Chapter 494 CH 455


When Setsuna woke up, she was greeted with the scene of Sol with Lilin sitting between his legs, her back against him, and Sol braiding her hair carefully.

"Are you awake? How do you feel?" Sol looked at her with a gentle smile and beckoned her toward him. Standing up, Setsuna realized that all her clothes had been reduced to rags during her fight and that she was currently in her birthday suit. Sol had woven something with mana to cover her while she was asleep, but it seemed like he had not judged it useful to make clothes for her.

Setsuna snorted, not feeling particularly bothered. She had run naked and bloody in the forest, and currently, she was in front of Lilin and Sol-there was nothing to feel ashamed of. "I am alright, I guess?"

She sighed and approached Sol, her tail swinging lazily behind her. "I just feel like my body isn't my own currently."

"It's alright. Your evolution to Duke rank caused transformations within your soul and also affected your bloodline. In a way, I believe you evolved greatly and are on the verge of becoming an S-rank." Sol explained.

S-rank, or in other words, a divine beast. Setsuna still couldn't believe that this was happening. She had been so distraught at the thought of being unable to reach this rank, but now, not only did she obtain one of the most powerful zones possible, she also managed to evolve. "Kali will be happy."

"Yeah. She really did a good job on this case. Perhaps I should give her some vacation," Sol pondered.

The two continued to speak while Lilin looked at them with a deadpan expression. In the end, she simply shook her head and looked at Setsuna.

"When Sol asked how you feel... he wasn't just talking about your new power."

"I am alright."

"If you are going to spout a lie, at least you should make the effort of making it more believable, you know?" Lilin replied.

"...Then, what do you want me to say? That I feel awful? That I am confused about how I am suddenly blessed? That I dreamed of Ayame and even now can see images of her body breaking down? That I feel angry and helpless?" Setsuna's voice grew a little hoarse toward the end, and her eyes reddened a little. Both Lilin and Sol came to her side and took her in their arms, causing Setsuna to be sandwiched in their hugs.

"Yes. I want you to tell us everything you feel. There shouldn't be any secrets between us. Secrets fester and cause pain. Having someone to share your burden with is a good thing." Lilin's words held a hidden meaning, directed not only at Setsuna but also at Sol.

Sol understood the message behind Lilin's words. It seemed like his recent actions had made them worried. This was not his intention, but now wasn't the time to discuss it.

"Sol... Could you accompany me in burying her?" Setsuna asked, her voice filled with a mix of sadness and determination.

Sol nodded. "I knew you would want to do it."

He walked to the tree and retrieved the sword that Ayame had used. At the same time, he moved his hand, and what looked like a closed vase appeared.

"Her ashes are in it," he said, handing the vase to Setsuna, who bowed gracefully. Her eyes were reddening a little.

A cloak of mana appeared and covered her body as she began to walk toward the clearing where she fought Ayame. The devastation of the battle was still evident, but they paid no attention to it.

Reaching the place where Ayame's remains scattered in the wind, Lilin took Ayame's sword and placed it softly on the ground before kneeling in dogeza with her forehead touching the ground.

"Ayame, the two of us may have walked different roads, but we had the same objectives," Lilin spoke softly.

Setsuna closed her eyes, not knowing where Ayame's soul was. Most likely, it was at the end of the Goddess of Destruction or perhaps reduced to nothingness like her body. It was hard to say, but it was alright.josei

"Thank you for everything you did for me," Setsuna whispered, her voice filled with gratitude. Ayame had been a woman who fought to her death with the sole goal of keeping Setsuna alive. She had once been her teacher, her friend, and her sister all at the same time. Even in her final moments, she sold her soul not out of greed for life, but out of a desire to avenge her father.

Rising to her feet, Setsuna took the sword back and slowly unsheathed it. The blade reflected the light of the moon.

"I make you three promises," Setsuna declared.

A beautiful sound flowed as she swung the sword, and her own blood began to flow.

"One, I will without a doubt use this sword to draw the blood of the usurper," Setsuna proclaimed, her determination evident.

Her blood flowed, red with a hint of gold.

"Two, I will bury your ashes in the royal cemetery of our country," Setsuna continued, her voice unwavering.

Her blood continued to flow.

"And lastly, I will soon sit on the throne that is rightfully mine. This, I solemnly swear," Setsuna vowed under the moonlight.

And so, a wolf swore to honor Ayame's memory.

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