Chapter 498 CH 459


Looking at the two extremely beautiful young women ready to give their all to him, Sol couldn't help but feel a sudden surge of emotions stir inside of him."I am really blessed to have girls like you around me."

This was something he could never deny in his entire life. It was one of the undeniable truths and constants of his life. No matter how much he looked down on the goddesses or did not like some of their opinions and how they did things, the reality that he would never be able to obtain what he had going on for him without them was also the absolute truth.

Lilin and Setsuna felt like their hearts would melt at any moment at the sweet words that leaked out of Sol's lips; his tone filled with love and the irrefutable affection that he felt for them.

"So, Setsuna, what do you plan exactly?"

Setsuna breathed in slightly at those words, before confidently speaking out the next moment, "About the contract... I have been thinking deeply about it for some time already... Sol, tell me, how exactly are the Capacity Points necessary for a contract calculated?"

Sol tilted his head in confusion. She should be already aware of that fact so it didn't make sense for her to ask him this question. However, he decided to humor her anyways, "It depends on the rank of the one I want to contract with."

"Yes, that... It depends on the rank right... So tell me... let's say we encounter a scenario where you sign a contract with me right now... If I evolve and become a Calamity Wolf in the future, will the CP required to maintain the contract with me increase or stay the same? What do you think will happen in that scenario?"


That... was indeed a rather interesting question. Sol was now able to understand why Setsuna had asked that rhetorical question. He mused briefly before shaking his head, "No, it will not increase. Once the contract is fixed, the price required to fulfill it will not change."

Setsuna's eyes twinkled in happiness to finally get an answer to this question. This fact gave her an even more overwhelming desire to evolve into an S-ranked beast. But the question didn't just end there...

She had something else in mind.

"So what I was thinking was... About Lilin. What do you think she is currently and is she suitable for making a contract with you?"


Sol now understood Setsuna's intentions and he couldn't help but become intrigued at the possibility. Initially, Lilin was human in nearly all ways that could be counted for her to qualify as a human. But now the distinction and surety of her human nature had become quite blurry.

Unlike Lilith who was a 'failure,' as stated by Neptune, Lilin had perfectly incorporated the genetics of her two bloodlines. In a way, she was closer to being a succubus hybrid than anything else.

"....It should be possible. But... Even if it succeeds, doing so will put me in a relationship with Invidia. That's a bit problematic..."

This was perhaps Sol's greatest grip on this whole situation. Invidia did not like him and giving her any leeway to pry into his life or the lives of his loved ones would surely make for quite the troublesome situation...

But at the same time... If doing this allowed him to have direct contact with Invidia then it might be worth it in its own ways.

Worst case scenario, he simply had to sever the contract with Lilin in the process and flee.

"Very well. Let's all give it a try. Did you guys decide which contract you two want?"

Setsuna walked gracefully until she reached Sol's right side and Lilin did the same which led to Sol now having two gorgeous women on his left and right. They took him by the arms and walked until they reached the bed and pushed him onto the mattress at the same time.

Lilin's gaze was filled with a sense of undeniable hunger, but Setsuna was quite literally positively starving and drooling, not being able to wait to take him inside her...

How long had she waited for this moment?

It was hard for her even start describing the emotions she was feeling at this moment. But one thing that both she and Lilin were sure of at this moment was...

"We are not leaving this room until one of us is at death's door."

As for the contract, it would obviously be a Lust-type. That was irrefutable at this point.

Smiling as he looked up at the two enchanting women he loved and cherished with all his heart, he exerted some strength and brought them down in his arms.Hugging the two very sensual and lithe bodies of Setsuna and Lilin, he could feel a steady stream of blood rapidly rushing toward his little brother but he still had enough reasoning inside of him to hold on to his urges.

Just a little more... and he would be able to make love with his beloveds...

"Setsuna, you already know about the ritual process, right?"


Sol nodded and turned to Lilin and started to explain the ritual to her. Thanks to her superior memory, it didn't take long for her to grasp the entire ritual and the vows that had to be shared during it.

Prompting them up with his hands, the three of them sat in a triangle formation on the bed and Sol closed his eyes.

"I call the attention of the world and that of the goddesses."

This was the first and perhaps the most important part of this contract. The contract could not happen without the permission of the goddesses.

