Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 113

Chapter 113: The Heartbroken Seeking Advice on Love Issues from a Single Dog

Swordflower College, Mori Library.

Although it couldn’t compare to the four Libraries of Truth at Trinity College, the Mori and Hana libraries at Swordflower College were also considered one of the top scenic spots in Cailleach – in terms of book collection, Mori and Hana libraries couldn’t even make the top ten in Cailleach, but in terms of the comfortable and pleasant environment, Mori and Hana libraries were the undisputed top two existence in Swordflower College, enjoying the reputation of “Number One Dating Spot”.

Unlike the vibrant and dazzling Hana Library, Mori Library’s theme was “Tranquil Forest”. From the outside, it looked like a lush forest, with small bridges over streams, mating rabbits, squirrels nibbling on pine cones, comfortable breezes blowing through the trees, and everywhere were cozy swings, benches, treehouses and even bears – yes, there were very friendly bears inside that you could lean on their bellies and read.

To Sonya, the most magical thing about Mori Library was that there were no mosquitoes.

This was truly shocking to the country girl who grew up in an agricultural town and often went into the woods to pick mushrooms for extra meals when she was little.

But of course, to provide a comfortable reading experience, many functionalities of the library had to be sacrificed. The books were all stored in the tree trunks. Mori Library had four floors in total, connected by winding trunks. People coming here for the first time could easily get lost even with a map.

Sonya wasn’t new to Mori Library and she knew how to access the navigation index through her Miracle bracelet, but it still took her quite some effort to find the books she needed.

When she wanted to find a bench to sit down and read, she unexpectedly ran into her “archenemy”.

“Hello, senior sister.”

Seeing Sylvia walking towards her, Sonya felt the third-year senior looked slightly more haggard compared to their first meeting, but it didn’t detract from her beauty. On the contrary, it added a touch of endearment to her that made people want to comfort her when seeing her. The male students nearby were the best proof, looking at this direction with one eye while reading with the other.

Sylvia was also a bit surprised. She nodded lightly and stopped when passing by Sonya. “Last time… I caused you trouble.”

“Yeah, how are you going to compensate me?”

Sonya realized she had already ended the Sincerity ritual and didn’t need to tell the truth anymore – but whether it was the lingering influence of the Sincerity spirit or the past few days, she still blurted out the truth when she was supposed to equivocate and lie.

Sylvia was taken aback for a moment, then smiled with a hand over her mouth. “Then let me buy you a tree juice?”

There was a water cafe in Mori Library, and the drinks there all had forest themes, like “Tree Juice”, “Flower Nectar”, “Morning Dew”, etc. Although the names didn’t sound appealing, they were actually sorcerer drinks made by watermage students as part-timers, with sweetness and texture far superior to ordinary drinks, and cheaper than outside too, very popular among students.

Since Sylvia wanted to ease the tension between them, and Sonya had no direct conflict of interest with her, she readily agreed to go to the water cafe with her and ordered a “Dew Dropping on Grass Blades”.

“I’m sorry.” Sylvia said after sitting down. “I was too impulsive last time and didn’t think through anything. If there’s anything I can do to compensate you, please let me know and I’ll try my best.”

Seeing that Sylvia was sincerely apologetic, Sonya also softened her tone: “Although you were 99% at fault, I’m not without 1% fault either. Perhaps my actions misled you… By the way senior sister, I saw you played the third female lead in ‘My Child Bears My Surname’, you were so amazing!”

Sylvia naturally understood her intent and was a bit surprised: “My uncle was the director and screenwriter of that film, so he let me make a cameo… Sonya, are you interested in becoming an actress?”

“Yeah!” Sonya’s eyes lit up: “I actually read some performing arts books in private too.”

Although very shocked that Sonya didn’t aim to become a swordsaint, Sylvia didn’t say anything more. Catering to her interest, she promised to ask her uncle to arrange a good role for Sonya if possible.

“For others, my uncle may not be willing, but you’re now the disciple of Hidden Hands Swordsaint, the fastest sorcerer to unfold the Silver Wings at Swordflower College. Just this background alone can give you a lot of attention, it’s extra promotional resources. But if you don’t leave the audience with an impression in the film, you’ll quickly fade into obscurity. ” Sylvia said seriously: “The most I can do is provide you with an opportunity, whether you can seize it depends on your own efforts and luck. But my uncle doesn’t have any filming plans recently, so you may have to wait a long time.”

“No problem, I still have three years before graduation!”

The two hit it off and the atmosphere became much more harmonious. After chatting about campus life for a while, Sylvia shyly asked, “I heard he… is still single now?”

What else could it be, could he have turned into a dog?

Sonya naturally knew who Sylvia was talking about and nodded: “I haven’t seen any other girls around him anyway.”

“Then you–”

“Absolutely not.”

Sylvia breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, their drinks arrived. Sonya took a sip of the “Dew Dropping on Grass Blades” and found it surprisingly milkily fragrant, like milk tea, but the texture was fresh instead of cloying. She thought it would be great if she could become a watermage.

