Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 140

Chapter 140: Freya

Freya, hiccuping from the alcohol, clung to the railing and wobbled up the stairs. As a Bewitcher, she had high resistances to many things, and it was usually hard for her to get drunk — but her body would respond to her emotions, drinking alcohol like water when unhappy, and getting drunk just by the smell when she was happy.

“Ah, I’ve tried every Mud Worker at the ‘Frostfall Mud Café’, maybe it’s time for a change… Adela mentioned a new butler-themed Mud Cafe near the west gate of the university, I’ll check it out once I get my scholarship… But the abs of the Mud Fish Dragon are so amazing, I wouldn’t mind ordering another…”

“Pity about the Rock Dragon, he was good at his work, too bad he died in Event 422…”

Reaching the third floor, the lights in the corridor flickered on and off. Freya, used to the oddities, fumbled for her keys. The building was an old apartment block built 70 years ago, lacking an elevator, floor heating, air conditioning, and often had issues with aged wiring. Its only advantage was cheap rent. If the landlord hadn’t been alive, it would have been demolished and rebuilt long ago.

But that wouldn’t be long now. The landlord was a beastman in his sixties, and in a few years, he would definitely sell his property to fund a ‘anti-aging surgery’. This operation was much cheaper than life-extension surgeries and was popular among lower-class Sorcerers and ordinary people.

Once the research institute got hold of the building, they would naturally co-develop it with real estate developers, building a taller and prettier apartment block, like the two new buildings being built near the west gate. But this was none of Freya’s business, as she would have graduated and left by then.

Opening the door, Freya found the lights were on in her home, which was odd — had she left the lights on before going to class?

Slipping off her boots at the entrance and changing into slippers, Freya walked in to see a hooded man sitting at her desk, using her ‘Mist Sea’ brand ‘Screen of Knowledge’, sipping the Strong Beastman Sweet Milk she had left in the fridge, and typing away on the Yingmiluo Keyboard.

Her pet Fold-ear Cat Xiao Xian was sprawled on the desk, stretching lazily, then affectionately rubbing against the man’s hand.

Her apartment was a standard one-bedroom unit with a desk, bed, balcony, bathroom, and a small kitchen. Standing at the entrance, she could see everything at a glance.

The man noticed her and turned his head.

“Welcome back.”

“Oh, I’m back.”

As the man returned to his browsing, Freya scratched her head, opened the fridge to take a swig of cold water, and suddenly felt a wave of nausea. She rushed into the bathroom and vomited into the toilet.

While she was vomiting, she felt someone gently patting her back, making the process a bit more bearable. A stack of three tissues was handed to her, and she took it without thinking: “Thank you.”

After vomiting, Freya felt a lot sober. She tossed her clothes onto a chair — everyone has a chair specifically for their dirty clothes — and then headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

As the gentle water fell on her body, Freya’s clarity gradually returned. Leaning against the wall, she held her chin, feeling a strong sense of unease, but couldn’t pinpoint what was wrong.

Suddenly, Freya’s eyes went cold, and she slapped her hands together.

“I only went twice tonight, I usually go three times, I missed out tonight!” She clicked her tongue, “Even though the Mud Worker I picked tonight was a bit lacking, I paid for it, I should have enjoyed it to the end!”

After the shower, she meticulously dried herself with a towel, especially under the arms, under the breasts, and the inner thighs. Drying off gave Freya a refreshing feeling.

She examined the white down on her forearms and calves, thinking it was time for a trim. Being a Bewitcher had its inconveniences, like the need to frequently trim the fuzz on her limbs, or else it would get too long and cause excessive sweating.

Freya stepped out onto the balcony naked, the curtains were drawn and no one usually came to bother her, plus the weather was gradually warming up. Being a Bewitcher, she had an easily perspiring constitution – even though their sweat smelled enchanting, it was sticky – so being in her natural state was the most comfortable.

She jumped onto the bed and rolled around a couple of times, then called out. Xiao Xian hopped over from the man’s lap and nestled in Freya’s arms.

