Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 124

Chapter 124: The Humiliation of the Sacred Bloodline

Shattered Lake Prison, Medical Staff Activity Hall.

The 25 medical staff members of the prison medical team were all gathered here, sitting around a large table.

They all wore crow masks and black robes, so no one could see each other’s expressions. But from the heavy atmosphere that was almost solidified, it was clear that they were not feeling calm.

“Leader.” Medical staff [201] broke the silence: “You don’t have a way either?”

Although they didn’t know who the leader was, generally, the leader of each Blood Moon prison medical team was a two-winged gold sorcerer who had exhausted their potential, while the medical staff who came to the prison for the Blood Embrace ceremony were basically one-winged silver sorcerers. So the leader was the strongest one here.

“There’s no way.” The leader said bitterly: “There’s a three-winged saint in the ‘Black Coffin’, whose bloodline strength and power far exceed mine. The ‘Blood Lock’ he cast is simply not something I can contend with.”

Some of the medical staff couldn’t help but laugh bitterly: “Who could have thought that the Blood Lock our sacred bloodline used to restrain lower races, would one day be used against us?”

Miracle – Blood Lock was originally a restraining miracle that was only applicable within the sacred bloodline.

At that time, the sacred bloodline was not the current ‘Institute System’, but a very inefficient and crude ‘Family System’. Multiplication of followers and expansion of the clan depended entirely on high-level sacred bloodlines finding suitable candidates, and then conducting ‘Embraces’ with uncertain success rates, in order to convert the other party into a low-level descendant.

The flaws of the family system were enormous. Not only did the bloodline concentration of each generation of descendants decrease significantly, but the ‘Embrace Ceremony’ also required the consumption of ‘true blood’ from high-level sacred bloodlines. More importantly – the recipients of the Embrace had to love the high-level sacred bloodline.

It goes without saying that the sacred bloodlines of that era were extremely scarce, and extremely…united.

No matter how long the lifespan of the sacred bloodline was, in the long run the number could only decrease, their power weaken. Not to mention these ‘family bonds’ based on love often drove the sacred bloodlines mad for the injury or death of a family member – they would be willing to leave their nest for a single member, and fight any enemy to the death.

In contrast to the love for family members, the sacred bloodline was mercilessly cold towards other races. Therefore, the way the sacred bloodline coexisted with the world was either the sacred bloodline destroying all enemies and turning the entire region into a paradise for themselves and hell for others; or the enemies destroying all sacred bloodlines and completely annihilating this monster race bound by love.

It was not until the Blood Moon Archon unified the Sacred Blood Moon Shadow, reformed the old ways of survival, and ordered both races to accept the ‘Institute System’ and ‘Church System’, that the two races developed and expanded to what they are today in just a short millennium.

Under the Institute System, the sacred bloodlines no longer needed to find suitable descendants themselves, because the top talents of all races were eager to become members of the Institute and obtain eternal life.

Abolishing the ‘Embrace Ceremony’ and replacing it with the ‘Blood Transfusion Ceremony’ only turned these lucky ones into preparatory descendants. To truly become a member of the sacred bloodline, they still had to go to prison for the ‘Blood Embrace Ceremony’ to draw nourishment from death, so the sacred bloodline did not have to pay any price for reproduction – because the dead had already paid the price.

And the original Blood Lock was possible because the low-level descendants had the ‘true blood’ of high-level sacred bloodlines flowing in them. Therefore, as long as a high-level sacred bloodline activated the Blood Lock, they could sense the location of the descendants, and even control the actions of the descendants.

If a high-level sacred bloodline died, they could even be reborn in the body of the descendant!

After the shackles of love were removed, the family system naturally collapsed. Therefore, there was no more ‘Embrace’, and the Blood Lock derived from it should have been thrown into the garbage dump of history to rot.

But after being perfected by the Blood Moon Archon, the Blood Lock became the most important miracle for the sacred bloodline, because its restraint was not limited to the sacred bloodline, but extended to all people in the Blood Moon Kingdom!

Every baby after being admitted to the nursing home will be implanted with a Miracle Chip, and each Miracle Chip contains a drop of ‘true blood’. As the baby grows into an adult, the true blood will also blend into their blood, bone marrow, tissue fluid, and even germ cells, spreading through the whole body!

It can be said that any child raised in the nursing home in the Blood Moon Kingdom is a preparatory descendant!

The modern Blood Lock miracle is a three-winged miracle. Therefore, as long as a three-winged sacred bloodline activates the ‘Blood Lock’ miracle, they can control any Blood Moon citizen with lower power than them, be they human, elf, beastman, or Sacred Blood Moon Shadow!

Although there was no evidence, many people within the sacred bloodline believed that if a legendary sacred bloodline activated Blood Lock, they could even control every single person in an entire city, commanding them to die if they wished!

However, compared to the terrifying power they held, the sacred bloodline was actually very low-key.

The outside world knew of the existence of the sacred bloodline, but only knew that they were immortal, that one had to take the graduate entrance exam to become one of them and join the Institute afterwards, etc. Some sacred bloodlines would become councilors, but none would take official positions. Most people only had two impressions of them: doctors and scholars.

