Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

With the distraction of the Experience Orb resolved, dividing up the remaining three spirits became easy and relaxed.

Although Sonya strongly demanded that all three spirits go to Ashe, after careful consideration, Ashe chose to take the two less valuable spirits for himself - "Foxfire" and "Lamplight" - and gave the most useful "Moon Silk" to Sonya.


A single-wing spirit.

Limitation: The sorcerer must have a tail.

Basic Effect: Lash out a varying number of blue flames with the tail. The blue flames can cling to a specific target and burn for a period of time. The target feels no pain and may even experience pleasure.

Passive Effect: The sorcerer's fur becomes more lush and flammable.

"Pain and pleasure are but illusions. When you burn away the disguise of skin, you see the inner truth."


A single-wing spirit.

Limitation: The sorcerer must possess a light source or be near one.

Basic Effect: Emit a lamp light that can float freely according to your will.

Passive Effect: You become more spirited in well-lit areas.josei

"It is not light that dispels darkness, but darkness that chases light."

Moon Silk:

A single-wing spirit.

Limitation: The sorcerer must possess a light source or be near one.

Basic Effect: Produce numerous temporarily suspended and taut strands of moonlight.

Passive Effect: You become more agile under moonlight.

"Hear the moonlight weaving the veil of night."

Clearly, "Foxfire" and "Lamplight" were the fox dragon's main means of attack - attaching Foxfire to Lamplight creates flexible and sustained fiery assaults.

Fortunately, they had ambushed the sleeping fox dragon. Otherwise, just the "Foxfire Lamplight" combo would have been enough to overwhelm them, not to mention the "Moon Silk" - Sonya tried it out, and it can produce razor-sharp suspended strands of moonlight in midair. Anyone running into them would be sliced apart instantly. It was like a litigious trap.

Ashe had wanted to take "Moon Silk" too, but he wouldn't be able to use spirits in prison, so having such a good spirit would be meaningless. Hence he chose "Foxfire" and "Lamplight", planning to redeem them for credits directly - since neither of them had tails, they couldn't meet the conditions to use "Foxfire Lamplight".

He left the stronger "Moon Silk" to the Swordswoman as research homework. After all, her learning experiences would be shared with Ashe too. He couldn't leave her with no practice material.

At this point, Ashe suddenly realized a problem: "Can we exchange spirits in the Virtual World?"

Sonya immediately knew what he was getting at: "You want me to help you find a spirit to slash and work miracles, then exchange it in the virtual world?"

"Yeah, after all, you-"

"It won't work."


"Never unlink yourself from a spirit in the Virtual World, or very bad things will happen."

Ashe gulped nervously.

"W-What bad things will happen?"

Sonya shook her head. "The spirit will vanish instantly. No sorcerer has ever caught one back."

"Can't we...can't we chase and catch it back?"

Sonya nodded then shook her head. "You may not realize - we sorcerers are travelers from the outside. In this virtual domain, the spirits are the true masters."

"While spirits can't be considered living things, and it's questionable whether they even think, they undoubtedly possess certain instincts - such as the longing for freedom."

Recalling how the spirits they met on Serendipity Isle had quickly fled, Ashe nodded in agreement. But he was still puzzled.

"The spirits don't escape very quickly. Why can't we catch them?"

"Because those were spirits never captured before. Which do you think is more wary - a rat caught once, or one never caught before? Learning is also an instinct for spirits."

"But no matter how wary, spirits can't run that fast, right?"

Sonya nodded then shook her head again. "In reality, you're right. Unlinking from a spirit in reality, though they will flee, won't affect reality much. They're easy to recapture."

"But the Virtual World is the spirits' home, the origin of all miracles. If a spirit wills it, the entire Virtual World aids its escape."

"Though unsure what price the spirits pay, records show that if you unlink from a spirit in the Virtual World, it vanishes instantly. No sorcerer has ever recaptured one since."

Another path blocked. Ashe sighed, about to leave, but Sonya called for him to stop. "Don't rush off yet. We still have something to split here."

Sonya walked to the small tree the fox dragon had coiled around and plucked two unripe tiny fruits. Ashe accepted one but couldn't identify what fruit it was.

"Phantasmal fruit, soul fruit, mystic fruit - this thing has many names, and comes in different forms, but the effect is the same: Eat it to replenish depleted soul energy and extend exploration time in the Virtual World."

"Oh, and it tastes awful."

Ashe gagged, glaring at the Swordswoman several seconds before recovering from the disgust. It was as bad as eating shit. "Next time, can you put the important point first?"