Freya snuggled against the meteor dragon pillow, rubbing Xiao Xian with one hand while opening the light screen with the other, browsing the school forum on the Canopy.

She noticed that everyone was discussing the Blood Moon Tribunal that was happening tonight, with words like ‘Fenand Snow’, ‘Social Foster System’, and ‘Can we still take the City Public Examination in the future?’ leaving Freya a little bewildered – she was drinking at the Mud Cafe when the Blood Moon Tribunal began tonight.

Opening the Mind Series study group, she found everyone was also discussing the Blood Moon Tribunal and had divided into ‘Blood Moon Faction’ and ‘Fenan Xue Faction’. They were engaged in a three hundred round battle in the study group with a massive 999+ info flow. Freya scrolled up but couldn’t reach the top, only knowing that they were arguing about ‘the necessity of the existence of the Blood Moon Dual Race’.

The majority believed that ‘the Blood Moon Dual Race is the cornerstone of societal development’, that the long-living life of the Blood Moon Dual Race was the guarantee of societal stability, and all kinds of Sorcerer technology could only be developed by the Blood Moon Dual Race, who didn’t care about short-term gains.

The opposition believed that ‘the Blood Moon Dual Race restricted the development of multiple races.’ They argued that because the Blood Moon Dual Race absorbed all high-quality talents, other races couldn’t produce great scholars and sorcerers; the glory of the Blood Moon Dual Race was built on the blood-sucking of other races!

Wait, is this something we students can resolve with discussion?

Even if you conclude that the Blood Moon Dual Race shouldn’t exist, will you wake up tomorrow to find them all dead?

Everyone is so angry tonight.

Is this Blood Moon Tribunal that exciting?

Freya browsed the Canopy for a while, feeling uneasy, her legs unconsciously rubbing against each other.

Two times wasn’t enough, she needed a third!

But she usually used videos as spellcasting materials, and all her videos were stored in the ‘Screen of Knowledge’. After all, it had a 32-inch screen, not only was the image larger and the resolution higher, but it could also store larger video files.

Freya’s chip model was Miracle 11, with a pitiful storage capacity of only 10 zones. After storing some important documents and data, it had no spare capacity. The Screen of Knowledge, on the other hand, had a whopping 800 zones of storage. Freya had stuffed all of her games and entertainment in there and still hadn’t filled it up.

However, the Screen of Knowledge was currently being used by that man. Freya walked over and glanced at it from beside the table, seeing him watching a replay of tonight’s Blood Moon Tribunal. She then tapped him on the shoulder, “I need to use it.”

“Ah, you go ahead.”

The hooded man obediently left the chair, and Freya sat down, opening the ‘New Folder’ with ease.

Inside the folder were four more folders, named ‘Not Used Yet’, ‘Used Only Once’, ‘Used a Few Times’, and ‘Used Countless Times’.

She considered for a moment, she was in a hurry now, it wasn’t exploration time, so she chose the fourth folder. Opening a video called ‘Naughty Male Apprentice Punished~Bewitcher Female Professor Specializing in Mind Hypnosis,’ she dragged the progress bar directly to the most exciting part, the pleasant sobbing sound instantly making her intoxicated.

Just as she was unable to contain herself, she suddenly felt something wrong.


Why was the chair warm?

It was as if someone had been sitting there.

Freya spun around abruptly, locking eyes with Ashe, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, hiding his face behind a book, and secretly peeking. Although Ashe quickly averted his gaze, Freya was completely brought back to reality.

She wore a pondering expression, raising a single finger and pointing at Ashe dreamily, “Ah, are you the Slashing Fish Dragon!?”

“No, I’m not.”

“Then, then, are you the Azure Fire Dragon?”

“No, not that either.”

Freya couldn’t think of any other possibilities: “Then which Mud Cafe’s Mud Worker are you? I don’t recall ordering a home service for tonight.”

In fact, home service was quite expensive, and she had been spending a lot lately, unable to afford it.

“I’m not a Mud Worker.”

“If you’re not a Mud Worker, then why are you in my house…wait, I saw you when I got home just now. Even if you were providing home service, you shouldn’t have the keys to my house!”