Though if her roommate became a watermage, she could also mooch some drinks from her, but Iris and the others didn’t seem very interested in becoming sorcerers…

Sylvia hesitated and said, “This is different from his past self… In the past, he would always start a new relationship after ending one…”


“Do you think… he might still be thinking of me?”

Sonya almost spat out her drink. She barely managed to keep a straight face and felt a bit of pity seeing Sylvia’s longing yet apprehensive look.

Through the Sincerity summoning ritual and her experiences as a sorcerer these days, Sonya vaguely sensed that Felix’s behavior of “attracting admirers” was probably some kind of ritual, or a necessary condition to resonate with spirit.

Once Felix became a sorcerer, he immediately broke up with all his girlfriends and never went to those entertainment venues again, spending every day either studying or training hard instead. Sonya didn’t think the virtual world had the ability to correct his worldview, so this could only mean Felix was just pretending before. Naturally he no longer needed to pretend after becoming a sorcerer.

But there was no need to tell Sylvia all this. Firstly it was just Sonya’s speculation, and secondly, Sylvia still had a chance.

Sylvia really had excellent qualities – long black hair, delicate features, tall and slender figure, and even her bust size was just right, just a bit smaller than Sonya. Most importantly, she genuinely liked him. Who could resist the pursuit of such a pretty, pitiful senior with long black hair?

“It’s possible!”

“You think so too!”

Sylvia said happily, “Then what do you think I should do to get back together with Felix?”

“Hmm, let’s see…” Sonya suddenly recalled the questions she encountered in Destiny Quiz: “For greater good? To resist a common threat?”

Seeing Sylvia’s slightly confused expression, Sonya remembered they were still students. There was no need for complicated reasons to get back together: “Actually, you just need to actively walk into his life, and he won’t reject you either. Of course, don’t directly aim for getting back together. You can say you want to resolve misunderstandings and be friends first. If needed, I can create coincidental encounter opportunities for you.”


“As long as you become close again, many tactics can be used.” Sonya smiled. “For example, the woodpecker tactic.”

“Woodpecker tactic?”

“That is, during your interactions, you can suddenly sigh for no reason. When he asks what’s wrong, you say it’s nothing. Or you can suddenly fall silent while chatting, occasionally act dispirited, to make him worry about you, but you don’t explain the reason. Then you also need to rely on him and act coquettish from time to time, to make him feel like you can’t live without him. Through such frequent emotional prodding, in the long run you can achieve shallow emotional control. By then, your every sigh and move can make his emotions fluctuate, with all his attention focused on you. This is what I call the woodpecker tactic.”

Speaking passionately, Sonya went on to teach: “If you successfully get back together, you can move on to the second step, negative emotion transfer and positive emotion control. Simply put, whenever you feel unhappy, you must share it with him and make him feel unhappy too. But if he encounters something happy and wants to share with you, and it’s not something you like, then you should deny him and repress him. In short, don’t let him feel happy when you are not, and even when he’s happy it can only be within the scope you allow.”

“The third step is time distortion. When he treats you well, you must remain calm and make him promise to keep treating you this way for the rest of his life, prolonging his effort to a lifetime, making his devotion seem natural.

“Then combined with the fourth step, historical projection, when he becomes cold towards you, you can invoke projections of his past to prove he has changed his heart. Of course, as long as he is willing to apologize, you should also give him some sweetness.”

“As long as you grasp these four steps, Felix will definitely become your lapdog, the perfect partner!”

Sylvia blinked as she listened. After Sonya finished, she smiled and asked, “Sonya, have you been in a relationship before?”

Sonya’s face turned red. “No. I’m sorry, I was too arrogant, blabbing all these useless personal shallow insights in front of senior sister…”josei

Sylvia gently shook her head. “No, these ‘tactics’ are very practical. If it was in the past, I would have been very happy to learn and use these ‘tactics’.”

“But love is a kind of ‘miracle’.” She said softly. “I don’t want to hurt him, or see him unhappy. I just hope… I can stand by his side.”

Sonya was taken aback. She now noticed the books Sylvia was holding – Sword Wind Abyss, Support Handbook for Windmages, Recommended Battle Wind Spirits for Windmages. They were basically all about how windmages could assist swordsages in combat.

Sylvia smiled and said, “Still, thank you for your advice. I may have to trouble you again in the future, can we add each other on Curtain Call?”

“Of course, no problem.”

The two exchanged their personal Curtain Calls and could now directly communicate through the Miracle bracelets.

Sylvia looked at the books Sonya had: “Speaking of which, Sonya, are you planning to self-study the Mind sphere? But these two seem…”

Dream Interpretation and Psychological Language Interpretation were must-read books for the Mind sphere, but the other two puzzled Sylvia a bit: Days with a Sinmage and How to Relieve Others’ Psychological Stress.

The former was similar to adventure fiction, while the latter, though related to the Mind sphere, leaned more towards a practical guidebook and didn’t help much with studying the Mind sphere.



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