Generally, it was more of a simple protocol that was fully automatized. The goddesses would rarely care about the contract signing between mere mortals.But in his case... things were different. It always was whenever ever he was involved.

The moment those words resounded, one large magical circle with intrinsic patterns made up of complex geometrical shapes appeared below them and filled the room with a soft ethereal light accompanied by a certain feeling of heaviness that was hard to explain in words.

The words inscribed on the circle were in a character that could not be read normally. But Sol was able to recognize the meaning of the word almost instantly.


The name of the goddess of wrath. This meant that... for now, she was the only one to have answered his calling.

Sol sighed and focused his energy before repeating,

"I call the attention of the world and that of the goddesses."

Silence greeted him once again for a short while before a flicker of light flashed and a new circle appeared on top of the preexisting one. Invidia.

'So she decided to answer, huh...'

Sol wondered what kind of discussion they would have later. But now, he was mostly interested in something more important than that. His contract with his beloveds.

"I, Sol Dragona Luxuria, affirm my love to you, as I invite you to share my life."

Emotions swelled up inside Setsuna's heart at those words and Lilin had tears brimming at the corner of her eyes; an immense sense of relief washed over her. She had been feeling a little desperate and distraught when the circle did not appear for some time... But now, everything was alright.josei

"I, Setsuna Ira, reciprocate your love and accept your invitation."

"I, Lilin Luxuria, reciprocate your love and accept your invitation."

The light of the circle that was initially simply white flashed for a while in multicolored lights before changing into a beautiful pink hue, prompting Sol to release a sigh of relief. This had been the important part of this ritual.

The changing of the colors was the acknowledgment of the feelings they had for each other.

Motes of light began to fly around, making them feel as if they were in a fairyland while words slowly formed in their minds,

[Do you swear loyalty, love, and devotion to each other?]

"""We do."""

[Then, make your vows.]

Sol gazed at the two girls who had been with him throughout the years, his voice became hoarse and agitated as he spoke out the words that were contained in the depths of his heart.

"Setsuna, Lilin, life had not been kind to the two of you. You shared different forms of trauma and wounds on your heart that may never fully heal for the rest of your lives."

He closed his eyes, thinking of the two small girls, hiding the pain in the very depths of his being behind a veil of smile and happiness in order to not worry him.

"My wish is to become the shield that will protect you from ever encountering any scenario that would hurt you once again. My vow is to give my everything in order to make the two of you truly happy. We will face trials. Unequivocally harsh and some of them may even be impossible to pass.... But as long as we are united in one heart, nothing will be impossible for us. That I guarantee you with all my heart..."

He held their hands tightly as he gave his vows and after squeezing his hand slightly to affirm their belief in him, Setsuna was the first one to speak.

"Sol Dragona Luxuria, my sword is your sword and my heart is your heart. Everything I have and everything I am belongs solely to you. My loyalty as well as my love for you are Eternal and Unchanging. Now and forever... Let me be the spear that will pierce all your enemies."

Sol smile... A Vaillant vow, befitting Setsuna's personality.

"Sol Dragon Luxuria, possessor of my heart and soul. Your existence is like the Sun, illuminating the cloudy skies ravaging my heart and my love for you is Infinite and Unending. Like the very space that holds all of existence... Let me be the sword that will bring down all the obstacles that stand in your way."His smile was filled with warmth as he heard Lilin's vow. Ever caring and sentimental. Again, it was just like how she was...

The light between them became far stronger. The words they uttered appeared in the air before swiftly reaching them and entering their bodies and reaching their hearts. Slowly... but surely... they transformed into powerful bindings that will never vanish as long as the contract between them existed.

Like with Isis, Sol could feel as if a part of him was being filled. The CP necessary for the contract was being deducted and in return, the empty space inside him was being filled by the essence and the presence of his beloveds.

The light of the circles slowly dimmed down after that as the first part of the ceremony finally ended.

Now... It was time for the truly fun part.


(AN: Hope you liked it. It took a total of 498 chapters for Sol to finally have his contract with Setsuna. We came a long way since CH 5, which was Setsuna's first smut. For those who are interested in Isis' contract, you just have to reread the last few chapters of Vol 8: 279 CH 252: Lust Contract.)

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