Freya retreated to the balcony door in shock, “Are you a burglar?”

“No, I’m actually the incarnation of the Blood Moon Supreme. I was trapped by my enemies and had to remain in this world in my current form. If you let me stay here for a few nights, once I regain my Supreme status, I could promote you to become a four-winged legendary sorcerer. How does that sound?”

“Really!?” Freya immediately rushed over, grabbed Ashe’s left hand, her tearful eyes filled with hope, “Really a four-winged sorcerer?”

Ashe had to divert his gaze from her dazzling and unabashed headlight eyes, “Of course not.”


“The more you put in, the more you get out. To become a four-winged legendary sorcerer by simply allowing me to stay a few days, there is no such good thing.” Seeing the dissatisfaction on Freya’s face, and the lack of willingness to help, Ashe quickly added, “But I can give you a spirit as a reward, how about that?”

“What kind of spirit?”

“What kind do you want?”

“A Heart Sect spirit!”

“Okay.” Ashe opened his palm, and a curled-up caterpillar spirit appeared in it. Even though it was a caterpillar, it wasn’t disgusting at all, but instead invoked a sincere feeling of pity.

In preparation for an equivalent exchange, during his last exploration into the Virtual Realm, Ashe didn’t immediately convert the spirits he got into game points, but stored them all in his soul. As expected, they came in handy.

“Compassion Art Spirit!” Freya instantly recognized this spirit. Even though it was a common spirit within the Heart Sect, she hadn’t summoned it yet, “Deal! This is the one!”

Freya reached out to take it, but Ashe pulled his hand back.

“I’ll give it to you when I leave.”

“How do I know you won’t go back on your word?”

Ashe was prepared, pulling out a glowing white contract paper, “We can sign a contract, this is a contract paper made by an insurance agent.”

This paper was made by Igor. As an insurance agent, Igor naturally had the ability to create Miracle Contract Papers.

The relationship between Ashe and Igor was not of Igor’s volition. However, Ashe’s reason was “I might need to sign a temporary contract with someone during my jailbreak”. Perhaps Igor couldn’t refuse a request that could aid in the jailbreak, or perhaps he was just tired of Ashe’s nagging, so in the end, he unwillingly let Ashe freeload several times.

Freya blinked, “Well… okay then.”

Without further delay, Ashe began drafting the contract. The terms were simple: Ashe could stay at Freya’s house for a few days and use the tools there, and Freya wouldn’t disclose Ashe’s presence in any way. In return, Ashe had to give the Compassion Art Spirit to Freya before he left.

Freya watched Ashe draft the contract, pressing her hands inward, her large white bosom forming a holy cleavage. Catching a glimpse of this beautiful sight from the corner of his eye, Ashe almost wrote his own name as ‘Big Soft White’.

“How did you know my name is Freya Hoyle?”

“Your notebook has your name on it.”

“And the name of the Blood Moon Supreme is Ashe Heath?”

“Do you have a problem with that?”

“None at all.”

The contract was finalized, Ashe signed his name, and handed the pen to Freya.

Freya took the pen and paused, seemingly pondering something. Ashe watched her, cold sweat pouring down his spine, but she quickly signed her own name.

The contract took effect, an invisible shackle connecting Ashe and Freya. Ashe breathed a sigh of relief. Not only did he temporarily have a place to stay, but he could also use Freya’s Screen of Knowledge to browse the Canopy and gather information, allowing him to slowly plan his side missions.

Fortunately, he was able to find a college girl who wasn’t too bright. He had been prepared, if he couldn’t freeload using his “apocalypse observer” ability, he would immediately relocate, even if it meant living under a bridge for a few days. It would just make investigating Professor Sylin a bit more difficult.

But don’t they have text scams in this world? A college girl who hasn’t even seen scam messages like ‘I, the Blood Moon Supreme, need money’?

“You’re actually the leader of the Four Pillars God Cult, Ashe Heath, aren’t you?”

Freya, holding Xiao Xian, tilted her head, “I even voted for you in the Blood Moon Tribunal before.”



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