As for recklessly abusing Blood Lock, that kind of thing hadn’t happened for thousands of years.

The application of Blood Lock was limited to prisons and war zones, restricting only criminals and adventurers.

Even Blood Mad Hunters like Gerard were not allowed to use Blood Lock to control criminals when carrying out missions. In theory, the only people who could legally use the Blood Lock miracle were the ‘Saints’ lying in the ‘Black Coffins’, while the living could only activate it indirectly through the ‘Black Coffins’.

There were many reasons for prohibiting the sacred bloodline from exposing their powers, such as preventing arrogance within the sacred bloodline, preventing rebellion from lower races, maintaining social stability… But the fundamental reason was that the Blood Moon Archon did not allow it.

The social nursing system, the Institute system, the Church system… These rules personally established by the Blood Moon Archon were absolutely not to be violated, not even to test the bottom line.

If the ‘Blood Lock’ on death row prisoners was visible, they could test and find out what they were not allowed to do; then the ‘Blood Lock’ on the sacred bloodline was invisible, they wouldn’t even have the thought of testing!

That was why the medical staff were so shocked and angry – after all, even they didn’t know the exact location of the ‘Black Coffins’, so how did outsiders control the ‘Saints’ inside them?

“Necromancer!” Someone gritted their teeth and said, “That’s the only possibility… Those despicable lowlifes used necromancy to manipulate the Saints… Can’t we use necromancy to compete for control of the Saints?”

“We are forbidden from exerting arcane energy and attacking, how can we use necromancy?”

“Wait, I remember you need a key to enter the Black Coffin, how could outsiders possibly know the key? Is there an insider?”

“That’s right, the people who know the key are the team leader, the warden and the Heresy Court chief. Could it be…”

Realizing everyone was looking at him, the team leader panicked: “The keys are all sealed by miracles, there’s no way I could have leaked them out!”

“But the warden is never in the prison, and the chief is far away in the city district. How could the death row prisoners obtain the key through any other channel?” The other medical staff questioned bluntly.

[201] suddenly said: “Come to think of it, I heard that a few years ago in Caimon City there appeared a killer called the ‘Controller’, who committed multiple murders. Because the murder methods seemed to involve Blood Lock, my boss was invited by the Heresy Court to conduct internal investigations, although it came to nothing in the end, but it can be confirmed the key did not leak from the secret keepers.”

After the expulsion of [176], everyone vaguely guessed that [201]’s boss was probably that Saint of the psychic faction. Unlike memory weavers who could be deceived, the psychic Saint examined the soul itself. Even if the suspect turned themselves into a lunatic, the psychic Saint could still shatter their soul and find the information they wanted from the fragments, as easily as breaking up a Rubik’s Cube and reassembling it.

In the face of a psychic Saint, forgetting was unable to keep secrets.

“Even sister said there was no leak, so there really wasn’t.”josei

Everyone looked towards the medical staff Sylphine with the badge number [222]. She said calmly: “So there’s only one possibility left – the death row prisoners have a way to find the real Black Coffin key. With such a big incident, the key system is no longer safe, but that’s none of our business either. Speaking of which, I have a bad news and a good news, which do you want to hear?”

“What’s the bad news?”

“The bad news is we’re really losing face this time. Tomorrow all thirty-six Institutes will know that we sacred bloodline descendants got captured by a few death row prisoners in the prison.”

“What about the good news then?”

“The good news is we’re wearing masks, no one knows who we are, so everyone can lose face freely, no one will know the sacred bloodline was humiliated.”

Everyone fell silent, surprised that the young lady actually had the leisure to joke around. But she was a descendant of the Four Great Institutes, so she had the arrogance to back it up. What was an indelible stain, even a career-affecting disgrace to them, was just a trivial interlude to the young lady.

“Is there really no other way?” Someone asked unwillingly.

“Bloodline Resonance.” The team leader said: “The Saint in the Black Coffin should have some residual consciousness. If we can establish contact through bloodline resonance, we can lift our Blood Lock.”

“How do we generate bloodline resonance?”

“I don’t know either – intense emotions? Burning desires? Praying to the Blood Moon Archon? Although the chance of success is extremely low, this is all we can do now.”

Everyone exchanged glances, feeling this was the only resort in their helplessness. So some cursed the death row prisoners in circles, some lay on the ground trying to make contact with the Black Coffins through ground vibrations, and what almost made Sylphine laugh was that someone was hanging upside down like a bat from the chandelier – claiming it was to mimic the meditation posture of ancient sacred bloodlines to increase the chance of resonance.

Just then, the lounge door was pushed open forcefully, and a guard poked his head in.

“Excuse me everyone, [222], please come with me to the medical room.”

“Ashe Heath?” Sylphine said in surprise: “What do you need me for?”

“There’s something I need you to do.”

“Can’t I do it here?” [201] stood up and blocked Sylphine. “Also, if it’s work you need done, I can do it in her place.”

Ashe shook his head firmly: “No, I only need [222]. And there’s not even a bed here, not convenient to do it.”

Medical staff: “Hmm?”

Oh no, the sacred bloodline was about to be humiliated!



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