Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 131

Chapter 131: Legal illegal behavior

Fernand Snow could no longer recall why he harbored ambitions unusual for an Ogre.

Was it because he saw the impeccably dressed council members visiting the Skull Stick Foster Home, patting the heads of the beastmen children with a smile, while their eyes barely concealed their contempt?

Or was it because he longed for the opulent houses and the elegant, upper-class lifestyle depicted in the dramas?

Or perhaps it was because… he saw the confident human mayor on the screen, raising his right fist, uttering lies that even beastmen children wouldn’t believe: “To make every race even greater!”

Regardless, Fernand Snow began a life markedly different from other Ogres: after fighting for food, he would sneak into a corner, turn on the screen, and watch today’s remedial video from the Jade Garden.

Although each child had a full set of general educational materials from the beginning theoretically making self-study enough to grasp all knowledge points, if one wanted to get into middle school, college or even graduate school, a deep understanding of the subjects was required, which was far beyond the scope of the textbooks.

Well-funded foster homes would naturally hire teachers to tutor their charges, but the Skull Stick didn’t have this luxury. The average educational level of the blue-skinned and green-skinned individuals who left the Skull Stick was merely prenatal.

But perhaps for the sake of increasing their reputation or setting an example, the educational videos from the top-tier foster homes would be uploaded to the Canopy. Children without such good educational conditions could download these videos for self-study. After all, everyone had a Chip, so there was no barrier to downloading. josei

That was a memory Fernand Snow would never forget: after a fight, he sat in a cold, foul-smelling corner, bruised and battered. One side of his world was filled with beastmen and Ogres fighting fiercely in the sand, an Ogre eating and defecating at the same time not far away, and a beastman adding his own toenail clippings to a sandwich.

On the other side, he saw a tidy classroom on the screen, a knowledgeable and elegant teacher, and students full of laughter and banter.

Many years had passed, but Fernand Snow could still recall the surging emotions of his youth. A fire once again ignited in his chest, a fire that seared his soul, a fire named—


“… Now that the audience is familiar with these eight redeemed individuals, there must be a question in everyone’s mind. That is, although Mayor Fernand Snow has temporarily stepped down, he is not a criminal. So why is he also participating in this trial?”

Hearing these words, Fernand Snow turned to see a prison guard standing at the edge of the observation deck – the man who had brought him into the Shattered Lake.

He remembered that after signing the Register of Sinners, his strength was bounded, and then he was attacked by the prison guard and fell unconscious.

Looking closer, he realized that the guard was not addressing them directly, but speaking to the camera.

Prison…live broadcast…Blood Moon…

The Ogre narrowed his eyes and turned to the human beside him: “Director Laidor, who is he?”

Even though Laidor himself was overthrown by Fernand Snow, when asked so naturally, the former project director instinctively answered: “He is Ashe Heath.”

After a pause, he added, “A death row inmate who should be in prison.”

Fernand Snow immediately understood everything. He looked towards Ashe, only to find Ashe was also looking at him. Ashe held the Register of Sinners that controlled the fate of all prisoners, covering his face and revealing only a pair of indifferent eyes.

“The reason why Mayor Fernand Snow is here is because a friend of mine said that he is a bad person, who has exploited legal loopholes to evade scrutiny multiple times.”

Fernand Snow sneered dismissively, not bothering to respond.

Ashe continued, “Of course, ‘I have a friend’ is hardly a testimony. In fact, according to the investigative files of the Heresy Court’s Memory Master, although there are many unexplainable doubts and memory losses, but strictly speaking, Mayor Fernand Snow has not committed any illegal actions.”

“It’s well known that the Blood Moon Tribunal is not really ruled by the mayor, the Heresy Court, or a small host like me, but by the sharp-eyed citizens in front of the screen. Your redemption tickets are the key to guiding this trial.”

“Of course, I don’t expect you to follow the encouragement of a convicted criminal like me, to let this lawless mayor meet with the Blood Moon Supreme early.”

“And this, is exactly what makes the Blood Moon Tribunal I planned this time interesting.”

“Unlike Mayor Fernand Snow, the other seven former councilors, officials, and gang members are all scum with proven crimes. If the radio station is reluctant to cut off the signal, then the citizens can click on the avatar to get the criminal information of these seven losers.”

“In theory, the redeemed in this trial will be chosen only from among you seven. But now, I give you a chance.”

Ashe pointed at the ogre, “You can state Mayor Fernand’s illegal actions to give him tickets. In this way, you naturally escape a disaster. According to my understanding of the citizens and my personal experience, the more detailed and important your report, the lower your ticket count.”

The crowd changed color slightly, and the former beastman secretary Meunken shouted, “I report, Fernand Snow hired a killer!Ah!!!”

Meunken suddenly screamed horribly. The red stone seat he was sitting on was rising smoke, as if it was heating up rapidly, causing the skin of Meunken and the stone seat to be scorched!

“Ah, I forgot to say, in this trial, the executioner’s enhancement is the ‘Mouth of Lies’.” Ashe’s voice had no apology other than schadenfreude, “Once you lie, frame up, fabricate, say things that even you can’t confirm, the executioner’s mouth will keep heating, heating, until you become delicious cooked food. I’m really grateful for the technical support provided by the Heresy Court for this trial.”

‘Mouth of Lies’!?

Everyone’s face changed dramatically, but they found themselves unable to get off their stone seats, as if they were stuck on them. Not only that, they were unable to output arcane energy, or attack others this private Blood Moon Tribunal was too outrageous, it only gave them speech permission, other permissions were still forbidden!

“Yes, the eight stone pillars you are sitting on are the bodies of the executioners. Congratulations, not many people in the world can sit on the executioners.”

I’ll trade with you! Everyone cursed in their hearts, glaring at Ashe.

“Hold on.”

Wearing silver-rimmed glasses, like a middle-aged scholar, Andrei raised his hand and asked, “First, it is known that Fernand Snow has not committed any crimes. Second, we cannot say things we cannot confirm. On this premise, we cannot state Fernand Snow’s ‘illegal actions’.”

Ashe looked at Andrei.

“Exactly, you’re right, so I’m not really asking you to state ‘illegal facts’, but expecting you to state Fernand Snow’s legal illegal actions.”

Legal illegal actions?

Everyone present was a politician or official who had struggled through hundreds of battles and finally climbed to the top of Caimon City. When Ashe said this, they immediately understood his underlying meaning, and their faces became extremely ugly, even Fernand Snow was no exception!

“Ah ha.”

In the director’s office of the Heresy Court, the director opened a file, which was Ashe Heath’s resume.

“Strange, there are no government officials among the victims of the Four Pillars Religion, and he has never been involved in related work… Could someone have leaked it to him? Or did he simply observe it himself?”

“From this perspective, his actions are not simply because of a grudge against Fernand Snow or provoking the Heresy Court, but rather he aims to touch the deep-seated social norms.”

“This is a big trouble that could give both the institute and the church a headache…”


The director propped up his face, the corners of his mouth slightly raised to reveal a smile, and anticipation flickered in the blood-red eyes encircled by dark circles.

“It’s been over a hundred years since I’ve encountered any trouble.”

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