shoulders seemed to fall off.

Of course, he knew this was just an illusion. He would soon face an even greater peril.

But he believed that he could face them all head-on.

'Is it here?'

Sol stopped, briefly wondering if he should first enter using his dimension or not. But soon, he dismissed that idea.

He didn't wish to think too much or prepare plans anymore. Only do what he had to do.

He knocked on the door and no one answered him at first.

It was only on the third one that a groan sounded from the other side.

"*Ugh* Enter."

Sol tilted his head and opened the door only to witness the astonishing sight of Camelia hugging Lilith while they were laying on the sofa.

Well, hugging was not the best word to describe their current entanglement. As it looked more like some grappling move of submission. He wondered how Lilith was even able to breathe.

The room was trashed beyond belief and everywhere he could see huge bottles of alcohol sloppily lying on the ground.

The one who had answered him was Lilith but it seemed that she had only been able to barely keep a little of her mind awake. Just enough to utter those words with tremendous difficulty.

She also seemed to have some difficulty breathing because of Camelia's choke hold.

'So Camelia is a hugger? Or does she have some hidden talents for wrestling?'

This was all the belated reaction he could give to this absolutely ludicrous scene.

Unlike what Camelia wished, Sol knew very well about her slovenly side.

In fact, he hoped that he could see even more of it. Even if it was quite hypocritical for someone like him who tried to never show his true side to others.

'There are many things I need to correct.'

Be it his relationship with Camelia or the rest of his lovers.

He realized that he did not give them the time they deserved since coming back because of how busy he had been with Lilith's case.

Of course, it had only been a few days. But even so, it was unjust to them in his heart.

"Well, now what to do?"

Sol groaned out loud. It wouldn't be good if some new maid saw this scene. They might immediately have their faith shattered into a million pieces after seeing the contents of this room.

But there was another thing going on here. Something even more impressive. More impressive than anything he had ever witnessed in the entirety of his life.

Lilith…was begging for help.

This was such a surprising situation that he lagged a little before fighting the urge to laugh.

He knew of course that Lilith could easily break free of this hold if she used her powers. But she obviously didn't want to hurt Camelia.

Meanwhile, without her powers, Lilith was even weaker than most humans her age.

Sol laughed quietly before proceeding to help out his dear aunt.


A few awkward moments later, and some sweaty moments as well as even Sol was surprised by Camelia's grip, she was now sleeping on her bed while Lilith was free of her torment.

"I definitely will never let her drink again."

Lilith complained under her struggling breaths. The last time this had happened the one being hugged had been Blaze.

Seeing the prideful dragon show a helpless face as Camelia hugged her tightly had been a great moment of serendipity for her.

Watching the awkward face Camelia made the next morning had an even greater thrill.

"Shall we go?"

Lilith looked at Sol while she purged the alcohol from her system and nodded.

Sol gave one last kiss to Camelia before moving aside fast before the Supreme Daughter caught him in her sleep. Then he left alongside Lilith.

Now alone in the hallway he couldn't help but notice, "Still, I am surprised that she didn't wake up."

The instincts of a warrior were no joke. Much less a King-ranked warrior. Camelia should have been already partially awake from the moment he knocked on the door.

"She can only be like this because she let go of all her doubt and really trusts us."

Camelia's instinct did not ring for the simple reason that Camelia never considered the two of them like strangers.

Sol nodded before slowly steering their direction toward an unconventional destination.

"Hmm…? The teleport room isn't in that direction though."

"I know. I just want to visit the Chappelle."

Lilith was quite confused as she followed Sol. But the moment they reached the place, she frowned.

"There is someone there."

"Oh? Seriously?"

He acted surprised as he spoke out the line but Lilith immediately noticed that he was acting.


When they finally entered the isolated Chappelle, Lilith saw a girl she recognized quite easily.

'The new Holy Daughter…?'

When she noticed them, Aurora showed a pious expression on her face as she bowed toward them with dignity oozing out of her every minute action.

"I welcome the two Majesties. How may I help you?"

Sol smiled slightly as he answered back, "We were just passing by."

He then had a thoughtful expression on his face as he joined some more words to his previous statement…

"Well, since we are here already. Why don't we take a blessing from the goddess?"

'A blessing? Is he talking about Castitas?'

She was once again surprised. Sol had never been the type to actively pray and from what she knew, the goddesses didn't exactly welcome her existence— being the abomination that she was.

Furthermore, if he really wanted a blessing, why not ask for a prayer from Camelia? The effects would be much more effective.

She felt that the situation was getting more and more suspicious.

But rather than interrupting them, she simply listened and acted along.

She knew that the one person the least likely to ever wish ill of her was none other than Sol himself.

"Then, if you are satisfied with my meager skills."

Aurora kept an enchanting smile on her face before clasping her hand together with her head low.

"May the Light of the goddess always be on you and chase away the shadows plaguing you."

Sol clenched his fist as he observed the phenomena with his Divine Eyes.

At the same time, he sent a warning to Aurora.

[I will not blame you if you fail.]

The girl was not even a Duke. Though he suspected she was once a very powerful being, she was extremely weak at the moment.

As such, failure was a possibility.


[If you leave some trick in this so-called blessing…]

A gentle smile formed on his face…

[Even if you flee to the edge of the universe.]

—A smile that sent chills down Aurora’s spine.

[I will find you and I will make you beg for death.]





(AN: So vol 11 is coming to an end. I noticed a trend. I think vol 11 is overall pretty good but the moments with Lilith are rarely appreciated.

The arrogant author in me thinks. Nah they can't accept my genius and they just don't like Lilith because she doesn't love Sol.

But the realistic side of me knows that the greatest problem is that I tried to bite more than I could chew.

Lilith is a very complex character facing complex issues and I tried to bring that complexity to life but I failed.

Even then, I believe I can make the end of Vol 11 very memorable. Lilith is one of my favorite characters and I fucked her up because of my lack of skills. But it isn't too late. I hope you will enjoy the climax of this volume.

I will take a pause on Sunday. Next week will be the end of vol 11. Gotta start with a rested mind.)

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