"Wasn't it nice getting a surprise? I don't wanna eat a second one." Sonya's face was also twisted in revulsion.

Perhaps the Experience Orb had used up their luck, for Ashe didn't find any more "Worth Exploring" or "Welcome" ideal zones afterwards. All he got were "Seeking Death", "Wasted Effort", and even a "Run Away" once.

Returning from the Virtual World to the prison, Ashe redeemed "Foxfire" and "Lamplight" for credits. At 10 credits each, plus the earlier sale of "Burst Shot", Ashe now had 30 credits.

Perfect. A "Source Crystal Set" in the game cost exactly 30 credits.

Although Ashe could keep saving up for a bigger set, after hearing about Professor Storley's bounty on him from Valcas, his sense of peril grew heavier by the day - the prison was no safe haven! Danger lurked everywhere. He had to spend when able, or lose the chance forever.

Spending all 30 credits to buy a "Source Crystal Set", which contained 6 crystals, Ashe obtained 12 crystals total thanks to the first purchase double reward.

Plus the 3 crystals from check-in rewards over the past days, Ashe had 15 crystals for 5 draws!

Drawing again after three days, Ashe washed his hands first, pressed palms together muttering prayers to any deities he could name, even appealing to the origin of this world's miracles: "Oh grand Virtual World, I used your spirits' redemption to draw these cards. In other words, I'm drawing in your stead too. What's yours is mine, and mine will be yours eventually. I won't say more. You get it..."


Single draws since he didn't have enough for a 10x draw. Believe, and miracles will come!

White light, "Vitality Potion!"

More training for the Swordswoman next week it was.

White light, "Basic Combat Card!"

Purple light, "Virtual World Telescope!"

Orange light, "The Swordswoman's Silver Coin!"

Purple light, "Awakening Battle Record!"

Three new items in a row at the end! The allure of single draws.

Virtual World Telescope: Extend observation range by 1 grid when exploring the Virtual World.

The shorter the description, the more powerful the item - Ashe immediately grasped how great this was. His current observation range was only 1 grid, meaning he could only see surroundings out to 8 grids. With this telescope, his view expanded from 3x3 grids to 5x5 grids! The number of observable grids grew from 8 to 24!

A major reason Ashe kept failing to find good exploration zones was his terrible visibility in the Virtual World. Now he could only take the safest paths. With this item, their exploration efficiency improved 50% at least!

The Swordswoman's Silver Coin: One of the three silver coins treasured by the Death Maniac Swordswoman. Lost after many years. If someone brings this coin to meet her, they will receive a reward, or death. Unlocks Bond feature when used.

Though the description was vague, Ashe instantly recognized the gacha game pattern: max limit breaks to unlock more character art and tempt players to spend more.

Using "The Swordswoman's Silver Coin" changed the Death Maniac Swordswoman's info:

Death Maniac Swordswoman

Race: Human Female Age 18

Bond Level: 1 (35% EXP share)

Bond Resonance - Greed: Chance to gain better loot when acting together.

Class: Singlewing Swordsmage

Class Trait: 10% less arcane cost for swordsmage spirits.

Items: Wooden Practice Sword

Spirits: Vibration Sword, Moon Silk, Raging Rapids

Swordsage School: Silver

Light School: Silver

Water School: Novice

Virtual World Exploration: 0.002%

Aside from raised EXP share from 30% to 35%, the main change was the new "Bond Resonance - Greed".

Clearly a character flaw rather than beneficial to Ashe, but the effect was good. He'd let the Swordswoman land the last hits from now on.

Ashe looked at the final draw, "Awakening Battle Record".

Purple meant it was around the same level as the Telescope, so another terrific item.

Awakening Battle Record: Arrange an intense battle for an Operator to enter an awakened state. Gains 250% battle EXP and higher chances of miracles, spirit summoning, and breakthroughs in the awakened state (Danger Level: Moderate).

"I barely have any personal time each day now..."

"I'm so tired..."

"Can we reduce training to one hour a day..."

The Swordswoman's complaints seemed to echo in Ashe's ears. But just then, the prison morning chant began right on time:

"When hurt enough, take it out with both hands, severing yesterday's curses. Stay the night awaiting dawn, leaving just the scars..."

The song appeared to strengthen Ashe's resolve. He decisively used "Awakening Battle Record"!

Selected target: Death Maniac Swordswoman!

"It's for your sake too, Swordswoman!"

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